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Relation – Related – 「関係・関連・絆」 を英語で表現
Relationship も Relation も英語辞書に 関係 と載っていますが、使い分け方はありますか?
A. Relationship も Relation も (2者 或いはそれ以上の)関係を意味します。 どちらを用いても良い場合も多くあります。
□ relationship 関係 (人と人の関係など)
ex) The U.S.’s relationship with Iran was cut off during the Iran hostage crisis.
アメリカと イランの関係(国交)は 人質問題の時 断交された
relationship /rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/: the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other
ex) She has a close relationship with her sister.
□ relation 関係 (国家間など 大きな事象)
ex) The U.S. has formal diplomatic relations with most nations.
アメリカは ほとんどの国と 正式な外交関係を 有している
relation /rɪˈleɪʃən/: the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other
ex) The incident led to tense international relations.
ex) What work-related health problems do you see in your workplace?
どのような職業に関連する 病気を 職場で見かけますか?
relate /rɪˈleɪt/: to show or make a connection between (two or more things)
ex) Few of the people who became sick related their symptoms to the food they’d eaten the day before.
Casual English Phrases – #456
□ be bound up with … … と密接な関係で
ex) The notion of a concept is intimately bound up with language.
概念に対する考え方は 言語と密接な関係にある
bound up /ˈbaʊnd/: closely involved or associated
ex) These societal changes are inextricably bound up with the development of new technologies.
ex) Their research shows a link between high cholesterol and an increased risk of heart attacks.
研究報告書は 高いコレステロール値と 心臓病発生率の 上昇の関係性を 示した
= shows that high cholesterol causes an increased risk of heart attacks
□ show a link between … and ‥ … と ‥ の関連性を示す
ex) The research highlights the link between childhood trauma and addiction in adulthood.
その研究は 幼少時のトラウマと 成人期の 中毒症の 関連性を強調している
link /ˈlɪŋk/ : a relationship or connection between things
ex) Police have discovered/established a direct link between the two murders.

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Advanced English Expressions – #167
□ inextricably 切り離せないほどに、密接に
ex) Our lives are bound inextricably with others.
私たちの生活は 他人の生活の 切っても切れないほど 密接な関係を持っている
inextricably /ˌɪnɪkˈstrɪkəbli/: closely joined or related
ex) He claims poverty is inextricably linked to poor health.
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Casual English Phrases – #595
□ close tie 密接な関係
ex) It is difficult to break close family ties.
親密な 家族の絆を断ち切ることは 困難である
tie /ˈtaɪ/ : to connect (someone or something) to another person or thing — usually used as (be) tied to
ex) He argues that poverty is closely tied to poor health.
= that poverty and poor health are closely related
ex) They are protected by the law, irrespective of race. (= regardless of race)
人種に関わらず 彼らは 法律の元 保護されている
irrespective of /ˌirɪˈspɛktɪv-/: without thinking about or considering (something)
ex) She had decided to buy a new computer, irrespective of the cost.

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Advanced English Expressions – #416
□ correlate 相互に関連付ける、相互に関連がある
ex) If two things correlate, a change in one thing results in a similar or an opposite change in the other thing.
2つのものに 相互関連 (Correlate) がある場合、片方に変化が 生じ、その結果 もう一方にも 似た(または反対の)変化が生じる
correlate /ˈkorəˌleɪt/: to have a close connection with something : to have a correlation to something
ex-lv) Maintaining at least a few close friendships is strongly correlated with feeling better about life.
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Advanced English Expressions – #243
□ tangential 関係のない、本題からそれた
ex) We should be aware of all the tangential issues involved.
本題から それた問題が 含まれている事を 認識しなければならない
tangential /tænˈʤɛnʃəl/: slightly or indirectly related to something : not closely connected to something
ex) Their romance is tangential to the book’s main plot.
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ex) He quickly developed a good rapport with the other teachers.
彼はすぐに 他の教師たちと 良好な関係を築いた
rapport /ræˈpoɚ/: a friendly relationship
ex) How can teachers achieve rapport with students?
ex) The law pertains [=applies] only to people who were born in this country.
その法律は この国で 生まれた人たちだけに 当てはまる
pertain /pɚˈteɪn/: to relate to someone or something
ex) The questions pertained to [=the questions were about] the role of religion in society.
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Advanced English Expressions – #297
□ pertinent 関連する、該当する
ex) The web site was created listing pertinent information on used cars.
そのホームページは 中古車に関連する情報を掲載するために 作成された
pertinent /ˈpɚtənənt/: relating to the thing that is being thought about or discussed
ex) His comments weren’t pertinent (to the discussion).
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Advanced English Expressions – #762
□ tenuous (関係などが不安定で)希薄な、(根拠など)弱い
ex) The connection between his absence and the robbery is tenuous [=shaky] at best.
その不在と 窃盗の関係性は希薄である
tenuous /ˈtɛnjəwəs/: not certain, definite, or strong : flimsy, weak, or uncertain
ex) It seems most people have a very tenuous understanding of what “free speech” entails.
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Advanced English Expressions – #938
□ camaraderie (共同作業などを共にする)友情、仲間意識
ex) There is great camaraderie among the teammates.
チームメートたちの間に 素晴らしい仲間意識がある
camaraderie /kɑmˈrɑːdəri/ : a feeling of good friendship among the people in a group
ex) They have developed a real camaraderie after working together for so long.
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関連する 初級者向け英語情報へ
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。