英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Avenue – Street – Boulevard – 「道路・歩道・車道」を 英語で表現
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Avenue – Street – Walkway – 道路・歩道を 英語で表現
ex) A Street can be defined as a small road.
Street は Road より 狭い(短い) 道路と定義される
street /ˈstriːt/: a road in a city or town that has houses or other buildings on one or both sides
ex) They live on a residential street.
ex) An avenue is much wider than a street.
Street より Avenue の方が 広い道路を表す
avenue /ˈævəˌnuː/: a wide street
ex) We drove down the avenue.

sunset boulevard, ca
□ boulevard (都市部の)目抜き通り
ex) A boulevard is usually wide in appearance when compared to an avenue.
Boulevard は Avenue に比べ 広い道路を表す
boulevard /ˈbʊləˌvɑɚd/: a wide and usually important street that often has trees, grass, or flowers planted down its center or along its sides
ex) Police then blocked off the boulevard.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #079
□ zebra crossing 横断歩道
ex) Zebra crossings help pedestrians cross from one side of the road to the other.
横断歩道は 歩行者が 道路を横断する際に 役立つ
zebra crossing /ˈziːbrə/: a type of pedestrian crossing used in many places around the world
ex) My car was partially on road markings near a zebra crossing.
ex) The alleyway is reserved for pedestrians.
ビルの間の 細い道は 歩行者が利用できる
alley /ˈæli/: a narrow street or passage between buildings
ex) If a paved alley is damaged to the extent that there is a mobility problem.
□ trail 舗装されていない小道
ex) It’s a trail riding adventure for the whole family.
家族皆で楽しめる 舗装されていない道での 乗馬です
trail /ˈtreɪl/: a path through a forest, field, etc.
ex-lv) I’d like to run on a trail with honeysuckle in June.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #255
□ off the beaten track 人里を離れた
ex) Denali National Park is the best off the beaten track travel destinations in Alaska.
人里を離れた観光地として デナリ国立公園は アラスカ州で最高だ
off the beaten track /ˈbiːtn̩/: little-known or in a remote or lesser-known area, as of a place or business.
ex) A “beaten track” refers to a route that is heavily traveled.
ex) We have 1 parking space available, across the road from the subway station.
地下鉄駅を渡った向いに 駐車スペースを1台分持っている
across from /əˈkrɑːs/: opposite
ex) She sat across from me.
□ aisle seats across from the aisle 通路を挟んで 並びの席
C: We prefer to sit in aisle seats across from each other.
通路を挟んだ2席 通路側で 並びが良い
across /əˈkrɑːs/: on the other side of (something)
ex) They put three family members on one side of the aisle and the lone family member in the aisle seat across from them.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #355
□ hit the road 出発する、車で旅に出発する
ex) We have to hit the road very early in the morning.
今朝 早朝に家を出た
hit the road /ˈhɪt/: to depart, especially on a road trip
ex) It’s time to hit the road. I’ll see you.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #065
□ run a red light 信号を無視する
ex) There is no excuse for anyone running a red light.
信号無視 に 言い訳は できない
run a red light /ˈlaɪt/: continue driving through an intersection having a red traffic light without stopping
ex) A red light camera ticket is approximately $100.

英語表現の 「質」を一気に高めよう!
丸ごと使える 英語フレーズ – 1,000
Upgraded English Phrases – #003
□ Try turning a one-way conversation into a dialogue.
一方的な 話しを 対話に変えるようにして
⇒ 反対語を ペアで使って
dialogue /ˈdajəˌlɑːg/: the things that are said by the characters in a story, movie, play, etc.
ex) There’s very little dialogue in the film.
cf) She possesses the art of turning the drab into the fancy.
彼女は 退屈なものを 華やかなものに 変える 術を身につけている
art /ˈɑɚt/: an activity that is done to create something beautiful or to express important ideas or feelings
ex) She studied the art of dance.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,527

