英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Shoes Fit – Ill-Fitting – 「靴を履く・シューズ・靴の試着」を英語で表現
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Shoes Fit – Ill-Fitting – 「靴を履く・シューズ・靴の試着」 を英語で表現
ex) I’m teaching my daughter how to put on shoes.
娘に靴の履き方を 教えている
put on /ˈpʊt/: to dress yourself in (clothing)
ex) She put on her new sandals.
□ try on 試着する
ex) Can I try these sandals on?
このサンダル を試着してもよいですか?
try on /ˈtraɪ/: to put on (a piece of clothing, a pair of shoes, etc.) in order to see how it fits and looks
ex) Try this shoe on for size.
= Put on this shoe to see if it is the correct size.

Sophie B Hawkins
□ properly fitting shoes サイズの合う靴
ex) Properly fitting shoes are a must-have for babies.
適切なサイズの靴は 赤ちゃんに とって 必需品だ
properly /ˈprɑːpɚli/: in a way that is acceptable or suitable
ex) The base of the sandal should be as wide as your foot to provide proper support.
“You’re the only shoe that fits I can’t imagine I’ll grow out of it.”
– Damn I wish I was your lover – Sophie B Hawkins

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Casual English Phrases – #498
□ sore feet 靴擦れ
ex) I need to treat a sore heel.
sore /ˈsoɚ/: a sore or painful spot on the body
ex) Icing feet will help for your sore feet.
ex) Wearing badly fitting shoes can present a slew of issues such as ingrown toenails.
サイズの合わない靴は 巻き爪 など 数々の問題を引き起こす
badly /ˈbædli/: in a bad manner
ex) Poorly chosen and incorrectly fitting footwear can impact negatively on our feet.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,499
□ leave slack (靴ひも、ロープなどを結んで時)緩さを残す
ex) Make sure to leave enough slack for comfortable mevement when tying a knot in the lace.
動きやすいように 靴ひもを 緩さを残しておいて
slack /ˈslæk/ not stretched or held in a tight position
ex) The shoe does not leave enough slack to easily get your foot out.

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Casual English Phrases – #187
□ ill-fitting shoes サイズの合わない 靴
ex) Wearing ill-fitting shoes is more common than you may think.
サイズの合わない靴を 履くことは 思う以上に よくあることだ
ill-fitting [ill-fitting]: (of a garment) of the wrong size or shape for the person wearing it.
ex) Ill-fitting shoes can have a negative effect on health and well-fitting shoes are so important

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Casual English Phrases – #654
□ goody two shoes いい子ぶった子、優等生ぶった子
ex) She was such a goody two shoes.
あの子は おべっか使いだ
goody two shoes /ˈgʊdiˈtuːˌʃuːz/: an ostentatiously virtuous or well-behaved person
ex) You didn’t invite her to the party, did you? She’s such a goody two-shoes.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #171
□ ostentatious 人目を引こうとする、見栄を張る
ex) We have entirely adopted his ostentatious attitude.
私たちは 彼の 知識人ぶりたがる態度を 受け入れた
ostentatious /ˌɑːstənˈteɪʃəs/: displaying wealth, knowledge, etc., in a way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy
ex) He dresses ostentatiously.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,617
□ come undone (紐などが)ほどける
ex) My shoelace is undone.
= My shoelace has come undone.
undone /ˌʌnˈdʌn/ : not fastened or tied
ex) Strong knots are far less likely to come undone than weak ones.
ex) Your shoes should never feel tight on your toes.
つま先が きつく感じられる靴を選んではいけない
tight /ˈtaɪt/: fastened, attached, or held in a position that is not easy to move
ex) These stretch sprays can be applied to the parts of the shoe that feel tight.
ex) In fact, they are two sizes too big.
size /ˈsaɪz/: the total amount of physical space that a person or thing occupies
ex) If your shoes are one size too big, pairing them with thicker socks can help.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,275
□ foot the bill 経費・費用を支払う
ex) It was a business lunch, so the company is footing the bill.
foot /ˈfʊt/: to pay for something
ex) His parents footed the bill for his college education.
ex) My sandals are almost falling out of my heels.
サンダルの かかとの部分が、脱げそうです
fall /ˈfɑːl/: to come down at a particular place after moving through the air
ex) The shoes are simply too big and your heel falls right out of them.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #593
□ fall out (歯などが)抜ける
ex) If you ignore cavities long enough, they will cause your teeth to fall out.
虫歯を長い間放置すると 歯が抜けてしまう
fall out /ˈfɑːl/: to stop being attached to the body
ex) The cancer treatments made her hair fall out.
ex) I tested out by walking a lot in them to make sure these new shoes wouldn’t pinch or hurt.
新しい靴が 足を痛めないか 歩いてテストした
pinch /ˈpɪntʃ/: to press against or squeeze (a part of the body) in a painful way
ex) Shoes that are too narrow can pinch your toes,

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,278
□ slide forward 前に滑る
ex) My feet slide slightly forward on each step.
slide /ˈslaɪd/: to slip and fall
ex) Why do my feet slide around in my running shoes?
ex) These shoes will flop around when walking.
flop /ˈflɑːp/: to swing or move in a loose, awkward, or uncontrolled way
ex) I’ve had loafers that ultimately flopped on my feet, whereas some hardly stretched at all.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #411
□ on a shoestring 僅かな予算で
ex) The movie was made on a shoestring.
その映画は 低予算で作られた
shoestring /ˈʃuːˌstrɪŋ/: a small amount of money — usually used in the phrase on a shoestring
ex) The newspaper operates on a shoestring.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,604
□ gripping sole かかとや足裏がしっかりフィット(靴)
ex) Shoes with good gripping soles are best, since rocky areas become slippery with water and algae.
岩場は 水や藻で滑りやすいので、足裏がしっかりフィットする 靴底がよい
grip /ˈgrɪp/: to seize or hold firmly
ex) Are you tired of slipping on the ice all winter long? No slip ice grip shoes are the perfect solution
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