英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Coffee Serving Supplies – 「コーヒー器具・コーヒー関連用品」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Coffee Serving Supplies – 「コーヒー器具・コーヒー関連用品」を英語で表現

cup dispenser

cup dispenser

dispenser ディスペンサー(食品関連の 物・食べ物を一定数量 引き出すための機器)
ex) Take off the top of the dispenser and fill it with ground coffee.
ディスペンサー蓋を取って 挽いてある コーヒー豆を入れて

dispenser /dɪˈspɛnsɚ/: a machine or container that lets you take small amounts of something
ex) A refrigerated drink dispenser is a must-have for your concession stand.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,044

disposal 使い捨ての
ex) This disposable tableware is lighter in weight than comparable dinnerware.
この 使い捨て 食器類は 同等の 食器類に比べて 軽量である

disposable /dɪˈspoʊzəbəl/: made to be used once or only a few times
ex) Should stores charge customers extra to use disposable cups?

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stirrer 飲み物をかき混ぜる スティック
ex) Wooden coffee stirrers come in a variety of styles.
木製の コーヒーをかき混ぜる 木製のスティックを バリエーション豊富に取り揃えています

stirrer /ˈstɚrɚ/: something that is used to stir liquids
ex) These plastic coffee stirrers are perfect for stirring piping hot coffee.


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000

Casual English Phrases – #189

swirl in a latte  ラテ・アート、カフェオレの表面にミルクで描いた模様 = latte art
ex) I want to learn how to create a swirl in a latte.
カフェオレの表面に 模様の描き方を 習いたい

swirl /ˈswɚl/: a twisting or swirling movement, form, or object
ex) I swirled honey and sugar into my latte and looked for a place to deposit the spoon.

swirl in a latte

swirl in a latte

swirl 回転させる、渦を巻く
ex) Swirl the cup two to three times to combine the milk and espresso.
ミルクと エスプレッソを混ぜあわせるために カップを2、3回 回して

swirl /ˈswɚl/: to move in circles or to cause (something) to move in circles
ex) With spoon, gently swirl cream into coffee.

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decaf カフェイン抜きのコーヒー = decaffeinated coffee
ex) Our decaf coffees are the same coffee taste you love but 99.7% caffeine-free.
私たちの カフェイン抜きの コーヒーは、通常のコーヒーと同じ味で カフェインは 99.7% 少ない

decaf /ˈdiːˌkæf/: coffee that does not contain caffeine
ex) It can still be difficult to find a decaf option in coffee shops.

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canister 小型の容器
ex) This coffee bean storage canisters is exquisite.
このコーヒー豆用 収納容器は 申し分なく 良い

canister /ˈkænəstɚ/: a container with a lid that is used for keeping dry products
ex) Equipped with a air-tight design, these canisters maximize the life of your roasted beans.

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Advanced English Expressions – #505

airtight 空気を通さない密閉性の高い
ex) Store coffee beans in an airtight container.
コーヒー豆を 密閉性の高い 容器の中 保管して

airtight /ˈeɚˌtaɪt/ : tightly sealed so that no air can get in or out
ex) Tea leaves should stored in an opaque, airtight container.

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organizer 整理ケース
ex) Keep your coffee supplies neatly arranged with a coffee organizer.
コーヒー用品を 整理ケースに入れて きれいに整えて

organizer /ˈoɚgəˌnaɪzɚ/: a thing used for organizing
ex) You’ll be smart to pick up a few organizers, such as some mug hooks.

coffee sleeve

coffee sleeve

sleeve スリーブ(ペーパーカップにつける段ボールカバー)
ex) Can I get a sleeve?

coffee sleeve /ˈsliːv/: roughly cylindrical sleeves that fit tightly over handle-less paper coffee cups to insulate the drinker’s hands from hot coffee
ex) This cup has heat retention properties, meaning coffee will stay hot and hands will be cool – eliminating the need for a sleeve.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

utensil (主に台所・飲食関連の)器具用品
ex) To efficiently run a coffee shop, you need quality essential kitchen utensils.
喫茶店を効率的に 運営するために、質の高い キッチン用品が必要です

utensil /jʊˈtɛnsəl/: a simple and useful device that is used for doing tasks in a person’s home and especially in the kitchen
ex) Knives become one of the kitchen utensils that must be in your kitchen.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,045

moist towelette (使い捨ての)ウェットティッシュ
ex) Featuring a fresh aloe scent, these moist towelettes are gentle on the skin.
アロマの香りを持つ これらのウェットティッシュは 肌にやさしい

towelette /ˌtou(ə)ˈlet/ a disposable cloth treated with a cleansing agent, typically supplied in an individual sealed package
ex) Each non-woven towelette is individually wrapped to prevent it from drying out.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,046

wipes (化学)雑巾、(掃除用)布きれ
ex) Wipes can be a paper, tissue or non-woven.
雑巾は 紙製、ティッシュ製や、布類でないものもある

wipe /ˈwaɪp/: a small, wet cloth that is used for cleaning
ex) These alcohol-free wipes allow customers to easily remove residue from their fingers.

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double cup ペーパーカップを二重にする
ex) Can you double cup that for me?

cf) Can I get an extra cup? = Can I get another cup?

double cup /ˈdʌbəl/: a matched pair of metal cups, made so that one can be placed inverted on top of the other
ex) Can I get it double-cupped?

stopper ストッパー(ペーパーカップの飲口にさす スティック)= coffee plug, splash stick
ex) Can you put a stopper in it?

stopper /ˈstɑːpɚ/: a piece of glass, plastic, or cork that fits into the top of a bottle or jar to close it
ex) The stick, called a coffee stopper is designed to prevent spilled from the plastic cup top.


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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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