成人英会話 > 初心者英語の直し方 > Select – Pick Out – 選ぶ・選択の 使い分け
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Select – Pick Out – 選ぶ・選択 を 使い分ける
Choose は 選ぶ を意味する 汎用性の高い動詞です。
□ choose 選ぶ、選択する
ex) You can choose your favorite among the four.
4つの中から 好きなものを選んで
□ choose to … … することを選ぶ
ex) I’ve chosen to live in Tokyo.
東京に住むことを 選びました
choose /ˈtʃuːz/ : to decide that a particular person or thing is the one that you want
ex) The political party chose a leader.
□ choice 選択
ex) Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.
運命は 偶然の事ではなく、選択の問題だ
choice /ˈtʃoɪs/: the act of choosing : the act of picking or deciding between two or more possibilities
ex) He knew he had to make a choice.
= Choose one thing or another.
□ of choice (最適なものを)選択すること
ex) Please make a reservation for me at the hotel of your choice.
of choice: a range of things that can be chosen
ex) You have the choice of coffee or tea.
Casual English Phrases – #191
□ choosy 好みにうるさい、選り好みする
ex) She’s pretty choosy about her clothes.
彼女は 洋服にうるさい
ex) For a healthy diet, be choosy about your cheese.
健康な食生活のために チーズ選びの際は 慎重に
chooey /ˈtʃuːzi/ : very careful in choosing
ex) We could afford to be as choosy as we wanted to be.
Pick out も Choose と同様 汎用性の高いイデオムです。
□ pick out 選ぶ
ex) Pick out a topic テーマを一つ選んで
pick out: to choose or select (the best or most appropriate person or thing) from a group
ex) It took him an hour to pick out [=pick] what to wear.
□ pick up 買う(ちょっと行って、見つけだして)
ex) Will you pick up that magazine on the way home from work?
帰宅途中に あの雑誌を買ってきて
pick up /ˈpɪk/: to buy or get (something)
ex) Have you picked up a copy of her new CD yet?
select は chose より 吟味して選ぶ 意味を持ちます
□ select 選ぶ
ex) Select your answer from multiple choices.
複数の選択肢の中から 答えを選んで
select /səˈlɛkt/: to choose (someone or something) from a group
ex) Please select one item from the list.
ex) You have to be selective.
ex) selective subject 選択科目
selective /səˈlɛktɪv/: careful to choose only the best people or things
ex) He is very selective [=picky, choosy] about which tomatoes to use for the sauce.
ex) We pride ourselves on the vast selection of used cars.
選び抜いた 中古車を提供している
selection /səˈlɛkʃən/: the act of choosing something or someone from a group
ex) The selection of the best poem was difficult.
Casual English Phrases – #504
□ picky 好みにうるさい、より好みする
ex) He’s picky about his beer. It must be Guinness, it must be fresh, and it must be freezing.
彼のビールの好みは偏っている。 フレッシュで、すごく冷えた ギネスでないと 駄目だ
picky /ˈpɪki/: very careful or too careful about choosing or accepting things : hard to please
ex) She’s very picky about what brands of shoes she’ll wear.
□ picky eating 偏食、食べ物の好みの偏り
ex) Picky eating can become so restrictive in some cases that it’s even classified as a type of eating disorder.
ケースによっては 偏食も 摂食障害として 取扱われる
Picky Eating is when a child (or adult) refuses foods often or eats the same foods over and over.
ex) Many children are picky eaters, and fussy eating is normal.
Elect の使い方
□ elect (選挙で候補者を)選ぶ
ex)) He will be elected Mayor. 市長に選ばれるだろう
elect /ɪˈlɛkt/: to select (someone) for a position, job, etc., by voting
ex) She was elected (as) senator.
= She was elected to the Senate.
ex) A snap election is imminent.
抜き打ち選挙(衆議院解散選挙)が 目の前に迫っている
ex) election campaign 選挙運動
election /ɪˈlɛkʃən/: the act or process of choosing someone for a public office by voting
ex) He’s favored to win the election.
opt は 具体的な選択肢の中から 選ぶ ことを意味します。
□ opt for … … を選ぶ
ex) He opted for chocolate ice cream this time.
今回 彼は チョコレートアイスクリームを選択した
□ opt to … … することを選ぶ
ex) You can opt to pay in up to 24 payments.
opt /ˈɑːpt/: to choose one thing instead of another — often + for
ex) She was offered a job but opted to go to college instead.
ex) More workers would opt in the new health insurance.
より多くの労働者が 新しい健康保険に加入するであろう
opt in: to choose to do or be involved in something
ex) The company offered a new health insurance plan so that more workers would opt in.
□ opt out of … …への不参加を選択する
cf) More workers would opt out of the old health insurance.
より多くの労働者が 古い健康保険を脱退するであろう
ex) I understand that my opt-out request may require up to six weeks to take effect.
私の 不参加のリクエストは、6週間以内に 有効になることを 理解している
ex) She’s eager to take up bookkeeping as career option.
彼女は 職業の選択肢として 簿記を勉強することに 熱心である
option /ˈɑːpʃən/: the opportunity or ability to choose something or to choose between two or more things
ex) You have the option of staying home or coming with us.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,069
□ cull (多くのものから 良いものを)選択する、抜粋する
ex) She culled the information from newspaper articles.
新聞の記事から 情報を抜粋した
cull /ˈkʌl/: to select or choose (someone or something) from a group
ex) Damaged fruits are culled (out) before the produce is shipped.
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