英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Postage – Send in – 郵便物・郵便配達

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Postage – Send in – 郵便物・郵便配達 を英語で表現

postage 郵便料金
ex) How much is the postage?

postage /ˈpoʊstɪʤ/ : the cost of sending a letter or package by mail
ex) Enclose two dollars for postage and handling.

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put a letter in the mailbox   手紙を投函する
ex) Drop a letter in the mailbox.
手紙を1通 郵便箱に投函して

mailbox /ˈmeɪlˌbɑːks/: a public box in which letters and packages are placed to be collected and sent out
ex On the way to work, I dropped my letters in the corner mailbox.
— called also (British) letter box, (British) postbox

postmark 消印、消印の押された
ex) Mail a letter with this holiday-themed postmark.
祝日記念の 消印を押した手紙を送ろう

postmark /ˈpoʊstˌmɑɚk/: to put a postmark on (something)
ex) The package was postmarked 13 February.

under-paid postage 郵便料金の不足 = short pay
ex) Under-paid postage results from not applying enough postage to the mail piece.
郵便物に対して 必要な額の切手を 貼らないことら 郵便料金の不足が起きる

underpay /ˌʌndɚˈpeɪ/ : to pay too little for something
ex) She underpaid for her meal.

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Casual English Phrases – #342

underpay 料金を少なく払う
ex) He realized that he had underpaid the cashier.
彼は レジで 料金を少なく支払った ことに 気づいた

underpay /ˌʌndɚˈpeɪ/: to pay too little for something
ex) The company underpays its workers.

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envelope 封筒
ex) What are the sizes of your envelopes?
封筒のサイズは どれ位ですか

□ envelopes with postage paid     料金支払い済みの封筒
ex) Postage-paid envelopes are often used by businesses.
料金支払い済みの封筒は 主に 商業目的で利用される

envelope /ˈɛnvəˌloʊp/: an enclosing cover for a letter, card, etc.
ex) A stamped, self-addressed envelope has been enclosed for your convenience.


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Casual English Phrases – #279

push the envelope  限界に挑む、高い目標に向かう
ex) These are extremely clever stories that consistently push the envelope of TV comedy.
それらは 秀逸な物語で、確実に テレビコメディの 限界枠を広げている

push the envelope (ˈɛnvəˌloʊp): to go beyond the usual or normal limits by doing something new, dangerous, etc.
ex) The director has pushed the envelope in his recent films.

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□ metered mail   料金別納郵便
cf) A stamp gets more attention than a meter.
料金別納郵便よりも 切手の方が より人目を引く

metered mail /ˈmiːtɚ/: mail on which the postage is printed directly on an envelope
ex) Metered mail allows small businesses to use a meter to print postage on mailpieces as proof of payment.

postage stamp 郵便切手
ex) Can I have a 39-cent stamp?
39セントの郵便切手を1枚 買えますか?

stamp /ˈstæmp/: a small piece of paper that you buy and then stick to an envelope or package to pay the cost of mailing it
ex) Stamp collecting can be a lifetime hobby.

commemorative stamp 記念切手
ex) Commemorative stamp sheets are often issued for special events.
記念切手は 特別な行事の際 発行される

commemorative stamp/kəˈmɛmrətɪv/: a postage stamp, often issued on a significant date such as an anniversary, to honor or commemorate a place, event, person, or object
ex) If you have a truly rare stamp sheet, it could be worth thousands of dollars.

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Advanced English Expressions – #133

commemorative 記念の、追悼の
ex) Modern commemorative coin program began over 40 years ago.
記念硬貨 の発行プログラムは 40年以上前に始まった

commemorative /kəˈmɛmrətɪv/: intended to honor an important event or person from the past a commemorative ceremony
ex) A large crowd of people is expected to gather to witness the commemorative ceremony.

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money order   郵便為替
ex) Money orders can be purchased at any post office location.
郵便為替は どこの郵便局でも 購入できる

money order /ˈmənē ˌôrdər/: a printed order for payment of a specified sum, issued by a bank or a post office.
ex) A money order is a certificate, usually issued by a government or banking institution.

flat rate   均一料金
ex) This service will ship your package anywhere in the U.S. ifor a flat fee.
このサービスでは 均一料金で アメリカ中どこでも 小包を配送します

flat rate /ˈflat ˈˌrāt/: a charge that is the same in all cases, not varying in proportion with something
ex) Our flat rate is one of the best value postage shipping solutions.

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Casual English Phrases – #735

in transit 配達中に
ex) Contents might break through the envelope while it’s in transit.
配送中に 中味が封筒を突き破る 可能性もある

transit /ˈtrænsət/: the act of moving people or things from one place to another
ex) Some of the goods were lost in transit.
= Some of the goods were lost in the process of being transported.

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Advanced English Expressions – #213

certified mail 配達証明書付き郵便
ex) The mail carrier is responsible for delivering various types of letters including certified mails.
郵便配達人は 配達証明書付き郵便 を含む あらゆる種類の郵便物を 配達することを 職務とする

certified /ˈsɚtəˌfaɪd/ adjective: having met the official requirements that are needed to do a particular type of work
ex) The rule does not require you to use certified mail, although that is a good idea, so you can get a return receipt.

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□ forward    (郵便物など)転送する
ex) We offer the most advanced mail forwarding service in the industry.
当社は業界でも もっとも進んだ 郵便物 転送サービスを提供している

forward /ˈfoɚwɚd/: to send (something you have received, such as a letter) to someone else
ex) Your letter will be forwarded to the appropriate department.

□ send in   郵送する
ex) He didn’t send in his applications in time.
彼は 履歴書を期限内に 郵送しなかった

send in /ˈsɛnd/: to mail or e-mail (something) to a place
ex) Please send in your poems by October 1.


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Casual English Phrases – #304

send out for … (出前を)頼む
ex) There was no food in the refrigerator, so we decided to send out.
冷蔵庫に 食べ物が 無かったので、出前を頼むことにした

ex) Let’s send out for a pizza!

send out for /ˈsɛnd/: to ask a restaurant to deliver (food) to you
ex) We sent out for pizza.

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Casual English Phrases – #753

send away for … … を送付してもらうよう 頼む、… を取り寄せる
ex) You will have to send away to the manufacturer for a refund.
製造元に 頼んで 返金をしてもらうようにして

send away for /ˈsɛnd/: to ask to receive (something) by sending a letter, coupon, etc.
ex) I sent away for [= sent off for] a free sample.

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□ go out in the mail    郵送される
ex) Does mail go out on Sundays?
日曜日も 郵便物は郵送されますか

ex) What time does the mail go out?
何時にその郵便は 郵送されますか?

go out /ˈgoʊ/: to be sent from a person or place
ex) The message went out by e-mail to all members of the staff.

mailing list 郵送リスト
ex) Place you on the mailing list.

mailing list /ˈmāliNG ˈˌlist/: a list of the names and addresses of people to whom material such as advertising matter, information, or a magazine may be mailed, especially regularly.
ex) If you were a magazine publisher, you would have a list of the mailing addresses of all the subscribers to the magazine.


Refuse – Turn Down 断る・拒否する を英語で表現

Experience – Experienced – 経験 を英語で表現

Local – Express – 各駅停車・急行電車を英語で表現

Time Difference – 時差・時差ぼけ を英語で表現

Jeans – Denim – ジーンズを買う を英語で表現

Straight / Consecutive – 連続 を英語で表現

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!