英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Revenge – Retaliatory – 「仕返し・復讐・恨みを晴らす」 を英語で表現
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Revenge – Retaliatory – 「仕返し・復讐・恨みを晴らす」を英語で表現

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #679
□ vengeance 仕返し、復讐
ex) The fire was set as an act of vengeance.
その火事は 復習行為によるものであった
vengeance /ˈvɛnʤəns/: the act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you or someone else
ex) He swore vengeance [=revenge] against his son’s kidnapper.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,254
□ with a vengeance すさまじい勢いで、猛烈に
ex) He’s been working with a vengeance over the past few weeks to make up for lost time.
彼は 失った時間を取り戻すために 数週間に渡り 猛烈に働いた
with a vengeance /ˈvɛnʤəns/: with great force or effort
ex) After losing the first three games, the team came back with a vengeance to win the next four.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #874
□ vengeful (悪事に対する)復讐の、報復の
ex) The fire was a vengeful act of destruction.
その家事は 報復としての 破壊行為であった
vengeful /ˈvɛnʤfəl/: feeling or showing a desire to harm someone who has harmed you : feeling or showing a desire for vengeance
ex) The robbery was committed by a vengeful former employee.
ex) They lived under the threat of retaliation.
報復の脅威の中で 彼らは生活した
retaliation /rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃən/: counterattack
ex) The union has threatened a strike in retaliation for the company’s plans to reduce benefits.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #680
□ retaliatory 仕返しの、報復の
ex) Retaliatory actions against employees are prohibited.
従業員に対する 報復行為は禁じられている
retaliatory /rɪˈtælijəˌtori/: (of an action) characterized by a desire for revenge
ex) Even nonwork-related actions that occur outside the workplace may be considered retaliatory as well.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,255
□ counterattack 反撃、逆襲
ex) The team finally mounted a counterattack in the last quarter of the game.
そのチームは 試合 3/4目で 遂に 反撃を開始した
counterattack /ˈkaʊntɚrəˌtæk/: an attack that is made in response to an attack by an enemy or opponent
ex) They launched a fierce counterattack by air once the fog cleared.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #682
□ mount (計画・編成し)開始する
ex) She is expected to mount a serious challenge in the coming election.
次回の選挙で彼女は 重大な挑戦を 企てて 行なう ものと予想される
mount /ˈmaʊnt/ : to organize and do (something that usually requires the effort of many people)
ex) The police have mounted a nationwide search for the killer.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,194
□ vindictive 復讐のための、人を傷つけるための
ex) He became bitter and vindictive [=spiteful, vengeful] after his divorce.
彼は離婚の後 辛辣で、悪意を持つようになっていた
vindictive /vɪnˈdɪktɪv/ : having or showing a desire to hurt someone who has hurt or caused problems for you
ex) “Vindictive” refers more to how someone with the disorder may act in some situations.
ex) Revenge is an action of inflicting harm on someone else in retaliation for harm.
自分が傷ついたことに対する 仕返しを 他人に課す行為を 復讐と呼ぶ
revenge /rɪˈvɛnʤ/: to do something to hurt (someone who has hurt you) : to take revenge on (someone)
ex) She vowed to revenge herself on her father’s killer.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #178
□ inflict (嫌な事、苦痛を)課す、負わせる
ex) She is wrong to inflict her beliefs on everyone else.
彼女が 自分の信念を 他の人たちに課すのは 誤っている
inflict /ɪnˈflɪkt/: to cause someone to experience or be affected by (something unpleasant or harmful)
ex) These insects are capable of inflicting a painful sting.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,256
□ get even with … … に仕返しする、復讐する
ex) Don’t get mad, get even.
怒らずに 仕返ししろ
get even/ˈiːvən/: inflict trouble or harm on someone similar to that which they have inflicted on oneself.
ex) I’ll get even with him for this.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,257
□ get back at … 復讐する、恨みを晴らす
ex) I wanted to get back at them for what they did.
彼らの行為に対し 仕返ししたい
get back at /ˈbæk/: take revenge on someone.
ex)I think he’s trying to get back at her for what she said in the meeting.