英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Go together – 相性・気が合う・食べ合わせ
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Go Together – Get along – 相性・気が合う・食べ合わせ
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #268
□ chemistry 相性
ex) There was instant chemistry between John and me when we met.
ジョンと会った時 お互いが瞬時に 相性のよさを感じた
ex) Partners are usually evenly matched on psychological maturity in high-chemistry relationship.
同レベルの 心理的成熟度により 相性の良い カップルが生まれる
chemistry /ˈkɛməstri/: a strong attraction between people
ex) They tried dating, but there was no chemistry between them.
ex) The town is a congenial place for raising children.
その町は 子育てに最適である(子育て世代と 相性がよい)
congenial /kənˈʤiːnijəl/: suitable or appropriate
ex) We studied in the congenial atmosphere of the library.
恋愛・人間関係の 相性
ex) Blood type A and O supposedly get along well.
血液型 A と O は相性がよい
get along: have a harmonious or friendly relationship.
ex) They seem to get along pretty well.
□ get along with 仲良くやっていく、(人間関係)うまくやる
ex) She doesn’t get along with the girls around her.
彼女は 周囲の女の子たちと 仲良くやっていけない
get along with: have smooth relations
ex) I get along with my boss very well.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,526
□ like talking to a brick wall (意見が合わず)話しが合わない
ex) Talking to them were like talking to a brick wall.
彼らとは 全く話しが合わない
talk to a brick ˈwall /ˈbrɪk/ : used when somebody refuses to listen to your advice, ideas, explanations, etc: ex) Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. He just won’t listen.
cf) Life is a series of conflicts between individuals on different wavelengths.
人生とは 波長の合わない人たちとの 衝突の連続だ
wavelength /ˈweɪvˌlɛŋkθ/: used especially in the phrases on the same wavelength and on a different wavelength to say that people share or do not share a way of thinking
ex) We are usually on the same wavelength.
= We usually agree, think the same way about things, etc.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,533
□ be wrong for each other (2者の)相性が悪い
ex) We were wrong for each other.
wrong /ˈrɑːŋ/: not in a proper, good, or normal state or condition
ex) People spend all of their time trying to be less wrong for each other instead of being more right for each other.
ex) My eyes are not happy with contact lenses.
私の眼は コンタクトレンズと相性が悪い
happy /ˈhæpi/: showing or causing feelings of pleasure and enjoyment
ex) We couldn’t be happy with anyone else.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,252
□ go together 合う、調和する
ex) I have always liked my first and last name. They just seem to go together.
自分の苗字と 名前がずっと好きでした。 組み合わせが良いように思えます
ex) Doughnuts and milk go together.
ドーナツと牛乳は 相性が良い
go together /təˈgɛðɚ/ : to be suited to or appropriate for each other
ex) The tie and his suit go together well.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #786
□ coordinate 調和する、合う、似合う
ex) Your belt should coordinate with the rest of your look.
ベルトは 他の洋服と 調和が取れるものでないと いけない
coordinate /koʊˈoɚdəˌneɪt/: to look good with another color, pattern, style, etc.
ex) This color coordinates with your outfit.
ex) I’m wondering what sign is a good match for a Virgo?
乙女座と相性の良い 星座は何だろう?
ex) I understand how beer proves a good match for pizza, surely wine works too.
ビールとピザが 相性が良いのは分かるが、ワインも ピザと相性が良い
match /ˈmætʃ/: two people or things that are suited to each other
ex) The curtains and carpet are a good/perfect match (for each other).
味覚・食べ合わせ の相性
ex) What cheese goes well with port wine?
どのチーズが ポートワインと合いますか?
ex) What cheese goes with what wine?
どんなチーズが どんなワインと合いますか?
go (well) with /ˈgoʊ/: to be suitable for or appropriate with (something)
ex) The tie goes (well) with his suit.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #637
□ pair well with … (味など)…と相性がよい
ex) This wine pairs well with dried fruits.
このワインは ドライフルーツと相性がよい
ex) Its flavors go well with dried fruits.
その味は ドライフルーツと相性がよい
pair /ˈpeɚ/: to put (two people or things) together
ex) The teacher paired students with partners for the assignment.
ex) What wine goes best with fish?
魚料理と合う ワインは何ですか?
go better with: be a better match for
ex) Which cheeses go best with which deli meat?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,129
maladaptive (精神医学)不適応な、十分に適応されない
ex) Maladaptive behaviors are those that stop you from adapting to new or difficult circumstances.
maladaptive /ˌmaləˈdaptiv/ : marked by poor or inadequate adaptation
ex) Clinical narcissism protects the ego using maladaptive coping strategies.
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