英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Disappoint – Letdown – 「失望・落胆する、がっかりする」

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Disappoint – Letdown – 「失望・落胆する、がっかりする」 を英語で表現

disappoint 失望させる、がっかりさせる
ex) The movie may disappoint some viewers.
その映画は 視聴者をがっかりさせるかもしれない

disappoint /ˌdɪsəˈpoɪnt/: to make (someone) unhappy by not being as good as expected or by not doing something that was hoped for or expected
ex) The team disappointed its fans.

cf) The movie was disappointing.

disappointing /ˌdɪsəˈpoɪntɪŋ/ failing to fulfill someone’s hopes or expectations
ex) Dinner was disappointing.

ex) The movie was a bit of disappointment.
その映画には 少し失望する

disappointment /ˌdɪsəˈpoɪntmənt/: the state or feeling of being disappointed
ex) To our disappointment, the game was rained out.

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Advanced English Expressions – #049

dishearten がっかりさせる、失望させる
ex) I was disheartened by the news.
そのニュースを聞いて がっかりした

dishearten /dɪsˈhɑɚtn̩/: to cause (a person or group of people) to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage
ex) The conflict between their families disheartened them.

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Casual English Phrases – #214

□ a letdown   がっかりさせること
ex) The party was a real letdown. = disappointment
そのパーティには 本当にがっかりだった

letdown /ˈlɛtˌdaʊn/: something that is not as good as it was expected to be
ex) After the holidays, going back to work is always a big letdown.

let down がっかりさせる
ex) He never lets down a friend in need.
彼は まさかの時に 友人を絶対に がっかりさせない

let…down: to fail to give help or support to (someone who needs or expects it)
ex) I promised Mary that I’d help her, and I can’t let her down.

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Advanced English Expressions – #711

□ be underwhelmed by …  …に失望する
ex) I was somewhat underwhelmed by that magazine.
その雑誌には 少々がっかりした

underwhelm /ˌʌndɚˈwɛlm/: to fail to impress (someone)
ex) I was underwhelmed by the performance.
= The performance was not very good and did not impress me.

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赤ちゃん・子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

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Advanced English Expressions – #067

deject 失望させる、落胆させる
ex) She’s been so dejected [=depressed, unhappy] since her sister moved away.
妹が 出て行って以来、彼女は とても落胆している

dejected /dɪˈʤɛktəd/: sad because of failure, loss, etc.
ex)The dejected players left the field.

dejection   落胆
ex) You could see the dejection [=unhappiness] on her face.

dejection /dɪˈʤɛkʃən/: sadness that is caused by failure, loss, etc.
ex) It can bring utter despair and dejection.

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Advanced English Expressions – #948

disillusioned (真実を知って)失望した落胆する
ex) She became more and more disillusioned with politics.
彼女は 政治に対して ますます失望した

disillusioned /ˌdɪsəˈluːʒənd/: having lost faith or trust in something : disappointed that something is not as good, valuable, true, etc., as it had seemed
ex) Disillusioned college students have a number of options to change a disappointing experience, but it’s important to move quickly to reevaluate plans before wasting too much time headed in the wrong direction.

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despair 失望、失望する
ex) She finally gave up in despair.

ex) Things look bad now, but don’t despair.
状況は良くないが 失望しないで

despair /dɪˈspeɚ/: the feeling of no longer having any hope
ex) I was overcome by despair at being unable to find them.

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Advanced English Expressions – #148

despondence   落胆、意気消沈
ex) We’rein a despondent mood.

despondent /dɪˈspɑːndənt/: very sad and without hope
ex) I had never seen them looking so despondent.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Casual English Phrases – #398

be bummed がっかりする、落ち込む
ex) I’m so bummed because I lost my wallet.
財布を失くして すごく落ち込んでいます

bum /ˈbʌm/: to cause (someone) to feel sad or disappointed — usually + out
ex) The news really bummed me out.
= I was really bummed (out) by the news.

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to one’s dismay  残念な事に落胆することであるが
ex) Upon arriving, to my dismay, that he had already gone away.
到着した時には 残念な事に 彼は そこから逃げ出していたs

ex) His comments were met with cries of dismay.
彼の発言は 涙と落胆を誘った

dismay /dɪsˈmeɪ/: a strong feeling of being worried, disappointed, or upset
ex) Much to the dismay of her fans, she announced her retirement immediately after the book’s release.

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Casual English Phrases – #555

eat one’s heart out    落胆する、悲嘆にくれる、くよくよする
ex) She’s been eating her heart out ever since she was rejected by her top-choice school.

eat one’s heart out /ˈhɑɚt/: suffer from excessive longing for someone or something unattainable.
ex) I could have stayed in London eating my heart out for you.

eat one’s heart out 羨ましく思う、妬む
ex) “Eat your heart out,” he jokingly told his friend before getting on his new boat.
彼は 自分の新しい船に 友達が乗り込む前に 「羨ましいだろ」 と言った

eat one’s heart out /ˈhɑɚt/ : to be very jealous. In this usage, the phrase is often said as an imperative
ex) Eat your heart out—I got tickets to the concert and you didn’t!

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Casual English Phrases – #718

downcast  意気消沈した、気を落とした
ex) There were a lot of downcast faces in the crowd.
群衆に 意気消沈した表情が 多く 見られた

downcast /ˈdaʊnˌkæst: not happy, confident, or hopeful
ex) I’ve never seen her looking so downcast. = (depressed, unhappy, sad)

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海外の映画や 音楽で 英語を覚えた世代の方へ

英会話を 個人レッスンで始めよう

英会話講師 – 求人情報

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

主婦・女性の方への 日常英会話フレーズ集です

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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