英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Falsehood – Lie – 嘘・虚偽 を英語で表現

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Falsehood – Lie – 嘘・虚偽 を英語で表現

lie の基本的な使い方

lie 嘘をつく
ex) I can’t believe you lied to me.
嘘をついたなんて 信じられない

a person being lied to 嘘をつかれた人
ex) Lying can have such harmful consequences to both the liar and the one being lied to.
嘘をつくことは 嘘をついた人にも、嘘をつかれた人にも 有害な結果をもたらす

lie /ˈlaɪ/ – lied – lied: to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone
ex) The camera does not lie.

tell a lie 嘘をつく
ex) She told a lie to her parents.

lie /ˈlaɪ/: something untrue that is said or written to deceive someone
ex) He has been accused of telling lies about his military record.

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Advanced English Expressions – #866

deceitful 嘘つきのペテンの
ex) There are much better ways to identify the deceitful.
嘘つきを 証明するために より良い方法がある

deceitful /dɪˈsiːtfəl/: not honest : making or trying to make someone believe something that is not true
ex) Such an act would have been deceitful and irresponsible.

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liar 嘘つき
ex) Psychologists call these people psychopathic liars.
心理学者は それらの人々を 異常性のある 嘘つき と呼ぶ

liar /ˈlajɚ/: a person who tells lies
ex) She called him a dirty liar.

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Advanced English Expressions – #183

unapologetic 謝ろうとしない、悪びれない
ex) She was unapologetic about her remarks.
彼女は その発言に対し 謝ろうとしない

unapologetic /ˌʌnəˌpɑːləˈʤɛtɪk/: not feeling or showing regret or shame : not apologetic
ex) He’s an unapologetic liberal.

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lying 嘘をつくこと(行為)
ex) Lying may seem harmless at first.
嘘をつくことは 初めは害がないかもしれない

lying (ˈlīiNG): the telling of lies, or false statements
ex) From boyhood, he has never been good at lying.

□ a lie detector test  嘘発見器によるテスト
ex) Can I take a lie detector test online?
インターネット上で 嘘発見器によるテストを受けることは できますか?

lie detector /dɪˈtɛktɚ/: a device used to measure the heart rate, breathing, etc., in order to find out if someone (such as a person suspected of a crime) is being honest
ex) The murder suspect failed a lie detector test.


metal detector 金属探知機
ex) Every passenger must walk through a metal detector and all items must go through an X-ray machine.
全ての搭乗者は 金属探知機を通過し、全ての荷物を レントゲン器 を通さなければならない

detector /dɪˈtɛktɚ/: a device that can tell if a substance or object is present : a device that detects the presence of something
ex) They’ll use metal detectors to improve safety at airports.

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Casual English Phrases – #314

a white lie (罪のない、人を傷つけないための)嘘
ex) Everyone tells white lies occasionally.
誰でも時々 たわいもない嘘をつく

white lie (ˈˌ(h)wīt ˈlī): a harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings
ex) When I was young, I told little white lies.

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There’s not a word of truth to it.

truth /ˈtruːθ/: the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true
ex) Their explanation was simpler but came closer to the truth.

There’s no way all of that’s true!

There is no way: If you say there’s no way that something will happen, you are emphasizing that you think it will definitely not happen.
ex) There was absolutely no way that we were going to be able to retrieve it.

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Advanced English Expressions – #056

mendacious 嘘をついている、不正直な
ex) The newspaper story is mendacious and hurtful.
そのニュース記事は 事実ではなく、中傷的である

mendacious /mɛnˈdeɪʃəs/ : not honest, likely to tell lies
ex) We shouldn’t hire a mendacious businessman like him.

mendacity 嘘、偽り、不正直さ
ex) The city’s budget difficulties are a result of provincial mendacity and not local mismanagement.
市の 予算面での困難は 地方省による虚偽であり、その地方の失策ではない

mendacity /mɛnˈdæsəti/ : lack of honesty
ex) The people learned of their government’s mendacity
= Those people learned that their government had told lies).

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

□ a falsehood   
ex) He peppered his speech with falsehoods and distortions.
彼の スピーチは 嘘と 事実の歪曲で 粉飾されていた

falsehood /ˈfɑːlsˌhʊd/: an untrue statement : lie
ex) He was accused of spreading (malicious) falsehoods about his opponent

□ false statement 嘘の発言
ex) He must have made a false statement.

false statement: statement that is not true
ex) False statements need not be a lie.

□ talk through one’s hat    嘘をつく夢をみている
ex) He claims he can buy a fancy car. He’s talking through his hat.
彼は 高級車を買えると言っているが、嘘をついていると思う

talk through one’s hat: talk foolishly, wildly, or ignorantly.
ex) She says she can outrun anyone in our school, but she’s talking through her hat.

