英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Role – Responsibility – 役割・役目

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こんな英語学習者の方に お勧めです
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– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。

Role – Responsibility – 役割・役目 を英語表現

Role – 役割り の使い方

role (映画、劇など)
ex) He plays the role of the villain.

role /ˈroʊl/: the character played by an actor
ex) She was given the starring role.

role 役割役目
ex) In that area, teens are increasingly sharing the role of breadwinner.
そのエリアでは 10代の人々に 一家の稼ぎ手としての役割が 増えつつある

ex) The company’s role starts and stops there.

role /ˈroʊl/: a part that someone or something has in a particular activity or situation
ex) Everyone had a role [=hand] in winning the game.
= Everyone helped to win the game.

gender role 性別による役割
ex) Not all gender roles go unquestioned among these couples.
夫婦の間で 全ての性別による役割負担が 明確な訳ではない

gender /ˈʤɛndɚ/: the state of being male or female : sex
ex) Please state your name, birth date, and gender.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,034

unquestioned 疑う余地のない疑われない
ex) Her honesty is unquestioned. = Everyone knows that she is honest.
彼女の誠実性に 疑いようがない

unquestioned /ˌʌnˈkwɛstʃənd/ : not doubted or questioned
ex) Dante’s poetic mastery remains unquestioned.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000

Casual English Phrases – #540

take on (役割・責任を)引き受ける
ex) Her willingness to take on new challenges is admirable.
彼女の 新たな挑戦を 引き受ける 自主性は 称賛に値する

take on /ˈteɪk/ : to begin to deal with (something, such as a job or responsibility)
ex) I don’t have time to take on any new responsibilities right now.

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roles of human beings 人類の役割
ex) Modern technology has brought about changes in the roles of human beings.
近代的な技術は 人類の役割に変化をもたらした

human being /ˈhjuːmən/: a person
ex) We should do more to help our fellow human beings.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,019

role overload 役割過重
ex) When you’re out of balance, it’s likely you’re experiencing something called role overload.
バランスを崩しているとき、役割荷重と 呼ばれる状態にあるのかも知れない

overload /ˈoʊvɚ’ˌloʊd/: an excessive load or amount
ex) Fires can start from circuit overloads.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

play a major role 主要な役割を果たす
ex) These companies play a major role in Africa.
それらの企業は アフリカで主要な役割を果たす

□ play a big role   大きな役割を果たす
ex) Ambulances play a big role in case of emergency.
緊急時に 救急車は 大きな役割を果たす

play a central role in 中心的な役割を果たす
ex) The release of heat-trapping gases has played a central role in raising the average surface temperature of the earth.

central /ˈsɛntrəl/ in the middle of something : located in the center of a thing or place
ex) Why are women often referred to as playing a central role in economic development?

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,019

heat-trapping gass 温室効果ガス
ex) These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases.
温室効果ガス は グリーンハウスガスとも呼ばれる

trap /ˈtræp/: to force (a person or animal) into a place or position from which escape is very difficult or impossible
ex) The police trapped [=cornered] the robber in an alley.

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play a pivotal role in 中心的な役割を果たす
ex) The school plays a pivotal role in the community.
学校が コミュニティで 中心的な役割を果たしている

role /ˈroʊl/: the character played by an actor
ex) He plays the role of the villain.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #062

pivotal 重要な
ex) One pivotal choice he made is his choice of profession.
彼が行なった ある重要な選択は、彼時自身の職業の選択である

pivotal /ˈpɪvətl̟/: very important
ex) She is at a pivotal point in her career.

pivot 旋回軸、ピボット
ex) If one foot is on the court, that foot is the pivot foot.
もし片足が (バスケットボール)コートに入っていれば、その足が 軸足である

pivot /ˈpɪvət/: a pin or shaft on which a mechanical part turns
ex) Their children had become the pivot around which their life turned.

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□ take a larger role for itself in    …でより大きな役割を担う
ex) Scientists have to take on bigger roles.
科学者は より大きな役目を 引き受けなければならない

□ take a lead role in …   先進的役割を果たす
ex) More men take the lead role in caring for elderly parents.
今まで以上に 両親の介護で 男性が主導的な役割を果たしている

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。  各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

throw oneself into the role (仕事などで)役割に徹する
ex) She threw herself into the role and helped immensely.

throw oneself into the role: to begin working on a role with great energy and determination
ex) He threw himself into his political role.

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Casual English Phrases – #207

□ throw oneself into … (仕事など)… に真剣に取り組む
ex) He always threw himself into a project from start to finish.

throw oneself into : to enter into or join something eagerly and wholeheartedly
ex) She threw herself into the project and helped immensely.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,532

bell the cat (危険な仕事を)担う
ex) I’ll have to bell the cat.

to bell the cat /ˈbɛl/: to undertake a hazardous mission that may cost one his neck or his job, as when acting as ringleader in telling the boss that the working conditions are unpleasant.
ex) Historically, the saying bell the cat was often applied to political turmoil.

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□ assign    役目を割り当てる
ex) One of the responsibilities of the manager is to assign work to team members.
マネージャーの仕事の一つは チームのメンバーに 業務の役割を 与えることだ

assign /əˈsaɪn/: to give someone a particular job or duty : to require someone to do a particular task
ex) They assigned me the job of cleaning the equipment.
= They assigned the job of cleaning the equipment to me.
= They assigned me to clean the equipment.

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function (仕事上の)役割役目
ex) His job combines the functions of a manager and a worker.
彼は 実務と 管理職を兼任している

function /ˈfʌŋkʃən/: the job or duty of a person
ex) Teachers also function as counselors.

share 役割負担
ex) I’ve done my (fair) share of the work.

share /ˈʃeɚ/: I’ve done my (fair) share of the work.
ex) Leave the rest for the others, you’ve had your fair share.

responsibility (仕事上の)役割責任
ex) Mowing the lawn is your responsibility.
芝刈りは 君の役目だ

responsibility /rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti/ : a duty or task that you are required or expected to do
ex) The janitor has many responsibilities.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,128

onus 責任義務う
ex) The onus is on the administration to come up with a balanced budget.
バランスの取れた 収支案を立てるのは、運営側の責任である

onus /ˈoʊnəs/: the responsibility for something
ex) The onus is on parents to teach their children not to use drugs.

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Make the most of – 利用・有利にする を英語で表現

Scope – Range – Parameters – 範囲・広範囲 を英語で表現

Worse – Worsen – 悪くなる・悪化 を英語で表現

Refuse – Turn Down 断る・拒否する を英語で表現

Shoot up – Drive up – 上昇する、数字が上がる を英語で表現

Busy as a bee – 忙しい・多忙・時間がない を英語で表現

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 家庭教師 – MyPace English (マイペース・イングリッシュ)
英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。

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