英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Trustworthy – Credibility 「信頼・信頼する・約束」を英語で表現
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Trustworthy – Credibility 信頼・信頼するを英語で表現
ex) He is not to be trusted.
trust /ˈtrʌst/ : to believe that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.
ex) Working together is going to be difficult if you don’t trust each other.
ex) We need a trustworthy [=dependable] news source.
trustworthy /ˈtrʌstˌwɚði/ : able to be relied on to do or provide what is needed or right
ex) I have some trustworthy friends.

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Casual English Phrases – #117
□ staunch 頼れる、信頼できる
ex) He has been a staunch supporter of the political party.
彼は その政治団体の忠実なサポーターである
staunch /ˈstɑːntʃ/: very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause
ex) She is a staunch advocate of women’s rights.

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Casual English Phrases – #771
□ You have my word. 約束するよ
ex) I’ll do it. You have my word.
僕が それをすると、約束するよ
You have my word. /ˈwɚd/: I’ll do what I promised, no matter what.
ex) “You have my word.” means “I give you a guarantee.”

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Casual English Phrases – #1,454
□ take one’s word for it (言ったことを)信じる、信頼する
ex) Though she was skeptical she said “I’ll take your word for it.”
彼女は 疑ってはいたが、「あなたの言葉を信じる」と言った
take someone’s word (for it) /ˈwɚd/: believe what someone says or writes without checking for oneself.
ex) Take my word for it, she still loves you!
ex) Their story seemed credible [=believable, plausible] at first.
彼らの話しは 最初は 信用できるように思えた
credible /ˈkrɛdəbəl/ : able to be believed
ex) We’ve received credible information about the group’s location.
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Advanced English Expressions – #950
□ discredit 信頼性を傷つける、評判を落とす
ex) Many of his theories have been thoroughly discredited.
彼の理論の多くが 完全に 信頼性を落とした
discredit /dɪsˈkrɛdət/ : to cause (someone or something) to seem dishonest or untrue
ex) The prosecution discredited the witness by showing that she had lied in the past.
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ex) The scandal undermined/damaged her credibility as an honest politician.
そのスキャンダルは 彼女が誠実な政治家であるという信頼化を 損ねた
ex) It will give the products even more credibility.
credibility /ˌkrɛdəˈbɪləti/ : the quality of being believed or accepted as true, real, or honest
ex) The new evidence lends credibility to their theory.
ex) Badly malfunctioning wardrobe will undermine your credibility.
趣味の悪い 服装は 信頼性を損ねることになるかもしれない
undermine /ˌʌndɚˈmaɪn/: to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way
ex) She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss.
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Advanced English Expressions – #095
□ undermine 弱体化させる、…を徐々に弱らせる、… の土台を壊す
ex) The events of the past year have undermined people’s confidence in the government.
昨年の出来事は 民衆の政府に対する 信頼を 弱めることになった
undermine /ˌʌndɚˈmaɪn/: to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages
ex) An example of to undermine is a weak person on a team making the team lose a game.
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Advanced English Expressions – #624
□ insidious 油断のならない、狡猾な、(病気など)知らぬ間に進行する
ex) Workplace stress is an insidious enemy.
職場での ストレスは 油断すると迫ってくる 敵である
insidious /ɪnˈsɪdijəs/: causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed
ex) Most people with this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected.