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Advanced English Expressions – #184

outrun 上回る
ex) Top US students are not only being outrun by their Asian peers, they’re sliding backwards.
アメリカの 学生たちは アジア人学生に 追い抜かれたばかりでなく、成績も下がっている

outrun /ˌaʊtˈrʌn/: to be or become more or greater than (something)
ex) The demand for the product has quickly outrun [=exceeded, outpaced] the company’s ability to produce it.

outrun 追い抜く
ex) His motorcycle could outrun any car on the road.
彼のオートバイは 路上で 私の車を 追い抜くことができた

outrun /ˌaʊtˈrʌn/: to run or move faster than (someone or something)
ex) The rabbit had no chance of outrunning the dogs.

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Casual English Phrases – #201

□ fib (罪のない)軽い嘘
ex) Is she telling fibs again?

fib /ˈfɪb/: an untrue statement about something minor or unimportant
ex) I have to admit that I told a fib when I said I enjoyed the movie.

fib about …  …について嘘をつく
ex) Don’t fib about how much you’re earning.
収入について 嘘を言うな

fib /ˈfɪb/: to tell a fib : to make an untrue statement about something minor or unimportant
ex) I fibbed when I said that I enjoyed the movie.

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Casual English Phrases – #273

hocus-pocus   作り話、大嘘
ex) He misled voters with his political hocus-pocus.
彼は 政治的な嘘の発言で 投票者を混乱させた

hocus–pocus /ˌhoʊkəsˈpoʊkəs/ : language or activity that is meant to trick or confuse people
ex) Some people still view psychology as a lot of hocus-pocus.

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赤ちゃん・子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

jiggery–pokery (英)不誠実で疑いのある言動
ex) There’s some jiggery-pokery [=hanky-panky] going on behind the scenes.
背景には 不誠実な言動がある

jiggery–pokery /ˈʤɪgɚriˈpoʊkɚri/ : dishonest or suspicious activity
ex) Jiggery-pokery refers to trickery and deception.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,477

hanky–panky 不誠実で疑いのある言動
ex) They accused the company of financial hanky-panky.
その会社の 財務上のごまかし を非難した

hanky–panky /ˌhæŋkiˈpæŋki/: dishonest or suspicious activity
ex) They suspected there might be some hanky-panky going on.

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fabrication 作り事
ex) Fabrications are hurtful because they lead to rumors that can damage someone else’s reputation.
作り話 は 噂へとつながり 他人の評判を害する点で 有害である

fabrication /ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃən/: an invention; a lie.
ex) He had to fabricate that story to stay out of jail.

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Advanced English Expressions – #391

contrived (話が)嘘っぽい不自然な
ex) The movie’s contrived ending was a big disappointment.
その映画の不自然な 結末は がっかりものであった

contrived /kənˈtraɪvd/: having an unnatural or false appearance or quality
ex) The results of the test seemed somewhat contrived.

contrive (巧妙に)考案するたくらむ企画する
ex) The prisoners contrived a way to escape.
囚人たちは 脱走する方法を 考案した

contrive /kənˈtraɪv/: to form or think of (a plan, method, etc.)
ex) Native Americans contrived [=designed] weapons out of stone, wood, and bone.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Advanced English Expressions – #097

pretense   (人をだます)偽りの行為、言い訳、口実
ex) He had been imprisoned for a year for gaining money by false pretenses.
偽りの大義名分により 金銭を得た彼は 1年間 刑務所に入った

pretense /ˈpriːˌtɛns/: a false reason or explanation that is used to hide the real purpose of something : pretext
ex) He called her under/on the pretense of asking about the homework assignment.
= asking about the homework assignment was not the real reason he called her

make a pretense of … のふりをする、見せかける
ex) She couldn’t even make a pretense of liking him.
彼女は もはや彼を好きだという 素振りさえ 出来なくなってしまった

make a pretense of : to pretend
ex) She made no pretense of her disdain for us.

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Casual English Phrases – #526

shenanigan   ごまかし    pl. たわごと
ex) They were engaging in some financial shenanigans.
財務上のごまかし を行なっていた

shenanigans /ʃəˈnænɪgənz/ : activity or behavior that is not honest or proper
ex) We’re tired of your shenanigans.

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Advanced English Expressions – #442

prevaricate  嘘をつく
ex) Government officials prevaricated about the real costs of the project.
政府は プロジェクトの本当の経費に関して 嘘をついて

prevaricate /prɪˈverəˌkeɪt/: to avoid telling the truth by not directly answering a question
ex) He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,541

malarkey (人を騙すための)たわごとほら話しナンセンス
ex) He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.
彼は、政治家たちの言うこと 全てが 意味の無い事であると思っている

malarkey /məˈlɑɚki/ : foolish words or ideas : nonsense
ex) Don’t give me that malarkey.

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Straight / Consecutive – 連続 

It really hits the spot! – 味・味覚・風味

Smear – Stain – 洋服の汚れ・しみ 

Postage – Send in – 郵便物・郵便配達

End up in – in the Final Analysis – 最終的に、結局

Shoot up – Drive up – 上昇、数字が上がる 

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

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