英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Condiment – Liquid Sugar – Creamer – 「コーヒーに 砂糖・ミルクを入れる」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Condiment – Liquid Sugar – Creamer – 「コーヒーに 砂糖・ミルクを入れる」を英語で表現
cf) I really do like sugar in my coffee.
like /ˈlaɪk/: want to have
ex) I’d like some coffee, milk and sugar.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,038
□ coffee condiment (ミルク・砂糖など)コーヒーに入れるもの
ex) Automated coffee condiment dispensing machines are available.
コーヒー用 ミルク・砂糖の ディスペンサーが利用できます
condiment /ˈkɑːndəmənt/: a substance added to other foods for the purpose of giving a strong flavor or relish
ex) The term “condiment” originally described pickled or preserved foods, but has shifted meaning over time to include other small packaged goods such as coffee and tea.
ex) Our liquid coffee creamers have satisfying flavors to enrich your coffee routine.
私たちの 液状コーヒーミルクは コーヒーのひと時 を豊かなものにします
liquid /ˈlɪkwəd/: a substance that is able to flow freely
ex) I’m looking for liquid creamers with a flip-top lid.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,039
□ flip-top lid (密封性の高い) 押し上げ式のふた
ex) This creamer packet has a flip-top lid you can handle with one hand.
このコーヒー用クリームの 容器は 片手で 開けられる 押し上げ式の ふたがついている
flip-top /ˈfliptäp/: having a lid or cover that can be easily opened by pulling, pushing, or flicking it with the fingers.
ex) This flip-top canister easy to pour and hygienic.

Dome Lid
□ lid 蓋 (ペーパーカップ用)
ex) Can I get a dome lid?
(アイス用 ドーム型の)蓋をくれますか?
dome lid /ˈlɪd/: a hemispherical roof or vault or a structure of similar form
ex) The built-in handle tab of these plastic dome lids makes it easy to remove the lid
ex) What kind of liquid sugar does Starbucks use?
スターバックスでは どんなコーヒー用 シロップを使っているのでしょうか?
syrup /ˈsirəp/: a sweet, thick liquid made of sugar and water with flavoring or medicine added to it
ex) We use liquid cane sugar, but we will use regular granulated sugar or sugar substitute as requested.
ex) I like cinnamon as a coffee sweetener.
sweetener /ˈswiːtn̩ɚ/: a substance that make (something) sweet or sweeter in taste
ex) There are several types of sugar you can use to give your cup of coffee the perfect sweetened taste you are looking for.
ex) Is a packet of sugar 1 gram?
袋に入った コーヒー用砂糖は 1グラムですか?
packet /ˈpækət/: a small, thin package
ex) He puts two packets of sugar in his coffee.
ex) There’s no charge for extra pumps of syrup.
シロップを多めに入れても 追加料金は発生しません
extra /ˈɛkstrə/: more than is usual or necessary
ex) I ordered an iced coffee with a few extra pumps of mocha.
ex) Powder whitener cut through the bitterness of the coffee.
whitener /hwahyt-n-er/: a substance used for making things white or whiter
ex) How do you make the right coffee whitener based on vegetable fats?
ex) I’d like to get a coffee with whip please.
コーヒーに ホイップクリームを入れてください
whipping cream /ˈwɪpɪŋ/: a kind of cream that becomes thicker when it is stirred or beaten very quickly
ex) I like thick, textured and heavy whipping cream.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #410
□ lukewarm 生ぬるい
ex-1) I’m waiting for my coffee to cool down to a lukewarm temperature.
ex-2) Can you reheat lukewarm coffee in the microwave without it tasting terrible?
ぬるいコーヒーを 電子レンジで味を損ねる事なく 再度加熱することはできますか?
lukewarm /ˈluːkˈwoɚm/: slightly warm
ex) It’s disappointing when food at a restaurant is served lukewarm.
ex) Can you add a few ice cubes to my juice?
ジュースに 氷を少しいれていただけますか?
cube /ˈkjuːb/: an object that has six square sides
ex) I have a fridge with a small freezer and I just don’t have room for ice-cubes.
□ cool down 冷ます
ex) What is the fastest way to cool down a cup of coffee?
コーヒーを冷ますのに 一番早い方法は 何ですか?
cool /ˈkuːl/: to make (someone or something) cool
ex) How can I quickly cool coffee to a drinkable temperature?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,136
□ flat (炭酸飲料)気が抜ける、つまらない、(コーヒーなど)こくがない
ex) When the grind is too coarse, your coffee tastes flat.
コーヒー豆の惹きが荒すぎると、コーヒーは こくがなくなる
taste flat /ˈflæt/ : no longer having bubbles
ex) This beer is flat.
= This beer has gone flat.