英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Result – Consequence – Upshot – 「結果・成果・結論」
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– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。
Result – Consequence – Upshot – 「結果・成果・結論」 を英語で表現
ex) The book is the result of years of hard work and dedication.
その本は 長年の 勤勉と 献身の結果である
result /rɪˈzʌlt/: something that is caused by something else that happened or was done before
ex) The tower collapsed as a result of safety violations.
ex) Our results show that this type of accident is not common.
結果は その種の事故が 一般的でないことを 明らかにした
show /ˈʃoʊ/ : demonstrate or prove
ex) The experts say this result shows the benefit of regular inspections”·
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Casual English Phrases – #507
□ payoff (努力に対する)良い結果、報い
ex) You’ll have to work hard but there’ll be a large payoff in the end.
一生懸命 働かなくてはならないが 最終的には 良い結果に 報われるであろう
payoff /ˈpeɪˌɑːf/: a good result : the advantage or benefit that is gained from doing something
ex) We expected more of a payoff for all our hard work.
ex) We are on hand to help you achieve the best possible end result.
最善の最終結果に 到達できるよう、私たちは 手助けします
end result /ˈen(d) rəˌzəlt/: the final result or outcome of an activity or process.
ex) The end result is the waste of dozens of hours of police time.
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Casual English Phrases – #1,310
□ on hand (特定の目的のために)いつでも利用できる、ある
ex) My trainer is on hand to give advice.
on hand /hænd/: available for use
ex) We have plenty of water on hand.
ex) Excessive eating tends to result in obesity.
食べ過ぎは 肥満という結果になりがちだ
result in /rɪˈzʌlt/: to cause (something) to happen
ex) The disease resulted in his death.
ex) The majority of car accidents results from speeding.
交通事故の大半は スピードの出しすぎにより 発生する
result /rɪˈzʌlt/: to happen because of something else that happened or was done before (usually + from)
ex) The fire resulted from an explosion.
ex) Whatever the game result is, we won’t change our policy.
試合の 結果はどうであれ、方針を変えることはないでしょう
whatever /wɑtˈɛvɚ/: anything or everything that
ex) Unless intention precedes the deed, whatever results is thoughtless and aimless.
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Advanced English Expressions – #188
□ precede … … に先んじる、… に先立つ
ex) Riots preceded the Civil War.
南北戦争に先立って 暴動があった
If Civil War is preceded by Riot, it means Riot precedes or comes before Civil War.
If Riot is followed by Civil War, it means Civil War comes after Riot.
precede /prɪˈsiːd/: to happen, go, or come before (something or someone)
ex) The meeting was preceded by a brief welcoming speech.
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ex) The slightest error can have serious consequences.
僅かな誤りが 深刻な結果をもたらすこともある
consequence /ˈkɑːnsəˌkwɛns/: something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
ex) Predictable consequences are essential to keeping an orderly and well behaved classroom or school.
* result と consequence の違い: 結果を意味する 同義語。 result は 最終結果を表し、
consequence は ある事象が 進行する中、その途中で起こる結果を意味します。
また consequence は 悪いこと ( an unpleasant result) に用いる場合が 多い。
ex) Hundreds of people became sick as a consequence [=as a result] of the poor sanitary conditions.
不衛生な状態の結果、数百人の人々が 体調を崩した
as a consequence /ˈkɑːnsəˌkwɛns/: as an effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier
ex) She has lived in France, and as a consequence speaks French fluently.
□ partly as a consequence その結果の一つとして
ex) Partly as a consequence, most people have found it difficult to work 7 days in a row.
その結果の一つとして、多くの人々が 一週間続けて働くのは 難しいと 気がついた
partly /ˈpɑɚtli/: somewhat but not completely
ex) We’re both partly [=partially] to blame for what happened.

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Advanced English Expressions – #692
□ pay the consequences (自分の行為の結果に対し) 責任を取る
ex) When you rob the cradle, expect to pay the consequences.
pay the consequences /ˈkɑːnsəˌkwɛns/: to face, accept, or suffer repercussions for one’s actions or words, especially that which would be expected to incur punishment
ex) If you overdose on drink on a night out you will have to pay the consequences.
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Advanced English Expressions – #052
□ ramification (予期しない)影響、結果、問題
ex) They discussed the possible ramifications (= consequences) of the new treaty.
新しい契約に関し 起こりうる 予期せぬ 影響について 討論した
ramification /ˌræməfəˈkeɪʃən/: something that is the result of an action, decision, etc.
ex) The government’s actions in this case could have major political ramifications.
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ex) We are still awaiting the final outcome of the trial.
裁判の最終判決を まだ 待っている所であ
* result と outcome は 結果を表す 同義語。 outcome の方が 最終結果に近い
outcome /ˈaʊtˌkʌm/: something that happens as a result of an activity or process : result
ex) We’re waiting for the outcome of the election.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #257
□ upshot 結果、結末
ex) The upshot of the disagreement was that they broke up the partnership.
不和の結果は パートナーシップの解消に至った
upshot /ˈʌpˌʃɑːt/ : the final result or outcome of a process, discussion, etc.
ex) The upshot is that we’ll see him Thursday.