Rumble Strip
□ rumble strip (道路 車向け)スピード防止帯、ランブルストリップ(自動車の速度を落とさせるための 凹型の溝)
ex) The driver of a vehicle passing over a rumble strip hears an audible warning.
スピード防止帯の 上を走る車の運転手は 音による 警告を聞くことになる
rumble strip /ˈrəmbəl strip/: a series of raised strips across a road or along its edge, changing the noise a vehicle’s tires make on the surface and so warning drivers of speed restrictions or of the edge of the road
ex) The noise sounds almost like engine braking or driving on a rumble strip.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #781
□ rumble お腹がなる = growling、(車が)がらがら音を立てる、轟音(ごうおん)を立てる
ex) I got hungry and my stomach started rumbling. (= growling)
rumble /ˈrʌmbəl/: to make a low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds
ex) Thunder rumbled in the distance.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #494
□ cul-de-sac (道路)行き止まり
ex) Our house is located on a quiet cul-de-sac.
私たちの家は 静かな 道の行き止まりにある
cul–de–sac /ˈkʌldɪˌsæk/ : a street that is designed to connect to another street only at one end
ex) We frequently see in cul de sacs that vehicles will pull in perpendicular to the roadway.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #177
□ perpendicular 直角に交わる、垂直の
ex) The perpendicular line is a line that crosses another line at a 90° angle.
2本の直線が 90度で 交わることを 垂直線という
perpendicular /ˌpɚpənˈdɪkjəlɚ/: going straight up or to the side at a 90 degree angle from another line or surface
ex) She lives on the street that is perpendicular to mine.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,071
□ dead end 行き止まり、袋小路
ex) The second corner is a dead end so make sure you don’t go in there.
2つめの角は 行き止まりなので、入らないように注意して
dead end /ˈdɛd/: a street that ends instead of joining with another street so that there is only one way in and out of it
ex) We came to a dead end and had to turn around.
ex) This road runs down to the city center.
この道路は 街の中心部まで 続いている
run /ˈrʌn/ : to go or extend in a particular direction
ex) The road runs through the mountain.
ex) Run-off-the-road crashes account for more than 20 percent of all police-reported crashes.
道路から外れた車による 衝突事故は、衝突事故の原因の 20% 以上を占める
run /ˈrʌn/: to cause (a driver or vehicle) to move in a particular direction
ex) That car tried to run me off the road.
ex) If you are concerned about trespassers coming onto your land, start with a “Private Property” or “No Trespassing” sign in a visible place.
私有地への 侵入を懸念するようであれば、「私有地」や 「進入禁止」の看板を 目につく所に 掲げることから始めましょう
trespass /ˈtrɛˌspæs/: to go on someone’s land without permission
ex) He told me I was trespassing.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #206
□ trespasser (私有地などへの違法)侵入者
ex) The trespasser left immediately on request.
私有地への 侵入者は 要望に応じ、速やかにその場を去った
trespasser(ˈtrespəsər): a person entering someone’s land or property without permission.
ex) We found a trespasser on his land.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #518
□ arterial (主要な)鉄道の、幹線の、動脈の
ex) Arterial roads allows higher vehicular speed and commonly have lots of intersections and traffic lights.
arterial /ɑɚˈtʰirijəl/: of or relating to an arter
ex) Arterial thoroughfare is a high-capacity urban road.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,038
□ artery 幹線道路、動脈
ex) Major improvements are currently underway on these major arteries.
主要幹線での 大規模な工事が進行中である
artery /ˈɑɚtəri/: a large road, river, railroad line, etc.
ex) He favors local side roads over major arteries.
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ex) We stayed a wayside inn.
wayside /ˈweɪˌsaɪd/ : the land next to a road or path
ex) Flowers grew along the wayside.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,502
□ go by the wayside (問題の解決など)棚上げされる、隅に追いやられる
ex) Nothing has gone by the wayside.
go by the wayside /ˈweɪˌsaɪd/: into a state of no longer being considered, used, etc.
ex) We were going to redo the kitchen this spring, but those plans have fallen/gone by the wayside.
= We have dropped/abandoned those plans.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,503
□ fall by the wayside (途中で)挫折する、諦める
ex) Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.
未熟な人達は 状況が困難に出会うと 途中で諦める
fall by the wayside /ˈweɪˌsaɪd/ If a person or plan falls by the wayside, they fail or stop before they complete what they set out to do.
ex) A business lunch doesn’t mean you have to let your healthy lifestyle fall by the wayside.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,124
□ resurface (道路を)再舗装する、(いなくなった後)再び現れる
ex) The road needs to be resurfaced.
その道路は 再舗装が必要だ
resurface /riˈsɚfəs/ : to put a new surface on (something) : to refinish or repair the surface of (something)
ex) His resentment toward her resurfaced.
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