英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Tax – Levy – Duty – 「税金・納税・節税」を英語で表現
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Tax – Levy – Duty – 「税金・納税・節税」を英語で表現
ex) Does the price include tax?
価格に 税金は含まれていますか?
tax /ˈtæks/: an amount of money that a government requires people to pay according to their income, the value of their property, etc., and that is used to pay for the things done by the government
ex) It’s $3 including tax.

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Advanced English Expressions – #791
□ tax avoidance 節税
ex) Tax avoidance is the legitimate minimizing of taxes.
節税とは 合法的に 税金の額を 低くすることだ
avoidance /əˈvoɪdn̩s/: the act of avoiding something
ex) Tax avoidance is the use of legal methods to reduce the amount of income tax that an individual or business owes.
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ex) The police have announced a breakthrough in the tax fraud case.
警察は その脱税事件を 解明したと 公表した
fraud /ˈfrɑːd/: the crime of using dishonest methods to take something valuable from another person
ex) He was found guilty of bank fraud.
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Advanced English Expressions – #038
□ fraudulent (権力や金のために)人をだます、詐欺的な
ex) He committed the crime of fraudulent use of a credit card.
彼は クレジットカードの不正使用による 犯罪を犯した
fraudulent /ˈfrɑːʤələnt/: done to trick someone for the purpose of getting something valuable
ex) Corrupt leaders were chosen in a fraudulent election.
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Advanced English Expressions – #935
□ taxable (所得・財産などが)課税対象になる
ex) The sale of wine is taxable in this state.
この州では ワインの売上は 課税対象になる
taxable /ˈtæksəbəl/ : able to be taxed
ex) A taxable gain is a profit that results from the sale of any asset that is subject to taxation.
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ex) A consumption tax is a tax on the purchase of a good or service.
消費税は 購入した モノやサービスに対し 支払う税金で
pay /ˈpeɪ/: to give money for goods or services
ex) The report compares taxes paid on income to the amount of gains individual taxpayers have on paper
ex) Import taxes are levied on imported goods.
輸入品に対し 関税は徴収される
import /ˈɪmˌpoɚt/ something that is imported : a product brought into a country to be sold there
ex) A tariff is a tax on imported goods.

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Advanced English Expressions – #792
□ levy 徴収する、(税金などの)取りたてる、徴税、課税
ex) They levied a tax on imports.
輸入品に 税金を課した
levy /ˈlɛvi/: to use legal authority to demand and collect (a fine, a tax, etc.)
ex) The government will levy a fine on the company.
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Advanced English Expressions – #793
□ impose (税金・義務などを)課す、負わせる
ex) A tax is imposed against each hospital in the State.
アメリカの 各病院は税金を課される
impose /ɪmˈpoʊz/: to cause (something, such as a tax, fine, rule, or punishment) to affect someone or something by using your authority
ex) Penalties that may be imposed include monetary assessments (fines, costs, fees, surcharges), community service and attendance at a driving school.
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Advanced English Expressions – #794
□ tax break 租税優遇
ex) A tax break is a tax deduction.
租税優遇とは 課税控除のことである
tax break /ˈbreɪk/: a reduction of a taxpayer’s total liability
ex) A tax break means the government is offering you a reduction in your taxes.
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Advanced English Expressions – #795
□ tax deduction for spouse 配偶者控除
ex) If one spouse claimed itemized deductions, the other spouse must also.
もし 配偶者が 項目別(税額)控除 を要求する場合、もう一人も控除を求めなければならない
deduction /dɪˈdʌkʃən/: something (such as an amount of money) that is or can be subtracted from a total
ex) The government is offering new tax deductions for small businesses.
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ex) A backlash against the tax hike has been building for months.
税金の上昇に対する 反発が数か月に渡り 大きくなっている
hike /ˈhaɪk/: to suddenly increase the cost, amount, or level of (something)
ex) The state keeps hiking the tax on cigarettes.
ex) Tip on the pre-tax amount of the bill, not on the total.
総額でなく、税抜き総額を 基に(計算し)チップを払って
pretax /ˌprēˈtaks/: (of income or profits) considered or calculated before the deduction of taxes.
ex) Pretax income is the net income earned by a business before taxes are subtracted.
ex) Your employer would pay you in the form of a cash salary after tax deductions.
雇用主は 税金を引いて給料を 従業員に支払う
after tax /ˈtæks/: net income after the deduction of all federal, state, and withholding taxes
ex) After-tax income refers to the net income after deducting all applicable taxes.
ex) You have to pay duty on this item.
この品物の 税金を支払ってください
duty /ˈduːti/ : a tax on goods that are being brought into a country
ex) All goods had a 15 percent (import) duty.

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Advanced English Expressions – #796
□ inheritance tax 相続税
ex) An inheritance tax is a state tax that you pay when you receive money or property from the estate of a deceased person.
相続税は 亡くなった人から受け取った 金銭や 不動産に対して支払う 収税である
inheritance tax /ɪnˈherətəns/: a tax imposed on someone who inherits property or money.
ex) The number of people who actually pay inheritance tax is very small.
□ inherent 生来の、生まれつきの
ex) All individuals are born with inherent abilities and talents.
人は皆 生まれながらの才能を持っている
inherent /ɪnˈherənt/: belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
ex) He has an inherent sense of fair play.
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Advanced English Expressions – #459
□ hereditary 遺伝の、遺伝性の
ex) Assess your risk for hereditary disease based on your family’s medical history.
家族の 治療履歴を基に あなたの 遺伝性の病気にかかる 危険性を 査定してみて
hereditary /həˈrɛdəˌteri/: passed or able to be passed from parent to child before birth
ex) There is a connection, but I am very doubtful that it’s hereditary.
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Advanced English Expressions – #797
□ tax withholding 源泉徴収
ex) A withholding tax is a tax that is withheld from an employee’s wages.
源泉徴収とは 従業員の給与から 税金を差し引く システムである
withholding tax /wɪθˈhoʊld/: money that is taken from a person’s pay and given directly to the government as income tax
ex) Employers are required to withhold and pay personal income taxes on wages.
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Advanced English Expressions – #798
□ tax refund (税金の)還付金
ex) Why did my tax refund get offset?
なぜ 私の還付金は相殺されたのか?
tax refund /ˈriːˌfʌnd/: a reimbursement to taxpayers who have overpaid their taxes
ex) You’ll claim the remaining half of the credit on your 2021 tax return.
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ex) The IRS may levy (seize) assets such as wages.
米国国税局は 賃金など 資産を取り押さえることができる
Internal Revenue Service /ˈrɛvəˌnuː/: the department of the U.S. federal government that is responsible for collecting taxes — abbreviation IRS
ex) The IRS‘s Collection organization will continue to carry out our mission of collecting delinquent taxes and securing delinquent tax returns.

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Advanced English Expressions – #799
□ delinquent 延滞の、滞納している、怠慢な
ex) The town is trying to collect delinquent taxes.
役所は 滞納している税金を徴収しようとしている
delinquent /dɪˈlɪŋkwənt/: not paid at the required or expected time
ex) Her credit card account was delinquent.
= She had not made the payments that were due on her credit card account.
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□ customs (空港などの)税関
ex) The first time I filled out a customs form, I was super nervous.
customs /ˈkʌstəmz/: the place at an airport, border, etc., where government officers collect customs on goods and look for things that people are trying to bring into a country illegally
ex) We zipped through customs at the airport without any difficulty.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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