英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Sorry – Shame – Regretful

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こんな英語学習者の方に お勧めです
– 日常生活で 頻繁に使う 英単語や フレーズを知りたい。
– 英語の雑誌が読めるになりたい。
– 英英辞典の利用に 慣れたい。
– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。

Sorry – Shame – Regretful – 残念 を英語で表現

sorry   残念だ悲しく思う
ex) I’m sorry for your loss.
あなたが 失ったことに関し 残念に思います

ex) She was sorry to hear about their divorce.
離婚の話しを聞いて 残念に思った

sorry /ˈsɑri/: feeling sorrow or regret
ex) I’m sorry if I offended you.

Sorry about that.      謝罪の意を表す
ex) I forgot to pick up the dry cleaning. Sorry about that.
クリーニングを取りにいくのを忘れて ごめんなさい

Sorry about that. /ˈsɑri/: = I’m sorry. I apologize.
ex) “Sorry about that” is almost always used when you are expressing a personal apology for something you think you did wrong.

赤ちゃん・子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

Too bad. (相手に同情を示す)残念だ
ex) “I won’t be able to come to the party.”

ex) “(That’s) Too bad. I was hoping you’d be there.”
来られないなんて 残念です

too bad /ˈbæd/: used to show that you are sorry or feel bad about something
ex) I got it first! Too bad. You lose.

unfortunately  残念な事に
ex) Unfortunately, we didn’t finish on time.
残念なことに 時間内に 作業を終えることが出来ませんでした

unfortunately /ˌʌnˈfoɚtʃənətli/: used to say that something bad or unlucky has happened
ex) Unfortunately for us, the car broke down.

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Casual English Phrases – #202

kick yourself 後悔する、自責の念を感じる
ex) He was kicking himself for having forgotten the meeting.
会議を忘れていたことを 後悔している

ex) He could have kicked himself when he realized that he had forgotten the meeting.
会議を忘れたことに 自責の念を感じていた

kick oneself /ˈkɪk/: to blame or criticize yourself for something you have done
ex) You’ve got to stop kicking yourself. It wasn’t your fault that the project failed.

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regret 後悔
ex) A great source of calamity lies in regret and anticipation; therefore a person is wise who thinks of the present alone, regardless of the past or future. Oliver Goldsmith
多くの苦悩は 後悔の念 と 期待感によるものだ。 だから 過去や将来でなく、今現在のことのみについて 考える人が 賢い人だ - Oliver Goldsmith

regret /rɪˈgrɛt/: a feeling of sadness or disappointment about something that you did or did not do
ex) She has no regrets about leaving him.

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Casual English Phrases – #667

lie in (問題、手掛かりなど) … にある
ex) The key to comprehending a question often lies in understanding the vocabulary it uses.
質問の意味を 理解する際 重要な事は その語いが使われた 意味を理解することにある

lie /ˈlaɪ/: to be located in a particular place
ex) The problem lies in knowing what to do.

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regretful      残念そうな
ex) He is regretful about not coming with us.
一緒に来られない事を 残念に(悲しく)思っている

regretful /rɪˈgrɛtfəl/ feeling or showing regret
ex) He sounded regretful but pointed out that he had committed himself.

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Advanced English Expressions – #057

remorseful  後悔の、後悔して
ex) A person who comes home after a day-long shopping spree may start feeling remorseful.
1日中 ショッピング三昧の後 帰宅して 後悔の念を感じることもある

remorseful /rɪˈmoɚsfəl/: motivated or marked by remorse
ex) She seemed truly remorseful for what she had done.

remorse  後悔、自責の念
ex) I felt a bit of remorse [=regret] for being so impatient.
性急であったことを 少し後悔している

remorse /rɪˈmoɚs/: a feeling of being sorry for doing something bad or wrong in the past
ex) I could forgive him for what he did if he showed some remorse.

