英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Badmouth – Name Calling – 「悪口・陰口を言う・名誉棄損」 を 英語で表現
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Badmouth – Name Calling – 「悪口・陰口を言う・名誉棄損」 を 英語で表現
ex) Parents badmouthing each other after a divorce is an all too common behavior.
離婚後の両親が 互いの悪口を いう事は よくある事である
bad–mouth /ˈbædˌmaʊθ/ : to say bad things about (someone or something)
ex) She refuses to bad-mouth her colleagues.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #748
□ name-calling 悪口をいう事
ex) Don’t resort to name-calling. Let’s talk about the real issues.
悪口の言い合いは 止めて、本当の事を話しましょう
name–calling /ˈneɪmˌkɑːlɪŋ/: the act of using offensive names to insult someone
ex)“That man is an arrogant, immoral fool!” “I understand your anger, but name-calling won’t get you anywhere.”
□ call … names … の悪口を言う、… を罵る
ex) A bully at school was calling her names.
学校でのいじめは 彼女の悪口を 言うことであった
call one’s names /ˈneɪm/ : a word or phrase that is used to describe and insult someone
ex) “You’re such a stupid jerk!” “Hey, don’t call me names!”
ex) He speaks badly of his friends behind their back.
彼は 友達の陰口を 言う
badly /ˈbædli/: in a bad manner
ex) You ought not to speak badly of others in their absence.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #384
□ demonize … を悪者扱いする、… を悪の根源とする
ex) He was demonized by the press.
彼は メディアに 悪者扱いされた
demonize /ˈdiːmənʌɪz/: portray as wicked and threatening.
ex) The national liberation hero who was demonized for trying to make liberation meaningful.
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ex) He never speaks ill of politicians.
彼は絶対に 政治家の悪口を言わない
speak ill of /ˈɪl/: say something critical about
ex) He always speaks ill of you behind your back.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #752
□ feed the gossip mill 噂・陰口のネタを提供する、 噂・陰口を作り出す人(場所)
ex) One of my biggest regrets during my career came about when I decided to feed the rumor mill.
私の 職歴でもっとも後悔している事柄は、私が 噂話を作り出した時に 生じた
gossip mill /ˈgɑːsəp/: the source from or process by which rumors are generated
ex) The gossip mill runs on estrogen.
Casual English Phrases – #514
□ slam 厳しく批判する
ex) Media had slammed us before we decided to raise our product prices.
メディアは 当社が商品の値上げをする前に 厳しく批判した
slam /ˈslæm/: to criticize (someone or something) harshly
ex) Her decision is getting slammed in the press.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #872
□ vilify けなす、中傷する
ex) He was vilified in the press for his comments.
彼のコメントは マスコミから批判を受けた
vilify /ˈvɪləˌfaɪ/ : to say or write very harsh and critical things about (someone or something)
ex) To vilify someone is to spread nasty stories about them, whether true or not.
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ex) She was accused of slandering her former boss.
彼女は 以前の上司に 名誉棄損で訴えられた
slander /ˈslændɚ/: to make a false spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone
ex) I thought I had a nice conversation with the girl. The mates told me that was slander.
He sued the newspaper for libel.
彼は 新聞社を名誉棄損で 訴えた
libel /ˈlaɪbəl/: the act of publishing a false statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone
ex) The newspaper was found guilty of libel.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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