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Update – Straight Dope -「情報・情報更新」を英語で表現
A. Update は IT 分野だけでなく、情報全体の話題に 用いることができます
□ updates 更新情報、最新情報
ex) Check our website for updates.
更新情報を ホームページで確認して
ex) We send out updates to our customers on a monthly basis.
月に1回の割合で 消費者に 当社の最新情報を発送している
update /ˈʌpˌdeɪt/: a report that includes the most recent information about something
ex) I haven’t heard the latest weather update.
ex) We will create a list of customer names and update it frequently.
顧客の名簿を作成し 情報更新を頻繁に行なうでしょう
update /ˌʌpˈdeɪt/: to change (something) by including the most recent information
ex) I need to update my address book.
ex) The doctor will keep you updated on your own prognosis.
病気の診断に関しては 逐次 お知らせいたします
update /ˈʌpˌdeɪt/: to give (someone) the most recent information about something — usually + on
ex) He updated us on his mother’s health.

Casual English Phrases – #126
□ straight dope 信頼できる情報、正しい情報
ex) He gave us the straight dope.
straight dope: the true information; the full story.
ex) I just feel like these doctors are never giving me the straight dope about her condition.
情報 – Information に関連する 英語表現
ex) How can I get detailed information on the exam?
試験に関する 詳細情報はどうやって 手に入れられますか?
information /ˌɪnfɚˈmeɪʃən/: knowledge that you get about someone or something
ex) They’re working to collect/gather information about the early settlers in the region.
ex) I want to read columns based on objective factual information.
客観的 事実に基づく情報を 基本とするコラムを読みたい
factual /ˈfæktʃəwəl/: limited to, involving, or based on facts
ex) She tried to separate what is factual [=true, real] from what is not.
ex) As an author, I pieced together facts and information.
piece together: to put the parts of something into place
ex) Piece separate pieces of information together.
Casual English Phrases – #213
□ piece together (小さな物を組み合わせ)大きなもの作る
ex) She pieced the quilt together from scraps of old cloth.
彼女は 古い布の断片を組み合わせて キルトを作った
piece together: to make (something) by bringing together various parts or pieces
ex) Watching the movie was like piecing together [=putting together] a jigsaw puzzle.
cf) How is information transferred from one computer to another?
どうやって 情報は 一つのコンピューターから 他のコンピューターに流れるのですか?
transfer /ˈtrænsˌfɚ/: an act or process of moving someone or something from one place to another
ex) Speed up data transfer between computers.
ex) I’ve made a list of informative books for business persons.
ビジネスマン向けに 役立つ書籍の リストを作りました
informative /ɪnˈfoɚmətɪv/: providing information
ex) A lecture in which you learn a lot is an example of an informative lecture.
ex) I need some tips for saving money.
お金を貯めるのに 役立つ情報が必要だ
ex) This book contains some essential tips for your first trip to France.
この本は 初めてフランスに行く時に 必須の情報を掲載している
tip /ˈtɪp/: a piece of advice or useful information
ex) She got a tip on how to prepare for the test.
Casual English Phrases – #174
□ tip off (内密)情報を伝える
ex) He tipped off the police about the robbery.
彼は警察に その窃盗犯に関する情報を 伝えた
ex) I tipped off the mayor about the financial crisis.
市長に財政危機の情報を 渡した
tip off: to give useful or secret information to (someone)
ex) Someone tipped them off that there would be a robbery.
□ tip-off 内密情報
ex) Thanks to an anonymous tip-off, police were able to arrest the thieve.
内密情報のおかげで 警察はその泥棒を捕まえることができた
tip–off /ˈtɪpˌɑːf/: a warning that something (such as a crime) is going to happen
ex) The police received a tip-off about the robbery from an informer.
Casual English Phrases – #450
□ buzz (陰で広がる)情報、噂
ex) The buzz is that she turned down the job because the pay was too low.
給与が低いので 彼女はその仕事を断るという 噂がある
buzz /ˈbʌz/: the things that are being said about something
ex) What’s the latest buzz about their marriage?
ex) The magazine is newsy and informative.
その雑誌は ニュースが豊富で 役立つ
newsy /ˈnuːzi/: containing or full of a lot of news
ex) I got a long newsy letter from her.
Information と 相性の良い動詞

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #013
□ amass (財産、情報、証拠)集める、蓄積する
ex) They’ve amassed a wealth of information.
彼らは 豊富な量の 情報を集めた
amass /əˈmæs/ : to gather or collect (something, such as a large amount of money) especially for yourself
ex) By the time he was 21, he had already amassed [=accumulated] a great fortune.
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Casual English Phrases – #554
□ be left in the dark (情報を知らされず)蚊帳の外にいる
ex) No one with inside information sheds any light on a subject, then everyone is left in the dark about it.
内部情報を持つ者が 誰も その件について 明らかにしなかったので、誰もが 情報を知らされていなかった
be left in the dark /ˈlɛft/: to not be informed of something usually because of carelessness (usually without harmful intent)
ex) If you are left in the dark about something, you aren’t given the information that you should have.
ex) We compiled our findings in the report.
調査結果を レポート掲載用に 編集した
compile /kəmˈpajəl/: to put together (various songs, pieces of writing, facts, etc.) in a publication or collection
ex) They took the best submissions and compiled them in a single issue of the magazine.
ex) I’ll sort data in Excel spreadsheets.
データを エクセル表で 分類・整理する
sort /ˈsoɚt/: to separate and put (people or things) in a particular order
ex) The program can sort data alphabetically or numerically.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #027
□ glean (情報・落穂など)収集する
ex) News gleaned from the Internet can be educational materials for kids.
インターネット上で 集めたニュースは 子供の教育情報資料となる
glean /ˈliːn/: to gather or collect (something) in a gradual way
ex) She gleaned her data from various studies.
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ex) They have a special gift for communicating various types of information.
彼らは あらゆる種類の情報を伝達する 稀な能力を持っている
communicate /kəˈmjuːnəˌkeɪt/: to give information about (something) to someone by speaking, writing, moving your hands, etc.
ex) His book communicates [=conveys] the harsh realities of war.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #008
□ falsify (情報など)偽造、変造する
ex) A healthcare practitioner falsified medical records.
開業医師が 医療記録を偽造した
falsify /ˈfɑːlsəˌfaɪ/: to make (something) false : to change (something) in order to make people believe something that is not true
ex) He was caught falsifying financial accounts.
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関連する 初級者向け英語情報へ
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。