英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Space – Interval – スペース・間隔を 開ける
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Space – Interval – スペース・間隔を 開ける を英語で表現
Apart – How far apart の使い方
ex) Dogs should eat two meals each day, about 12 hours apart.
犬は 12時間置きに 1日2食を食べる
□ … minutes apart … 分置きに
ex) In active labor, the contractions are less than 5 minutes apart, lasting 45-60 seconds.
陣痛は5分置きに訪れ、一回 45秒から1分続く
apart /əˈpɑɚt/: separated by an amount of space
ex) He stood with his feet planted far/wide apart.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #321
□ How far apart どれくらい時間を開けて、どれ位 距離を開けて
ex) How far apart should meals be?
食事と食事の間の時間を 開けるべきですか?
ex) How far apart are your meals?
食事と食事の時間を どの位開けていますか?
How far apart /əˈpɑɚt/: placed or kept separately or to one side for a particular purpose, reason, etc.
ex) The two regions are too far apart to have any way of knowing about each other.
ex) Spread out 3 meals equally in the day.
一日の3食の間の時間を 等間隔 にしてください
spread out /ˈsprɛd/ : to move apart from the other members of a group especially to search an area
ex) The police spread out [=fanned out] to search the area faster.
□ lay out きちんと並べる、配列する
ex) Mix the cards up and lay them out face up.
lay out /ˈleɪ/: to place (something) on a surface in a carefully arranged way
ex) The wires were laid out along the floor.
Farther Apart – How far apart の使い方
ex) Please line up farther apart from each other.
ex) Spread your meals farther apart.
further /ˈfɚðɚ/ = farther: to or at a more distant place or time :
ex) Like friends growing further apart, they now each have their own meaning.
ex) Place a character at certain intervals.
文字と文字の間に 一定の間隔を置いて
□ at even intervals 等間隔で
ex) Cut across the potato slices at even intervals to create equal-sized potato cubes.
ポテトを同じ大きさの キューブにするために、ポテトのスライスを等間隔に 切って
interval /ˈɪntɚvəl/: a period of time between events
ex) There might be long intervals in which nothing happens.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #542
□ every other 一つおきの
ex) I go to the fitness club every other day.
一日おきに フィットネスクラブに行く
cf) Write on every other line. 一行づつ開けて書きなさい
cf) Write on every third line. ニ行づつ開て書きなさい
every other /ˈɛvri/: used to say that some repeated activity, event, etc., alternately happens and does not happen in consecutive named periods
ex) The contest is held every other year. = every second year
ex) Leave a space between the lines.
ex) How much space do I need to leave between plants?
植物と 植物の間に どの位の間隔(スペース)を置くべきだろうか?
leave /ˈliːv/: to allow … to remain available or unused
ex) Please leave space for another chair.
ex) Space trees 10 feet apart and in rows.
木々を 一列に並べ、10フィートの間隔を開けて
cf) You should space meals for gaining muscle mass.
筋肉の量を 増やすために 食事の間隔を開けるべきだ
space /ˈspeɪs/: to place or arrange (things) so that there is a particular amount of space between them
ex) Space the seedlings about six inches apart.
ex) Vegetable garden spacing isn’t an exact science.
菜園の 植物の間隔は 科学の公式のように きっちりと決められない
spacing /ˈspeɪsɪŋ/: the amount of space between letters, words, or lines on a printed page
ex) The spacing between characters should be even.
□ separate 時間差がある
ex) Each time zone is separated by one hour.
それぞれの タイム・ゾーンが、各 1時間の間隔で 分けられている
= There are 24 different time zones, separated by one-hour intervals.
separate /ˈsɛpərət/: used to describe how much difference there is in the scores or positions of people or teams in a race, game, etc.
ex) One goal separated the teams at the beginning of the third period.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #691
□ siblings 1 year apart 年子
ex) How far apart should you space your kids?
子供の年令は どの位の期間を空けて 出産するのがよいですか?
= How far apart in age should your kids be?
ex) Consider the risks of timing pregnancies too close together or too far apart.
2人の子供の 年令差が 近すぎる・離れすぎているときの リスクを考えてみましょう
cf) Is there a perfect sibling age gap?
兄弟の年令差で 一番良いのは どのくらいですか?
siblings 1 year apart /ˈsɪblɪŋ/: either of a pair of siblings born less than 12 months apart
ex) What are the pros/cons to raising children roughly 1 year apart?
ex) Space meals out at regular intervals.
食事と食事の間に 等間隔の時間を開けてください
ex) They spaced out the births of their three children.
3人の子供の 出産に一定の間隔を置いた
space out /ˈspeɪs/: to place or arrange (things) so that there is a particular amount of space
ex) Try to space out the poles evenly.
ex) I feel the need to distance yourself from a friend.
ある友人と 距離を置く必要があると考えている
distance /ˈdɪstəns/: to show that you are not involved with someone or something
ex) They all want to distance themselves from the scandal.
A. Apart も Away も 離れている という意味で そのまま 置き換え (Interchangeable) が可能な場合もあります。
Apart は 分離している状態 を強調。
ex) The old couch is coming apart at the seams.
Away は 時間や 距離があることを 意味します。
ex) We are just two days away from Father’s Day.
□ away (時間的・距離的に)離れている
ex) I’m 2 months away from turning 20-years-old.
20才になるまで 2か月ある
away /əˈweɪ/: used to describe how distant something is in space or time
ex) The holiday season is two months away.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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