初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > Joining a city sightseeing tour – 市内観光ツアーに参加する
トラベル英会話 フレーズ集
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Joining a city sightseeing tour – 市内観光ツアーに参加する
T: Tourist 観光客
C: Clerk 係員
T: We want to book 2 tickets for the one day guided sightseeing tour.
ガイド付きの 一日観光ツアーのチケットを2枚 予約したい
sightseeing /ˈsaɪtˌsijɪŋ/: the activity of visiting the famous or interesting places of an area
ex) We spent the afternoon sightseeing.
T: Can we book the half-day city sightseeing tour for tomorrow?
明日の半日 市内観光ツアーを 申し込めますか?
tour /ˈtuɚ/: a journey through the different parts of a country, region, etc.
ex) They went on a driving tour of New England.
□ book a reservation 予約する
C: Could you help me book a reservation?
book /ˈbʊk/: to make arrangements so that you will be able to use or have (something, such as a room, table, or seat) at a later time
ex) We booked [=reserved] a hotel room.
T: We want a tour to get a quick overview of the city.
市内を 簡単に巡るツアーが 良いのですが
overview /ˈoʊvɚˌvjuː/: a general explanation or description of something
ex) The sightseeing bus will allow you to have an overview, which includes the most emblematic places.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #121
□ emblematic 象徴の
ex) Empire State Building is the most emblematic building in NYC.
エンパイア・ステート・ビルは ニューヨークで もっとも 象徴的なビルだ
emblematic /ˌɛmbləˈmætɪk/: representing something (such as an idea, state, or emotion) that cannot be seen by itself
ex) The crown is emblematic of royalty.
この街について どれ位 知っていますか?
□ be familiar with … … に詳しい
ex) I’m not familiar with that area.
その地域について 詳しく知らない
familiar with /fəˈmɪljɚ/: having some knowledge about (something)
ex) We are familiar with the situation.
C: We have a good general city tour to start with.
初めての訪問に 丁度良い 一般的な市内観光ツアーがあります
ex) In addition to all the hop-on-hop-off bus tours, there are also bus tours that you can take after dark.
自由に乗り降りが出来る バスツアーに加えて、夕方以降のバスツアーもある
hop /ˈhɑːp/: to ride on (an airplane, train, etc.)
ex) Customize your unlimited Hop-on, Hop-off tour by choosing the duration that works for you!
T: We don’t have much time to sightsee.
sightsee /ˈsītˌsē/: visit places of interest in a particular location.
ex) The players have a day off to sightsee around London.
T: Is the tour tailored to beginners?
そのツアーは 初心者向けに作られたものですか?

英語表現の 「質」を一気に高めよう!
Upgraded English Phrases – #014
□ tailor … based on customer preferences 顧客の嗜好に合わせて … を カスタマイズする
ex) We’ll provide tailor-made tours based on tourist preferences.
旅行者の好みに合わせて ツアーをカスタマイズします
ex) Each item will be tailored according to the needs of the individuals.
一つ一つの商品が 個人のニーズに合わせて カスタマイズされます
tailor /ˈteɪlɚ/: to make (clothing that is measured to fit a particular person)
ex) Know the difference between tailored and scheduled tours, and which one suits you best.
T: Is it an audio tour with headphones?
そのツアーは ヘッドフォン音声の オーディオツアーですか?
audio /ˈɑːdiˌoʊ/: of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast
ex) Self-guided audio tours are available.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #742
□ gallivant(楽しみを求めて)遊び回る・訪問する、旅行する
ex) He’s been gallivanting around the country when he ought to be looking for a job.
彼は 休職活動をしなくてはならない時に、国内を旅行して 遊び回っていた
gallivant /ˈgæləˌvænt/: to go or travel to many different places for pleasure
ex) They’ve been gallivanting all over town.
T: Will we pay additional admission fees for the musiuem?
美術館の入場料を 別途支払うのでしょうか?
admission /ədˈmɪʃən/: the money charged for allowing someone to enter a public place.
ex) Admission is $1 for adults and 50 cents for children.
□ admission 入場(料)
ex) It is a free-admission amusement park for families.
家族向けの 入場無料の遊園地だ
admission /ədˈmɪʃən/: the right or permission to join a club, group, etc.
ex) Purchasing your tickets in advance is the surest way to saving money on admission.
T: Where will we be met by a tour guide?
T: Where does the tour pick up and drop off?
You will be met by …: the other person is the active agent; they came looking for you
ex) I’ll make sure you’re met by a car and driver.
ex) Exactly how long does the tour last once it starts?
正確には ツアーは開始から何時間に渡り 続くのですか?
last /ˈlæst/: to continue in time
ex) How long does the movie last?
□ take … around to + 観光地名 ~を巡る
ex) The sightseeing bus will take you around to Union Square, Fisherman’s Wharf and a few other places as well.
観光バスは ユニオンスクエアや、フィッシャーマンズワーフ、その他 数か所を訪れます
ex) How much does the tour cost?
そのツアーは いくらでしょうか?
cost /ˈkɑːst/: to have (an amount of money) as a price
ex) How much does it cost to change a flight?
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #016
□ inclement weather 悪天候
T: What’s the inclement weather policy?
悪天候の場合の 契約条件(返金など)は どのようなものですか?
inclement /ɪnˈklɛmənt/: having rain and storms
ex) The game was postponed due to inclement weather.
ex) You’re entitled to a full refund if you cancel at least 72 hours in advance of the start time of the tour.
ツアー開始の 72時間前 以前にキャンセルした場合、全額の返金をいたします
refund /ˈriːˌfʌnd/ : an amount of money that is given back to someone who has returned a product, paid too much, etc.
ex) No refunds or exchanges are allowed.
T: Will tours be cancelled if the minimum number of participants is not reached?
参加者数が 最小催行人数に達しない時、ツアーは キャンセルになりますか?
C: In case the minimum number of 4 participants is not reached, you are entitled to a full refund.
最小催行人数の4人に ツアー参加者が達しない場合、全額返金を受けることになります
minimum /ˈmɪnəməm/: the lowest number or amount that is possible or allowed — usually singular
ex) Allow a minimum of 48 hours to receive a response email.
覚えておこう! 海外旅行で必須の シンプルな英語表現・フレーズ集