英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Frustration – Complaint – 不平・不満

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こんな英語学習者の方に お勧めです
– 日常生活で 頻繁に使う 英単語や フレーズを知りたい。
– 英語の雑誌が読めるになりたい。
– 英英辞典の利用に 慣れたい。
– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。

Frustration – Complaint – 不平・不満を英語で表現

frustrate /ˈfrʌˌstreɪt/   不満を引き起こす
ex) We’ve been frustrated by bureaucratic delays.
官僚的な 作業の遅れに 不満を抱えている

frustrate /ˈfrʌˌstreɪt/: to cause (someone) to feel angry, discouraged, or upset because of not being able to do something
ex) It frustrated him to miss so many games because of injuries.

grow frustrated with …   … に不満をつのらせる
ex) They grew frustrated with their inability to reach family.

grow /ˈgroʊ/: always followed by an adjective: become
ex) He had grown tired of hearing about their problems.

□ express frustration 不満を言い表す
ex) Many commuters express frustration with gridlocks during their drives.
多くの通勤者が 運転中の渋滞に不満を言い表している

express /ɪkˈsprɛs/: to talk or write about (something that you are thinking or feeling)
ex) He expressed an interest in meeting her.

take out one’s frustration on … … に不満をぶつける
ex) Don’t take your frustrations out on him.
自分の不満を 彼に ぶつけないで

take (something) out on (someone or something): to subject an innocent party to one’s anger or aggression
ex) I know you’re mad at Dad, but don’t take it out on me!

… is frustrating 不満の多い
ex) Learning to windsurf without knowing about the fundamentals can be frustrating.
基本を知らずに ウインドサーフィンを習えば、不安の多いものになる

frustrating /ˈfrʌˌstreɪtɪŋ/: causing feelings of anger and annoyance
ex) All these delays have been very frustrating.

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Casual English Phrases – #464

moan and groan 不平不満を言う
ex) After a lot of moaning and groaning, they eventually started work.
さんざん 不平不満を言った後、遂に彼らは 働きだした

moan /ˈmoʊn/: to express unhappiness about something :
ex) People like to moan and groan about the weather, politics, and just about everything else.

groan /ˈgroʊn/ to say (something that expresses annoyance or unhappiness)
ex) The children were moaning and groaning all morning, but their mother would not let them go outside.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

complaint 不平苦情
ex) We receive frequent complaints of our phones being engaged constantly.
電話がいつもつながらないと 苦情を受けている

place a complaint 苦情を告げる cf) make a complaint
ex) I’d like to place a complaint about a defective camera I bought here two weeks ago.
2週間前に購入した カメラの欠陥について 苦情があります

complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/: a statement that you are unhappy or not satisfied with something
ex) We lodged a complaint with the hotel manager.
= We complained to the hotel manager.

lodge a complaint (正式な)苦情を申し立てる
ex) I want to lodge a complaint about the sewage system.

lodge (正式に) 申し立てる
ex) The US lodged a formal protest against the arrest of the foreign reporters.
アメリカは 海外レポーターの逮捕に対し、正式な抗議を申し立てた

lodge /ˈlɑːʤ/: to present (something, such as a complaint) to someone so that it can be considered, dealt with, etc.
ex) She lodged a complaint against her landlord in court.

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Advanced English Expressions – #009

bemoan … を不満に思う、嘆く
ex) Researchers are bemoaning their lack of funds.
研究者達は いつも研究費の不足を嘆いている

ex) She is bemoaning the fact that her husband cannot cook anything.
彼女は 夫が全く料理が出来ない事を 不満に思っている

bemoan /bɪˈmoʊn/: to say that you are unhappy about (something)
ex) He bemoans the fact that the team lost again.

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complain 苦情、不平を言う
ex) Students may be apt to complain about bad weather.
悪天候について 学生たちは 不平を言うかもしれない

ex) He complained the entire time we were at the hospital.

complain /kəmˈpleɪn/: to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that you do not like something
ex) He works hard but he never complains.

