英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Dent – Ding – 「車の傷・へこみ」 を英語で表現
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Dent – Ding – 「車の傷・へこみ」 を英語で表現
ex) The larger the dent, the harder the repair job will be.
へこみが 大きければ、修復もより難しくなる
dent /ˈdɛnt/ : an area on a surface that is lower than the rest of the surface especially because of being hit or pushed in
ex) The accident left a small dent in the car’s fender.
□ dent へこむ、へこませる
ex) Both of our cars were dented.
両者の車に へこみができた
dent /ˈdɛnt/: to make a dent in (something)
ex) Many of the cans were badly dented.

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Casual English Phrases – #413
□ beat-up (車など) おんぼろの、使い古しの
ex) Should I repair or replace my beat-up car?
おんぼろの車を 修理するか、買い替えた方が良いか?
beat–up /ˈbiːtˌʌp/: old and badly worn or damaged
ex) Look at the beat-up old car.
ex) Tinted car windows protect you from glare.
着色ガラスのウィンドウ は 人の視線を妨げる
□ tinting 色付け、着色
ex) We specializing in paintless dent repair and window tinting.
私たちは 塗料を使わない へこみ直しと、車窓の色付けを専門としている
tint /ˈtɪnt/: to give a small amount of color to (something)
ex) She wanted to have her hair tinted.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #060
□ head-on crash 衝突事故
ex) There was a head-on crash on the street yesterday.
昨日 路上で 正面衝突事故があった
head–on /ˈhɛdˈɑːn/: with the head or front hitting first
ex) The two cars collided head-on.
ex) Someone scraped my car door.
誰かが 車のドアに こすって傷をつけた
scrape /ˈskreɪp/: to damage (the surface of something) or hurt (a part of your body) by rubbing something rough or sharp against it or by making it rub against something rough or sharp
ex) Someone had scraped the car with a key.
ex) The scrape wasn’t noticeable I didn’t worry about it.
そのこすり傷は 目立たなかったので 心配しなかった
noticeable /ˈnoʊtəsəbəl/: able to be easily seen or noticed
ex) The spot on your shirt is very noticeable.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #077
□ hit-and-run 当て逃げの
ex) The dent must be the result of a hit-and-run minor collusion.
その車のへこみは ちょっとした当て逃げの結果に 違いない
hit–and–run /ˌhɪtn̩ˈrʌn/: involving a driver who does not stop after causing an accident
ex) Police are looking for an unidentified hit-and-run driver.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #660
□ ding (車など)へこみ、くぼみ
ex) Taking a small ding out of your car doesn’t have to cost a bundle.
小さな 車のへこみを 取るのに 大金はかからない
ex) I found a door ding on my car.
ding (dĭng): an instance of minor surface damage (such as a dent)
ex) How do you get a ding out of a car hood?
□ ding へこませる、へこみをつける
ex) Someone dinged my car door.
誰かが 私の車のドアを へこませせた
ding (dĭng): to damage the surface of something slightly by hitting it
ex) Usually I park in the back of a parking lot to keep my car from getting dinged.
ex) I’ll take my car to the garage nearby.
近くの 自動車修理工場へ 車を持っていく
garage /gəˈrɑːʒ/ : a shop where vehicles are repaired
ex) My car was making a strange noise, so I brought it to the garage.

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Casual English Phrases – #048
□ body shop 自動車修理工場 = auto body repair shop
ex) Bring your car to a body shop.
あなたの車を自動車修理工場に 持って行って
ex) I’ll get my car repaired at an auto body shop.
自動車修理工場で 車を直してもらうつもりだ
body shop /ˈbɑːdi/: a garage where repairs to the bodies of vehicles are carried out
ex) My car is at the body shop having the dent in the door fixed.
ex) The hood got bent a little.
ボンネットが 少し曲がった
bend /ˈbɛnd/: to use force to cause (something, such as a wire or pipe) to become curved
ex) His glasses got bent when he dropped them.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #152
□ severity (怪我、故障などの)重大度
ex) First look over the dent’s severity.
まず へこみの重大度を 調べてみて
ex) The price that you’ll pay to remove door dings varies based on the severity of the damage.
ドアのへこみを直す費用は 損傷の重大度によって異なる
severity /səˈverəti/: the fact or condition of being severe
ex) We were shocked at the severity of the penalty.
ex) The rear view mirror fell off.
バックミラーが 取れた
fall off: to stop being attached to something
ex) The handle was so loose that it almost fell off.

ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #007
□ blemish 傷つける、損傷する
ex) It can be frustrating when the person who has blemished your car is nowhere to be found.
自分の車に傷をつけた相手が 見つからない事は 不満となるであろう
blemish /ˈblɛmɪʃ/: to make (something) imperfect or less beautiful
ex) A series of burn marks blemish the table’s surface.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #952
□ nowhere to be found (見失って)どこにも見つからない
ex) I parked my car in the lot on the left, but it’s nowhere to be found. Was my car stolen?
車を駐車場の 左手に入れたのですが 見当たりません。 盗まれたのかな?
nowhere to be found /ˈnoʊˌweɚ/: missing or lost
ex) The book is nowhere to be found.
= The book is nowhere to be seen.
ex) I accidentally hit a parked car in the parking lot.
駐車場で 誤って駐車中の車に ぶつけた
accidentally /ˌæksəˈdɛntl̟i/: happening in a way that is not planned or intended
ex) He accidentally deleted the file.
ex) The passengers side headlight is all smashed.
助手席側の ヘッドライトが 粉々になった
smash /ˈsmæʃ/: to break (something) into many pieces : to shatter or destroy (something)
ex) He smashed the vase with a hammer.