英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Refuse – Turn Down 断る・拒否する

子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週少しづつ、英語例文・フレーズを増やしています。 言えそうで 言えない英語表現、学校の英語教科書には登場しない英会話フレーズが中心です。 コツコツ型の方に、お勧めの英語学習法 – 例文数も 5,000件を超えました (ver. 1 を含む)。 Twitter で 毎日 英語例文をお届けしています!

こんな英語学習者の方に お勧めです
– 日常生活で 頻繁に使う 英単語や フレーズを知りたい。
– 英語の雑誌が読めるになりたい。
– 英英辞典の利用に 慣れたい。
– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。

Refuse – Turn Down 断る・拒否する を英語で表現

□ turn down 断る
ex) We turned down his proposal in a roundabout way.
彼の申し出を 婉曲的に断った

turn down: to say no to … especially in a polite way
ex) They turned down our invitation.

refuse 断る (I won’t do that.)
ex) I refused to pay extra.
追加料金を支払うことを 断った

ex) We refused the invitation.

refuse /rɪˈfjuːz/: to say that you will not accept (something, such as a gift or offer)
ex) The offer was too good to refuse.
= The offer was so good that I had to accept it.

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Advanced English Expressions – #030

disavow (知識や関与を)否定する、否認する
ex) Why do some people disavow feminine females?
なぜ 人々は 女性らしい女性を 否定するのか?

disavow /ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ/ : to deny that you know about or are involved in (something)
ex) He disavowed the actions of his subordinates.

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Advanced English Expressions – #902

disallow (真実だと)認めない、(有効性を)否定する
ex) The court disallowed [=rejected] their claim.
裁判所は 彼らの主張を否定した

disallow /ˌdɪsəˈlaʊ/ : to refuse to allow (something) : to officially decide that (something) is not acceptable or valid
ex) The touchdown was disallowed because of a penalty.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

refuse to comment      発言を拒否する
ex) Most political leaders chose not to comment on that case.
多くの政治家たちが その件についてのコメントを控えた

comment /ˈkɑːˌmɛnt/: to make a statement about someone or something : to make a comment
ex) When asked about his involvement in the scandal, he refused/declined to comment.

Q. RejectDeny は 同じ意味ですか?

Reject は拒否するで、Refuse, Decline と ほぼ同じ意味です。
Deny は 受け入れない (= not allow) の意味で Accept の 反対語です。

reject 拒否する
ex) He rejected my excuse for being late.
遅刻の言い訳を 受け入れなかった

ex) Stay open to different opinions instead of rejecting them.
異なるアイデアを を拒まずに受け入れよう

reject /rɪˈʤɛkt/: to refuse to believe, accept, or consider …
ex) She rejected the letter and returned it unopened.
= She did not accept the delivery of the letter, etc.

reject 却下した物
ex) Stack the promising applications here, and put the rejects over there.
有望な応募書類はこちらに重ねて。 却下した分は あちらに置いて。

reject /rɪˈʤɛkt/: something that is not good enough for some purpose : something that cannot be used or accepted
ex) One way to save on clothing costs is to buy (factory) rejects.
= clothes that are sold for a lower price because they have flaws

rejection /rɪˈʤɛkʃən/ 拒否
ex) Rejection and failure are so intrinsically linked.
拒否と 失敗は 本質的に関連している

rejection /rɪˈʤɛkʃən/: the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
ex) The committee was unanimous in its rejection of my proposal.


intrinsic 生来の生まれつきの内在する
ex) People have an intrinsic right to health care.
人は 生来 医療治療を受ける 権利を持っている

intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/: belonging to the essential nature of a thing
ex) Intrinsic motivation is the inherent tendency to seek out challenges, to exercise one’s capacities, to explore and to learn.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

decline 断る
ex) They offered me a job but I declined it.

decline /dɪˈklaɪn/: to say no to something in a polite way
ex) Regretfully, we have to decline [=turn down] the invitation to your wedding.

deny  拒否する、認めない ⇔ admit
ex) She denied him the right to visit her daughter.
彼女の娘に会う権利を 認めなかった