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Advanced English Expressions – #726
□ ensue 後に続いて起きる、結果として起きる
ex) In the ensuing weeks, [=in the weeks afterward] her health gradually improved.
その後 数週間で 彼女の健康状態は改善した
ensue /ɪnˈsuː/: to come at a later time : to happen as a result
ex) When the news broke, a long period of chaos ensued.
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Casual English Phrases – #037
□ come out in the wash (結果的に)うまくいく、(最終的に)良い結果に終わる
ex) Don’t be upset. It will all come out in the wash.
慌てないで。 最終的には 全てうまくいくから
come out in the wash /ˈwɑːʃ/: to have a good or satisfactory result
ex) Whatever the mayor is trying to cover up will all come out in the wash.
ex) What are the effects of eye strain caused by intense exposure to screens.
スクリーンを集中して見ること(原因)による 眼精疲労の 結果(症状・病気)は どのようなものですか?
effect /ɪˈfɛkt/: a change that results when something is done or happens
ex) He now needs more of the drug to achieve the same effect.
ex) We need to grasp the causes and effects of some events.
幾つかの事象に関して 原因と結果を把握する必要があるでしょう
cause and effect /ˈkɑːz/: the operation or relation of a cause and its effect.
ex) Cause and effect play an important part in the universe.
ex) Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. – Henry Fond
間違えでさえ 結果的には 価値ある達成に必要な一部となることもある – ヘンリー・フォード
turn out to be … /ˈtɚn/: used to say that something or someone eventually becomes something or is found to have a particular identity, quality, ability, etc.
ex) The play turned out to be a success.
ex) Some people end up being successful in life.
最終的に 人生の成功者になる者もいる
□ end up in … … の結果に終わる
ex) Their marriage of 3 years ended up in divorce.
彼らの3年間に及ぶ結婚生活は 離婚の結果に終わった
end up /ˈɛnd/: to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected
ex) The book ended up in the trash.
ex) She ended up rich.
= She ended up a rich woman.
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Casual English Phrases – #193
□ a raw deal 不公平なこと、不公平な結果
ex) We’re getting a raw deal [=are being treated unfairly] with the new tax laws.
新しい税法により 不利な結果を得ることになる
raw deal /ˈrɑː/: an unfair way of treating someone
ex) She really got a raw deal at that job.

ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #004
□ spell 良くない結果となる
ex) Their carelessness could spell trouble for all of us.
彼らの 不注意な状態は 私たち皆に 問題をもたらすであろう
spell /ˈspɛl/: to have or lead to (a particular result or effect)
ex) Her boss’s resignation spelled the end to her troubles.
= Her troubles ended when her boss resigned.
ex) If the landfill plan goes ahead, it could spell disaster for the turtles.
もし 埋立事業が開始されれば、亀の生態系に 被害をもたらすであろう
If something spells a particular result, often an unpleasant one, it suggests that this will be the result.
ex) The plans would spell disaster for the economy.
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Advanced English Expressions – #323
□ corollary (当然の)結果、必然的帰結
ex) A corollary [=result, by-product] of increased poverty is more crime.
貧困率上昇の結果は 高い犯罪率である
corollary /ˈkorəˌleri/: something that naturally follows or results from another thing
ex) As a corollary, I’ve also been cheered by e-mails from parents realizing that life doesn’t have to end when you have kids.
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Casual English Phrases – #347
□ for better or for worse どんな結果になるかは別として
ex) We’ve made our decision and now we have to stick to it for better or worse.
for better or (for) worse /ˈwɚs/ : whether good or bad things happen
ex) For better or worse, he’s your brother and he needs your help.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,116
□ pending (前)…の間、…の結果が出るまで
ex) He is being held in jail pending trial.
pending /ˈpɛndɪŋ/: while waiting for ..
ex) She received a four-year sentence and is currently out on bail pending appeal.
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Advanced English Expressions – #045
□ progeny (努力などの)結果
ex) Their work is the progeny of many earlier studies.
彼らの作品は 初期の多くの研究の結果(賜物)である
progeny /ˈprɑːʤəni/: a result or outcome
ex) The word progeny is used figuratively to describe an outcome or a result of something.
□ progeny 子孫、継承
ex) They set aside funds to ensure the welfare of their progeny.
彼らは 富を 子孫の幸福のため 蓄えた
progeny /ˈprɑːʤəni/: offspring or immediate descendants of a person, animal or plant
ex) The old man longs to connect with his progeny.
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