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Advanced English Expressions – #403
□ credulity 信頼
ex) My credulity has to do with a technical term, “classifications”
私の 商品に対する信頼は 専門家による 格付け と関連している
credulity /krɪˈduːləti/: ability or willingness to believe something
ex) Although most of the book is believable, its ending tests/strains credulity.
= Its ending is difficult to believe; its ending does not seem true or possible.
ex) Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.
そのようなバカげた事を信じる人は ほとんどいない
credulous /ˈkrɛʤələs/: too ready to believe things : easily fooled or cheated
ex) Sometimes all an entrepreneur needs is a few credulous people willing to say that they have a chance.
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Advanced English Expressions – #496
□ incredulous 疑うような、懐疑的な
ex) He was incredulous at the news.
彼は そのニュースに対して 懐疑的である
incredulous /ɪnˈkrɛʤələs/: not able or willing to believe something : feeling or showing a lack of belief
ex) She listened to his explanation with an incredulous smile.
ex) Once I went through a loss of faith.
かつて 信頼を失った
faith /ˈfeɪθ/: strong belief or trust in someone or something
ex) His supporters have accepted his claims with blind/unquestioning faith.
ex) Dogs are often celebrated for their faithful nature.
犬は 忠実な性向で 知られている
faithful /ˈfeɪθfəl/: having or showing true and constant support or loyalty
ex) The rugs they make today remain faithful to their ancestors’ methods.
Q. trustworthy と faithful の違いは 何ですか?
A. trustworthy は 信頼に値する (deserving of trust)を意味します。
faithful は 忠誠・忠実 (loyal) で 信頼できる の意味を持ちます
ex) He has been playing poorly, but his devoted fans have kept the faith.
= they have continued to support him.
彼の成績は 芳しくないが、それでも ファンは彼を信頼し続ける
keep the faith /ˈfeɪθ/: to continue to believe in when it is difficult to do so
ex) I have a hard time keeping the faith when I know how bad his temper can be.

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Casual English Phrases – #136
□ leap of faith やみくもな信頼
ex) It takes/requires a leap of faith to believe that this project can succeed.
このプロジェクトが 成功しうると 信じることは かなり やみくもな 思い込みだ
leap of faith /ˈfeɪθ/: an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved.
ex) Anyone investing in new media today has to make a leap of faith.
□ make a leap of faith in …への信頼を大きく増やす
ex) He has taken/made a leap of faith in starting his own business.
彼は 新規ビジネスの開始において 大きな信頼を得た
A leap of faith is a decision to believe that something is true or possible even though other people may doubt it.

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Advanced English Expressions – #933
□ stalwart 忠誠心のあつい、断固たる、(体格)屈強な
ex) It’s time to recognize your stalwart employees.
忠誠心のあつい 従業員を 認識するべきだ
stalwart /ˈstɑːlwɚt/ : very loyal and dedicated
ex) He remained a stalwart supporter of the cause.

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Advanced English Expressions – #949
□ treacherous 信頼できない、不誠実な、(場所、環境)危険な
ex) He is treacherous, or at least sneaky.
彼は 信頼できない、控えめに言っても ずるい
treacherous /ˈtrɛtʃərəs/ : not able to be trusted
ex) The snow made their hike all the more treacherous.
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Casual English Phrases – #126
□ straight dope 信頼できる情報、正しい情報
ex) He gave us the straight dope.
straight dope /ˈdoʊp/: the true information; the full story.
ex) I just feel like these doctors are never giving me the straight dope about her condition.
□ straight scoop 信頼できる裏情報、正しい裏情報
ex) We want the straight scoop on politics.
信頼できる 政治に関する裏ネタが 知りたい
straight scoop /ˈskuːp/: a true back-story or set of facts
ex) Reporters at the city’s three tabloid papers usually compete for scoops.

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Advanced English Expressions – #011
□ infallible 全く誤りのない、信頼のおける
ex) He’s is far from the infallible, all-knowing investigator.
彼は 信頼のおける 物事を熟知した 調査官というには 程遠い
infallible /ɪnˈfæləbəl/ : not capable of being wrong or making mistakes : not fallible
ex) There is no infallible remedy to these problems.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,058
□ one’s right arm 信頼できる片腕
ex) He calls me his right arm and depends upon my judgment.
彼は 私を 彼の右腕 と呼び、私の判断に頼る
right arm /ˈɑɚm/: one’s most reliable helper.
ex) My employer calls me his right arm and depends upon my knowledge and judgment.