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I was hoping you could …   … 出来ないなんて残念です
ex) I was hoping you could help me with this.
手伝ってくれると 思っていたのに (出来ないなんて)残念です

* I was hoping … … と 願っていたが(現実は違った)
I was thinking 考えていたが (現実は違った)

miss    残念に思う
ex) We miss our old friends.
旧友と離れて 悲しい(残念に思う)
= We feel sad because we are not near our old friends.

miss /ˈmɪs/ : to notice or feel the absence of …
ex) She misses all her old friends.

miss most (…)を離れて 一番残念なこと
ex) Adults reveal what they miss most about high school.
成人たちが 高校時代で一番 懐かしく思うことを 打ち明けています

ex) What do you think you will miss most when you leave here ?

miss /ˈmɪs/ : feel regret or sadness at no longer being able to enjoy the presence of
ex) What I miss most about movie theaters isn’t the physical experience of the big screen.

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Advanced English Expressions – #087

repentance (自分の行為に対する)後悔
ex) His behavior is a sign of true repentance.
彼の行為は 心からの後悔を 表わしている

repentance /rɪˈpɛntn̩s/: sincere regret or remorse.
ex) Each person who turns to God in genuine repentance and faith will be saved.

repent 後悔する
ex) The criminals have repented for their crimes.
犯罪者たちは 自分たちの犯した 犯罪を後悔している

repent /rɪˈpɛnt/ : to feel or show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you did and that you want to do what is right
ex) The preacher told us that we would be forgiven for our sins if we repented.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

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Casual English Phrases – #237

lay a guilt trip on … … に罪悪感を抱かせる
ex) These charity commercials are laying a guilt trip on me. That’s a sign I should donate.
慈善事業の広告は 私に罪悪感を抱かせる。 寄付すべきだ という告知だから

a guilt trip: a feeling of deep regret or remorse that can be conveyed to another person or self-generated
ex) If you have successfully made someone feel guilty, you have put that person on a guilt trip

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It’s a shame that 残念に思う
ex) It’s a shame that you’ll miss the show.
ショーを見逃すのは 残念なことだ

What often a shame is that S + V しばしば残念に思うことは
ex) what a often shame is that people tend to oversee it.
しばしば残念に思うことは 人々はそれを見過ごしてしまうことだ

shame /ˈʃeɪm/: something that is regretted
ex) Feelings of shame often stem from what other people think.

ex) I’ll really hate to see you leave.

ex) I hate to see you cry.
君の 泣き顔をみたくない

hate /ˈheɪt/: used to apologize for doing something or to express regret or guilt
ex) I’d hate it if they got the wrong idea.
= I would feel regret if they misunderstood.

scruple (良心による)罪の意識、気がとがめる
ex) They burn his belongings without a scruple.
彼らは 彼女の所持品を 罪の意識もなく 燃やした

scruple /ˈskruːpəl/: a feeling that prevents you from doing something that you think is wrong
ex) They seem to have no scruples [=qualms] about distorting the truth.

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Advanced English Expressions – #120

scrupulous   入念な、細心の注意を払った
ex) She is always scrupulous about her work.
彼女はいつも 自分の仕事に 誤りが無いよう 入念である

scrupulous /ˈskruːpjələs/: very careful about doing something correctly
ex) The work requires scrupulous attention to detail.


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Advanced English Expressions – #458

unscrupulous たちの悪い不謹慎な
ex) Unscrupulous taxi drivers have been attempting to rip off arriving tourists for decades.
たちの悪い タクシー運転手は 何十年に渡り 到着した観光客から 料金をぼろうとしている

unscrupulous /ˌʌnˈskruːpjələs/: not honest or fair : doing things that are wrong, dishonest, or illegal
ex) Unscrupulous taxi-drivers are seriously damaging the country’s reputation.

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Advanced English Expressions – #197

qualm 良心の呵責、気がとがめる
ex) She felt some qualms about moving to the big city.
彼女は 都会へ引っ越すことに 気のとがめを 感じた

qualm /ˈkwɑːm/: a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing
ex) He accepted their offer without a qualm.

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Result – Consequence – Upshot – 結果 

Leave off – Exclude – 外す・削除する 

Drain – Clog – バスルーム(風呂場)の故障 

Postage – Send in – 郵便物・郵便配達

Limit – Limitation 制限・限界

Concerted Effort – Cooperate 協力 

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 家庭教師 – MyPace English (マイペース・イングリッシュ)
英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。

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