英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Dual Income Married Couple -「共働き・共稼ぎ」 を英語で表現
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Dual Income Married Couple -「共働き・共稼ぎ」 を英語で表現

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #338
□ dual income married couple 夫婦共働きの
ex) 80 percent of married couples in the US are dual income earners.
米国で 夫婦の8割が 共稼ぎである
dual /ˈduːwəl/: having two of something
cf) Having a dual income from two earners really spreads up the path to financial independence.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,620
□ a two-earner household 2名の収入所得者がいる世帯
ex) In a two-earner household, you can double income.
2名の収入所得者がいる世帯では 収入が2倍になる
□ single-earner family 単一収入の家族
ex) She raises a family on a single income.
= She raises a family as a single earner.
彼女は 単一収入で 家族を養っている
earner /ˈərnər/: someone who works for wages or a salary
ex) Most wage earners were not affected by the income tax increase.
ex) A family earning two incomes has a greater amount of financial resources available to it.
2名の収入所得者のいる家族は より豊かな財政源を有している
□ single income 単一収入、一人の収入
ex) We want to make the switch from double to single income.
共働きから 1名の収入に シフトしていきたい
income /ˈɪnˌkʌm/: money that is earned from work, investments, business, etc.
ex) Even on two incomes, we’re having a hard time keeping up with our bills.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,621
□ DINK (Dual Income No Kids) 共働きで 子供がいない夫婦
ex) Couples living in a DINK household are thought to have more disposable income.
共働きで 子供がいない世帯は 可処分所得が多いと考えられている
DINK: a slang phrase for a household in which there are two incomes and no children
ex) DINKs are often targets of marketing efforts for investment products and luxury items because they usually have higher disposable incomes.
□ a single-family income for a family of 4 3人家族で単一収入
ex) What is like to live on a single-family income for a family of 7.
7人家族で 単一収入とは どのような 感じですか?
ex) Housewife is a married woman in charge of a household.
主婦は 家事を担当する既婚女性を 意味する
housewife /ˈhaʊsˌwaɪf/: a married woman who stays at home, does cleaning, cooking, etc., and does not have another job outside the home
ex) You can make money while being a busy housewife.
ex) The homemaker is looking for a work-from-home job.
その主婦は 在宅勤務の仕事を探している
homemaker /ˈhoʊmˌmeɪkɚ/: a wife who does work (such as sewing, cleaning, or cooking) at home and usually does not have another job outside the home
ex) TV commercials often show happy homemakers.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,622
□ homemaker service 家事代行サービス
ex) Homemaker services provide assistance to persons who are unable to perform day to day household duties.
家事代行サービスは、日々の家事を行なえない人に 提供する サービスである
homemaker services /ˈhoʊmˌmeɪkɚ/: non-medical support services, such as food preparation and bathing, given by trained personnel to disabled, sick or convalescent individuals in their home.
ex) Our homemaker services include services like light housekeeping, laundry, limited personal care, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and shopping
□ work from home 自宅で仕事をする、在宅勤務をする = telecommuting
ex) I want to get a late night work from home job.
夜間にできる 在宅勤務の仕事がしたい
work from home: a concept where the employee can do his or her job from home
ex) Work from home‘ literally means working at your home to earn a living.
□ stay-at-home mom (SAHM) 専業主婦
ex) Stay-at-home moms someone who stays home to raise her children and manage her household.
専業主婦とは 自宅で子育てや 家事を行なう人のことを 指す
mom /ˈmɑːm/: a person’s mother
ex) My mom [=(Brit) mum] wants me to call when I get there.
□ working mother 職業を持つ 母親
ex) Once you’ve become a working mom, your work life will never be the same.
職業を持つ母親になると、生活は 以前と同じにはならない
working mother: a woman who has a full-time job in addition a family
ex) Some working mothers are professionals such as lawyers.
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