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Tendency – Trend – 「傾向・風潮・兆候」 を英語で表現
A. Tendency は 一般的な 傾向であり、以前から ある一般的な傾向 を示します。 Trend は 急上昇中の 話題・事柄を 意味し、否定的な意味合いを含むこともあります
□ tendency 傾向
ex) She has a tendency to overreact.
彼女には 過剰反応する傾向がある
= She has a tendency toward/towards overreacting.
tendency /ˈtɛndənsi/: a quality that makes something likely to happen
ex) The door has a tendency to get stuck.
= The door often gets stuck.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #326
□ tendentious (意見など)偏向した
ex) Each tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.
そのような 偏った陳述は 反対を引き起こしそうだ
tendentious /tɛnˈdɛnʃəs/: strongly favoring a particular point of view in a way that may cause argument : expressing a strong opinion
ex) He made some extremely tendentious remarks.
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ex) People in my family tend to be tall.
私の家族は 背が高い傾向がある
= A lot of people in my family are tall.
tend /ˈtɛnd/: used to describe what often happens or what someone often does or is likely to do
ex) I have to be careful about what I eat because I tend to gain weight easily.
□ trend (急に現れた)傾向、動向、流行
ex) Digital technology is the latest trend in television.
テレビの 最新動向としてデジタル技術が 挙げられる
trend /ˈtrɛnd/: a general direction of change : a way of behaving, proceeding, etc., that is developing and becoming more common
ex) Teachers are trying to reverse the general trend [=tendency] of lower test scores.
□ trendy 流行の、トレンドに乗った
ex) I know some hip trendy restaurants in this vicinity.
この界隈で いくつか 流行りのレストランを知っている
trendy /ˈtrɛndi/sometimes disapproving : currently popular or fashionable
ex) I know some trendy restaurants in this vicinity.

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Advanced English Expressions – #756
□ be prone to … する傾向がある、… しがちである
ex) He is somewhat prone to depression.
彼は 少し 落ち込みやすい傾向がある
prone /ˈproʊn/: likely to do, have, or suffer from something
ex) Tests showed that the machine is prone to failure/fail.
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ex) As the kids got older, they were naturally inclined to go to bed later.
子供たちは 成長するにつれて 就寝の時間が遅くなる傾向がある
inclined /ɪnˈklaɪnd/ : wanting to do something or likely to do something
ex) He was inclined to self-pity.
□ inclination 傾向、意向
ex) Coyotes seem to have a natural inclination to avoid human-related food.
コヨーテは 人間の与えた食べ物を 避ける 生まれつきの傾向があるようだ
inclination /ˌɪnkləˈneɪʃən/: a feeling of wanting to do something : a tendency to do something
ex) She shows no inclination to give in to their demands.
ex) We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.
私たちは 厳しい事実に対して 目を閉じてしまう 傾向がある
apt /ˈæpt/ : likely to do something : having a tendency to do something — followed by to + verb
ex) Adolescents are more apt to take risks than adults are.
ex) He has a penchant for asking stupid questions.
彼には つまらない質問をする 傾向がある
= He asks a lot of stupid questions.
penchant /ˈpɛntʃənt/ noun: a strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way
ex) Her penchant for mathematics helped her to become an engineer.

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Advanced English Expressions – #896
□ disposed … の傾向にある、… しがちである、… しそうである
ex) He disagreed but was not disposed [=inclined] to argue.
彼は 同意はしなかったが、討論するつもりはなさそうであった
disposed /dɪˈspoʊzd/ adjective: wanting to do something or likely to do something
ex) He didn’t seem disposed to take the hint.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #252
□ propensity (人の行動・性格の)傾向、 性癖、性向
ex) She has a propensity to assume the worst.
彼女は 最悪の状況を想定する 傾向がある
= She tends to assume the worst.
propensity /prəˈpɛnsəti/: a strong natural tendency to do something
ex) Why do some people have a propensity toward violence?
= Why do some people have a tendency to be violent?
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Advanced English Expressions – #354
□ proclivity (良くない)傾向、嗜好
ex) He shows no proclivity towards aggression.
彼に 好戦的な傾向は 見られない
=he is not aggressive.
proclivity /proʊˈklɪvəti/: a tendency to do something that is usually bad
ex) Why do some people have a proclivity for violence?
= Why are some people violent?
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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