英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Diversity – Variety – Mixed Bag -「多様な・色々な」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Diversity – Variety – Mixed Bag -「多様な・色々な」 を英語で表現

diversity 多様性
ex) The see possesses a wealth of marine habitats that allow for exceptional diversity.
その海は 豊かな 海洋生息環境を 保持しており、稀に見る 生態系の多様性を有している

diversity /dəˈvɚsəti/: the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.
ex) We work hard to raise awareness of cultural diversity within the workforce.

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Advanced English Expressions – #757

□ diversify into    (企業が)事業(投資)を多角化する
ex) Many publishing companies have diversified into online services.
多くの出版社が オンラインサービスへと 事業を多角化している

diversify /dəˈvɚsəˌfaɪ/: to produce or sell more kinds of products : to increase the variety of goods or services produced or offered by (someone or something)
ex) They diversify into other types of investments.

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□ diversify    多様化する
ex) Higher education must be diversified.

diversify /dəˈvɚsəˌfaɪ/: to change (something) so that it has more different kinds of people or things
ex) We sell our subsidiaries in a bid to specialize rather than diversify.

various   多様な
ex) Jeans come in various shapes and sizes.
ジーンズには 様々な形やサイズがある

various /ˈverijəs/ used to refer to several different or many different things, people, etc.
ex) It sort of falls between the cracks of the various ministries.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,108

fall between the cracks 無視される見落とされる
ex) Parents are concerned that children who have trouble in school will fall through the cracks in the school system.
父兄たちは 問題のある 子供たちが 学校のシステムの中で 見落とされているのではないかと 懸念している
= The children will not be given the help they need; will graduate without anyone noticing that they are unable to do the work.

fall between the cracks /ˈkræk/ : to fail to be noticed or included with others
ex) The program is meant to help workers who may have slipped through the cracks.
= Who may have not been included in other programs because of their age

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

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Casual English Phrases – #1,109

□ hold various hats    (その他にも)色々なな肩書きを持つ
ex) These days, everyone has to wear a number of hats.
最近では 人々が 色々な肩書きを持っている

hold various hats /ˈverijəs/: have several different jobs or roles
ex) She presents every weekend – she wears many different hats.

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a viriety of    多様な色々な
ex) They do it for a variety of reasons.
彼らが そうするのには色々な理由があります

variety /vəˈrajəti/: a number or collection of different things or people
ex) This car incorporates a variety of features designed to provide maximum riding comfort.

variety show (テレビの)バラエティショー
ex) The earliest variety shows were performed on stages and radio.
初期のバラエティショーは 舞台や ラジオで 演じられていた

variety show /vəˈrajəti/: entertainment made up of a variety of acts including musical performances, sketch comedy etc.
ex) There’s quite a bit of the titillating material all too common on variety shows.

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Advanced English Expressions – #543

titillate (心を)くすぐる刺激する
ex) The veil of secrecy further tends to titillate and intrigue.
秘密のヴェールは さらに 心を刺激し、魅了する

titillate /ˈtɪtəˌleɪt/: to interest or excite (someone) in an enjoyable and often sexual way
ex) What is wrong in titillating and entertaining the audience?

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

variation  (似たものの)差異変化変動
There are individual variations in the way people grow up.

variation /ˌveriˈeɪʃən/: a change in the form, position, condition, or amount of
ex) There is dramatic variation in how much we spend per Medicare beneficiary.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,110

□ a mixed bag  (色々なものの)寄せ集め
ex) The conference was a mixed bag of all kinds of different people.
カンファレンスは 異なる人々が 多く集まった

mixed bag /ˈmiks(t) ˌbaɡ/ a diverse assortment of things or people
ex) Setup proved a mixed bag, software setup was a breeze, but getting Bluetooth to recognize the phone was challenging.

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Advanced English Expressions – #544

multifaceted 多面の多角的な
ex) Psychology is a multifaceted discipline that has several different approaches.
心理学は 異なるアプローチを有する 多面的な研究分野 である

multifaceted /ˌmʌltiˈfæsətəd/: having many different parts : having many facets
ex) He’s striving for multifaceted cooperation with the countries of the region.

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Advanced English Expressions – #545

facet (ものごとの)様相
ex) Which facet of his character is most appealing?
彼の性格の中で どの様相が もっとも 魅力的ですか?

facet /ˈfæsət/: a part or element of something
ex) Each facet of the problem requires careful attention.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

a multiple of …   多様な
ex) Those viewers can try a multiple of TV channels.
視聴者は 多様なチャンネルの テレビを観ることができる

multiple /ˈmʌltəpəl/: more than one
ex) She made multiple copies of the report.

a medley ofの寄せ集め
ex) Savor the medley of spices and flavor‪s.
様々な スパイスと 風味を 満喫して

medley /ˈmɛdli/: a mixture of different people or things
ex) Our tossed medley of seasonal fresh fruits are garnished with fresh berries.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,545

hodgepodge (規則性のない)寄せ集めごちゃ混ぜ
ex) His living room was a hodgepodge of modern furniture and antiques.
彼の居間には、新旧 雑多な家具があった

hodgepodge /ˈhɑːʤˌpɑːʤ/ : a mixture of different things
ex) Hodgepodge is a favorite vegetable stew from Nova Scotia. It’s typically made in the fall with the freshest vegetables possible.

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assorted 詰め合わせの寄せ集めの分類された
ex) The assoted chocolate is one of their signature boxes.
チョコレートの詰め合わせは 私たちの 代表的な ボックス商品のひとつです

assorted /əˈsoɚtəd/: including several kinds
ex) Make your Valentine’s crafts and cards stand out with these assorted heart stickers!

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Advanced English Expressions – #546

assortment 寄せ集めたもの仕分け分類すること
ex) The room was filled with an assortment of clothes.
その部屋は 様々な 洋服の寄せ集めで いっぱいであった

assortment /əˈsôrtmənt/: a miscellaneous collection of things or people
ex) The pack of ink pens comes in this assortment of colors: black, red, blue etc.

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英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


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出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

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キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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