英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Straight – Consecutive – Successive -「連続・連休・続き」
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Straight – Consecutive – Successive -「連続・連休」 を英語で表現
ex) Sometimes they didn’t speak to each other for 3 days on end.
時々 彼らは3日間連続で 口を聞かない
on end /ˈɛnd/: without interruption
ex) For days on end [=for many days] she didn’t answer the phone.
ex) There are three blue houses in a row.
ex) We lost 3 matches in a row.
3日連続で 試合に負けた
in a row /ˈroʊ/: following one after another
ex) She had her birthday party at the bowling alley three years in a row. (= three consecutive years)
– Straight – 連続で –
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #263
□ for the third straight night 3夜連続で
ex) Riots have broken out for a third straight night.
暴動は 3夜連続で発生した
straight /ˈstreɪt/: without a break
ex) To my British English ear ‘three days straight‘ is something which someone who speaks US English would be more likely to say.
□ take 4 straight days off 4日連続の休暇
ex) We can get 4 straight days off during the New Year’s holidays.
元旦の時期に 4日連続の休みが取れる
ex) He’s been sick for 3 straight days.
straight /ˈstreɪt/: following one after the other in order
ex) He has won three straight [=consecutive] tournaments.
ex) This is the third consecutive month of growth in manufacturing.
3か月連続で 製造業の売上が 成長している
consecutive /kənˈsɛkjətɪv/: following one after the other in a series : following each other without interruption
ex) We had unusually cold temperatures for five consecutive [=successive] days.
ex) We have the long consecutive holiday in May.
Golden Week /ˈwiːk/ : the longest vacation period of the year for most Japanese.
ex) It is difficult under regular circumstances to schedule store employee workweeks to include two consecutive days off.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #208
□ continuum (境のない)連続したつながり
ex) It’s not “left-wing or right-wing” – political opinion is a long continuum – thought most people are somewhere more in the middle.
政治的に右寄り、左よりと分けない。 政治的意見は 一つの長いつながりの上にある – 多くの人は 真ん中よりではあるが
continuum /kənˈtɪnjuwəm/ : a range or series of things that are slightly different from each other and that exist between two different possibilities
ex) His motives for volunteering lie somewhere on the continuum between charitable and self-serving.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) It snowed for four successive [=consecutive] days.
4日連続で 雪が降った
successive /səkˈsɛsɪv/: following one after the other in a series : following each other without interruption
ex) If you want to include three successive days on a calendar, you have to draw an oval around them.
ex) The children started crying, one after another.
子供たちは 次々と泣き始めた
□ one … after another … が次々と、連続して
ex) One person after another walked out of the concert.
人々が次々と コンサート会場を退場していった
ex) Raising 4 children is just one hassle after another.
4人の子供を育てることは せわしないことの連続である
one after another /əˈnʌðɚ/: in a continuing series
ex) The buses kept arriving, one after another.
ex) Accounting is just a continuous repeat of the exact same steps.
経理とは 同じ手順の繰り返し作業である
continuous /kənˈtɪnjuwəs/: happening or existing without a break or interruption
ex) We’ll determine whether continuous repetition or repetition after an interval is more effective in memorizing.
ex) The pictures are numbered and arranged in serial order.
写真には 番号がふられ、番号順に 整頓されている
serial /ˈsirijəl/: arranged or happening in a series
ex) The serial number generator makes sequence numbers.
発音が同じ → serial = cereal /ˈsirijəl/: a breakfast food made from grain
Q. Continuous と Serial の使い分け方は?
A. Continuous は 絶え間のない事(without break)、Serial は 数字などが 規則的に並んでいる事を 意味します。
Serial Numbers = 連番 と覚えると分かりやすいです。

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #179
□ sequential 一連の、順々に起きる
ex) Put the cards in sequential order.
トランプを 数字の順番で 並べなさい
sequential /sɪˈkwɛnʃəl/: of, relating to, or arranged in a particular order or sequence
ex) A file that contains records or other elements that are stored in a sequential and chronological order.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #726
□ ensue 後に続いて起きる、結果として起きる
ex) In the ensuing weeks, [=in the weeks afterward] her health gradually improved.
その後 数週間で 彼女の健康状態は改善した
ensue /ɪnˈsuː/: to come at a later time : to happen as a result
ex) When the news broke, a long period of chaos ensued.
ex) Mom’s birthday comes on the heels of Mother’s Day.
母の誕生日は 母の日のすぐ後に来る
on the heels of /ˈhiːl/: directly behind, immediately following
ex) Hard on the heels of the flood there was a tornado.