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Casual English Phrases – #245

harp on    (不平・不満や 不幸を)繰り返し言う
ex) Stop harping on it!

ex) He seems to enjoy harping on my shortcomings.
彼は 私の欠点を 指摘し続けることを 楽しんでいるようだ

harp on: to talk about (a subject) constantly or repeatedly in an annoying way
ex) She’s always harping on the importance of a good diet.

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□ discontent 不満
ex) Don’t let your discontent get the better of you.

discontent /ˌdɪskənˈtɛnt/ a feeling of unhappiness or disapproval
ex) The survey indicates public discontent [=dissatisfaction] with the current administration.

settle for less 妥協する、不満ながら受け入れる
ex) People settle for less than they deserve.
人は 自分に値するものよりも 価値の低いもので妥協する

settle for: to accept it, especially when it is not what you really want but there is nothing else available.
ex) The perfectionist was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.

赤ちゃん・子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

grumble 不平、不満、ぶつぶつ言う
ex) Many adults grumble when it snows while most children are delighted.

grumble /ˈgrʌmbəl/ to complain quietly about something : to talk in an unhappy way
ex) There’s been a lot of grumbling among the employees.

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Casual English Phrases – #715

grouse 不平、不満を言う
ex) While it’s snowing he could grouse about the extra drive time.
雪の時、運転時間が長くなることについて 不満に思う

grouse /ˈgraʊs/: to complain about something
ex) She heard him grousing about his assistant.

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hold one’s tongue (不平・不満があっても)黙っている
ex) Holding your tongue was an act of wisdom.
不平・不満を 口に出さないことは 賢い 行動である

ex) I just can’t hold my tongue any more.
もう 黙っている訳には いかない

hold one’s tongue /ˈtʌŋ/ : to keep silent
ex) It was difficult, but he somehow managed to hold his tongue.

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Advanced English Expressions – #040

complacent 自己満足した、無頓着な、無関心な
ex) The strong economy has made people complacent.
好調な景気観は 人々を 自己満足を覚えさせた

complacent /kəmˈpleɪsn̩t/: satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change them
ex) We can’t afford to be complacent about illiteracy.

complacency 自己満足、改善を怠っている状態
ex) The stock market crash rattled our complacency.
株式市場の混乱は 私たちの 自己満足感を揺さぶった
= The stock market took away our feeling that everything was fine.

complacency /kəmˈpleɪsn̩si/ : a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better
ex) The public was lulled into complacency.

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pet peeve 不満の種、一番嫌なこと
ex) What are some new pet peeves you have as a result of recent technology?

pet peeve /pēv/: something that annoys or bothers a person very much ex) One of my biggest pet peeves is people driving too slowly on the highway.
ex) What are your biggest fashion pet peeves?

peeve 悩ませる、いらつかせる
ex) He was peeved at being left out of the activity.
彼は 仲間外れにされて いらついた

peeve /pēv/: annoy; irritate.
ex) He was peeved at being left out of the cabinet”

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

vent (不満・怒りを)発散する、爆発させる
ex) What is the best way to vent out anger or frustration?
怒りや 不満を 発散させる 最良の方法は 何ですか?

vent /ˈvɛnt/: to express (an emotion) usually in a loud or angry manner
ex) She vented her frustrations by kicking the car.

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Advanced English Expressions – #172

rant (不平・不満を表すため)騒ぐ、怒鳴る
ex) He ranted about my disregard for the law.
彼は 私が法律を無視したことに対し 怒った

rant /ˈrænt/ : to talk loudly and in a way that shows anger
ex) “You can rant and rave all you want,” she said, “but it’s not going to change things.”

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Rest – Break – 休憩・休み

Scope – Range – Parameters – 範囲・広範囲 

Recommend – Suggest – 推薦・勧める

Straight / Consecutive – 連続 

Jeans – Denim – ジーンズを買う 

Busy as a bee – 忙しい・多忙・時間がない 

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

主婦・女性の方への 日常英会話フレーズ集です

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 家庭教師 – MyPace English (マイペース・イングリッシュ)
英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。

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