英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Defeat – Lose to – 「負ける・敗北・惨敗」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Defeat – Lose to – 「負ける・敗北・惨敗」を英語で表現
ex) We lost to their team last year, but this year we’re going to defeat [=beat] them.
昨年は あのチームに負けたが、今年は 彼らを 打ち破るつもりだ
lose /ˈluːz/: to be unable to find (something or someone)
ex) The Yankees lost to the Red Sox.
ex) We weren’t prepared for defeat.
負ける 心構えが 出来ていなかった
defeat /dɪˈfiːt/: failure to succeed or to win
ex) One small error could make the difference between success and defeat.
□ defeat (敵を)負かす、打ち破る
ex) He defeated his opponent.
彼は 敵を 打ち負かした
defeat /dɪˈfiːt/: to win a victory over (someone or something) in a war, contest, game, etc.
ex) We must be ready to defeat our enemies in battle.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #479
□ self-defeating 自滅的な、自己破滅的な
ex) Violence is a self-defeating solution.
暴力は 自滅的な解決法である
self–defeating /ˌsɛlfdɪˈfiːtɪŋ/ : meant to solve a problem but actually causing the same or another problem
ex) Don’t just assume you’ll fail! That’s a self-defeating attitude.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #401
□ trounce 完全に負かす
ex) Bears got trounced by Cowboys.
ベアーズは カーボーイズに 惨敗した
trounce /ˈtraʊns/: to defeat (someone or something) easily and thoroughly
ex) Their opponents trounced them in the final game.
= their opponents won by a large amount
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #989
□ be on a losing streak 連敗する
ex) We need to figure out how to break our losing streak.
連敗傾向から 抜け出し方を考える 必要がある
losing streak /ˈstriːk/: an uninterrupted string of contests lost by a team or individual
ex) Any time we experience a losing streak, whether in sales or in championships, it becomes increasingly difficult to believe that success is possible.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,430
□ Third time is the charm. 3度目の正直
ex) Try again. You know “Third time is the charm“.
もう一度やってみて。 3度目の正直と言うでしょ
Third time is the charm. /ˈtʃɑɚm/: The third time you try something, it’ll work (when the previous two attempts have failed)
ex) “The third time is the charm.” I guess if I was British, people would be saying “Three times lucky.”
□ three time looser 連敗中の人
ex) I’m a three time looser.
three-time loser /ˈluːzɚ/: someone with bad luck or poor skills who consistently loses
ex) He’ll never make anything of himself. He’s just a three-time loser.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,337
□ be down by … … 点差で 負けている
cf) The team was down by 1 in the first.
1回には 1点差で負けていた
down /ˈdaʊn/: behind in the score.
ex) We’re only down by one, so we have plenty of time to make a comeback in the third period.
ex) He gets very angry when I beat him at chess.
私が 彼を チェスで打ち負かした時、彼は 怒った
beat /ˈbiːt/ : to defeat (someone) in a game, contest, etc.
ex) Our team was badly beaten in the championship game.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,472
□ sour grapes 負け惜しみ
ex) Call it sour grapes, but I don’t respond to my situation in any of these ways.
負け惜しみと言われても構わないが、自分の状況に そのような方法で対応するつもりはない
sour grape /ˈgreɪp/: an attitude in which someone adopts a negative attitude to something because they cannot have it themselves.
ex) Government officials dismissed many of the complaints as sour grapes.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #154
□ setback 失敗、妨げ、敗北 (成功を妨げるもの)
ex) You can take back control by knowing the secret to overcome any setback.
過去の失敗の乗り越える方法を知ることによって 自制心を取り戻せる
setback /ˈsɛtˌbæk/: a problem that makes progress more difficult or success less likely
ex) Despite some early setbacks, they eventually became a successful company.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #741
□ insurmountable (問題が大きく)克服できない、打ち勝つことができない
ex) They were faced with several insurmountable obstacles.
乗り越えられない 障害に直面した
insurmountable /ˌɪnsɚˈmaʊntəbəl/: impossible to solve or get control of : impossible to overcome.
ex) Avoid seeing crisis as an insurmountable problem.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #817
□ surmount 乗り越える、克服する、突破する
ex) Women often have to surmount [=overcome] social barriers to advance their careers.
女性は キャリア形成の中で 社会的障害を乗り越えなければならない
surmount /sɚˈmaʊnt/: to deal with (a problem or a difficult situation) successfully
ex) These setbacks are surmountable.
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