英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Most In-Demand, Trendy – 「流行・流行る・人気」を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集
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Most In-Demand, Trendy – 「流行・流行る・人気」を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集
人気がある を意味する Popular を Grow と 一緒に使って見ましょう。 a), b), c) の順番で発展させます。
a) Solar power popularity is growing in the US.
b) Solar power popularity continues to grow in the US.
アメリカでの太陽熱エネルギーの 人気は引き続き上昇している。
c) Growing popularity of solar power is led by an increase in demand from the industrial sector.
太陽熱エネルギーの人気の高まりは、産業界の需要増加によって 導かれている
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #186
□ flavor of the month 今世間で話題になっているもの、今月のお勧め品、人気商品
ex) Car sharing business is no longer the flavor of the month among investors.
カーシェア ビジネスは もはや 投資家の興味の対象ではない
flavor of the month /ˈfleɪvɚ/: a person or thing that is currently but temporarily popular.
ex) The bakery is launching a pudding flavor of the month series.
ex) Back then loose-fit clothes weren’t quite as popular as it is now.
サイズにゆとりのある 洋服は、当時は今ほど人気がなかった
popular /ˈpɑːpjəlɚ/: liked or enjoyed by many people
ex) They have names that were popular a century ago.
ex) Popularity-wise he’s a has-been.
人気の点で 彼は過去の人だ
popularity /ˌpɑːpjəˈlerəti/: the state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by a large number of people
ex) Acupuncture has grown/gained (in) popularity in the West.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #297
□ has-been 絶頂期の過ぎた人、過去の人
ex) We called that actor a has-been.
私たちは あの俳優を 過去の人と呼んだ
has–been /ˈhæzˌbɪn/: a person who is no longer popular or successful
ex) A famous child actress who had become a has-been at 25
ex) Why is the actor losing popularity?
あの俳優は なぜ人気が なくなっているのだろう
□ go out of popularity 人気がなくなる
ex) Why did the band go out of popularity?
なぜ そのバンドは 人気がなくなったのだろうか?
popularity /ˌpɑːpjəˈlerəti/: the state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by a large number of people : the quality or state of being popular
ex) Acupuncture has grown/gained (in) popularity (= has become more popular) in the West.
ex) The movie is clearly riding on the back of other movie’s popularity.
その映画は 明らかに他の映画の人気に便乗している
ride on /ˈraɪd/: to depend on (something or someone)
ex) The future of the company rides on the success of this deal.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #059
□ be (all) the rage 最新流行の、(一時的)流行の、人気のある
ex) Those leopard-print scarves are all the rage in the city.
レパード柄のスカーフは 街で大流行中である
all the rage /ˈreɪʤ/: something that is suddenly very popular
ex) Karaoke is (all) the rage these days.
= Karaoke is very popular.
ex) We all love seeking the latest fashion trends.
最新のファッション流行を 追いかけるのが好きだ
trend /ˈtrɛnd/: a general direction of change : a way of behaving, proceeding, etc., that is developing and becoming more common
ex) Digital technology is the latest/current trend in television.
ex) I know some hip trendy restaurants in this vicinity.
この界隈で いくつか 流行りのレストランを知っている
trendy /ˈtrɛndi/sometimes disapproving : currently popular or fashionable
ex) I know some trendy restaurants in this vicinity.
ex) Alternative medicine is finally becoming more mainstream.
代替医療 は 今まで以上に 主流となっている
mainstream /ˈmeɪnˌstriːm/ : the thoughts, beliefs, and choices that are accepted by the largest number of people
ex) His ideas are well outside the mainstream of political opinion.
= His ideas are well outside the political mainstream.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #072
□ go viral on the internet インターネット上で拡散される、急速に広まる
ex) I want to know how to write tweets that go viral. Does “Share if you like this.” work well?
拡散されるツイートの書き方を知りたい。 “シェアして” の一文は効果があるかな?
ex) This video has the power to go viral.
このビデオは 拡散されるパワーを持っている
go viral /ˈvaɪrəl/: used in reference to Internet content which can be passed through electronic mail and social networking sites (Facebook, etc.)
ex) Truthfully, anything can go viral on the internet.
ex) The street is at the forefront of fashion today.
その通りは ファッションの先端にある
forefront /ˈfoɚˌfrʌnt/: the most important part or position — usually singular
ex) Their company is at/in the forefront of research in this area.
= Their company is a leader in research in this area.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #495
□ at the forefront of … … の最先端にいる
ex) We are at the forefront of efforts to tackle inequality.
社会的不均衡の問題の取り組みに対する 努力に関し 私たちは 最先端にいる
at/in the forefront (of) /ˈfoɚˌfrʌnt/: be at a leading or important position
ex) His team is at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
ex) He’s the most in-demand singer.
彼は もっとも人気のある歌手だ
in demand /dɪˈmænd/: needed or wanted by many people
ex) Tickets for her concerts are always in great demand.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #548
□ be taking off 流行し始める
ex) The concept is taking off.
そのコンセプトは 流行し始めた
take off /ˈteɪk/: to quickly become very successful or popular
ex) Her career took off after she won an Oscar for best supporting actress.
ex) The shirt looks dowdy and frumpy.
そのシャツは 時代遅れで、地味に見える
frumpy /ˈfrʌmpi/: dressed in an unattractive way
ex) She’s just a frumpy housewife.
□ dowdy 野暮ったい、流行おくれの
ex) Why do you always wear those dowdy old dresses?
なぜ いつも流行遅れの ドレスを着ているの?
dowdy /ˈdaʊdi/: having a dull or uninteresting appearance
ex) She played a dowdy old woman in the film.
ex) Which TV Series do you follow or are you interested in?
どのテレビ連続番組に 詳しいですか? 興味がありますか?
follow /ˈfɑːloʊ/ : to give close attention to what happens in (something)
ex) The book follows his political career from its humble beginnings to his election as president.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #379
□ catch on 理解する、人気を得る
ex) Our products have just begun to catch on.
当社の製品は 丁度 人気の火が付き始めた
catch on /ˈkætʃ/ : to become popular
ex) This trend is catching on among college students.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #625
□ ascendant 人気が出る、上昇する、優位になる、優勢、優位、支配力
ex) British pop music is once again in the ascendant.
英国のポピュラー音楽は 再び人気が出ている
ascendant /əˈsɛndənt/: becoming more popular or successful
ex) The President’s party is no longer in the ascendant.
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病気・疫病の 流行
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #374
□ go around (病気、噂などが)広がる、拡散する
ex) A virulent strain of flu is going around this winter.
go around /ˈgoʊ/: to go or pass from one person to another person
ex) There’s a rumor going around (the office) that the boss is about to get fired.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #119
□ outbreak (疫病・病気) 大流行、(戦争など)勃発
ex) 10 people were hospitalized following an outbreak of the flu.
インフルエンザの流行により 10名が入院した
outbreak /ˈaʊtˌbreɪk/: a sudden start or increase of fighting or disease
ex) They are preparing for an outbreak of the virus.
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