□ be denied a mortgage on a house    住宅ローンを拒否される
ex) We were denied the mortgage for the amount we applied for.
申請した 住宅ローンの融資を 拒否された

deny /dɪˈnaɪ/: to refuse to accept or admit (something)
ex) You can’t deny her beauty.
= You can’t deny that she is beautiful.

denial 否定
ex) He issued a categorical denial about his involvement in the deal.

denial /dɪˈnajəl/: : a statement saying that something is not true or real : a statement in which someone denies something
ex) The accusations have met with angry denials from school officials.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,107

categorical 絶対的な明確な
ex) She categorically denied the accusation.
彼女は 疑惑を断固として否定した

categorical /ˌkætəˈgorɪkəl/ : said in a very strong, clear, and definite way
ex) Categorical means absolute, unqualified, unconditional.

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Casual English Phrases – #226

□ shoot down   (案など)受け入れない、ボツにする
ex) My idea was immediately shot down.
= My idea was shot down in flames.
私のアイデアは すぐにボツになった

shoot down: to reject (something) completely
ex) Whenever I offer an opinion, they just shoot me down.

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kill    ボツにする、却下する
ex) We need to kill bad ideas.
悪い案は ボツにする必要がある

kill /ˈkɪl/ : to cause the end of (something)
ex) If she enters the contest, it will kill [=destroy] our chances of winning.

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Advanced English Expressions – #080

□ rebuff   拒否、拒否する
ex) She rebuffed him when he asked her for a date.

ex) Our suggestion was met with a sharp rebuff.
私たちの提案は 激しい拒否に見舞われた

rebuff /rɪˈbʌf/ : to refuse (something, such as an offer or suggestion) in a rude way
ex) Our suggestion was immediately rebuffed.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Casual English Phrases – #446

nix 拒否する
ex) We quickly nixed [=rejected] his idea.
彼の案を すぐに拒否した

nix /ˈnɪks/: to refuse to accept or allow (something) : to say no to (something, such as a suggestion or plan)
ex) He nixed the deal just before it was to be signed.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,512

□ give a brush-off   (頼み事などに 無関心に)断る
ex) I got the brush-off when I asked her for help.

brush–off /ˈbrʌʃˌɑːf/ : rude treatment or behavior by someone who is not interested at all in what another person wants or asks for
ex) He’s been giving her the brush-off.
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Casual English Phrases – #575

wave aside (返答や、検討を)拒む
ex) The officer waved aside my questions.

wave aside /ˈweɪv/: to refuse to consider or respond to (something)
ex) Don’t just wave aside this issue during the meeting—people deserve an answer.

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Advanced English Expressions – #464

dismissive (考える事・検討することを)拒否している否定的な
ex) He was dismissive of my idea.
彼は 私の意見を 検討することを 拒んだ

dismissive /dɪsˈmɪsɪv/: refusing to think about or consider something or someone — usually + of
ex) If you have a dismissive boss, chances are you will react by withdrawing and not contributing optimally to the organization.

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Advanced English Expressions – #995

spurn (申し出などを 軽蔑するように)拒絶する突っぱねる
ex) She spurned [=rejected] their offer.
彼女は 彼らの申し出を 断った

spurn /ˈspɚn/: To reject with disdain or contempt.
ex) She spurned my offers of help.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,015

repudiate (断固として)否定する認めない
ex) He has publicly repudiated the government’s policies.
彼は 政府の政策を断固として否定した

repudiate /rɪˈpjuːdiˌeɪt/ : to refuse to accept or support: to reject
ex) She says she has evidence which repudiates the allegations.

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Plenty – Sufficient – 十分な・不十分な を英語で表現

Worse – Worsen – 悪くなる・悪化 を英語で表現

Scope – Range – Parameters – 範囲・広範囲 を英語で表現

Feel at ease – 安心・安全な を英語で表現

Jeans – Denim – ジーンズを買う を英語で表現

Steal – Snatch – 盗む・盗難 を英語で表現

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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