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英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Fire Engine – 消防車・消防士・火事 を英語で表現

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Fire Engine – 消防車・消防士・火事 を英語で表現



firefighter 消防士 = fireman
ex) Children’s TVs are filled with cartoons of firefighters rescuing people from burning buildings,.
子供向けのテレビでは、火事のビルから人々を救助する 消防士の漫画が 多く見られる

firefighter /ˈfajɚˌfaɪtɚ/: a member of a group that works to put out fires
ex) A trainee may receive a firefighter certificate upon completion.

fight a fire   消火にあたる
ex) There are firefighters who fight wildfires away from towns.
住宅街から離れた 山火事の消火にあたる 消防士もいる

fight a fire: to try to put out a fire
ex) Fire crews had to fight a number of large fires last night.

blazing fire 赤々と燃え上がる炎
ex) A team of firefighters are fighting blazing fire.
消防士たちは 大火を消火している

blazing /ˈbleɪzɪŋ/: very hot, fast, or powerful
ex) I can’t stand the blazing heat.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,049

blazing 赤々と燃え上がる、力強く、非常に暑い
ex) Dozens of wildfires currently blazing across the West have been exhibiting extreme fire behavior.

blazing /ˈbleɪzɪŋ/ : :very hot
ex) She runs with blazing speed.

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in flames 燃え上がって炎に包まれて
ex) The car flipped over and burst into flames.
車は ひっくり返り、炎に包まれた

in flames: burning fiercely
ex) The plane plunged to the ground in flames.

structural firefighter 建築物消防士
ex) Structural firefighters fight fires in houses and other buildings.
建築物消防士 は 住宅や 建物の消火にあたる

structural /ˈstrʌktʃərəl/: relating to the way something is built or organized
ex) The house suffered no structural damage.

fire station 消防署
ex) The building firefighters work in is called a fire station.
消防士の人たちが 働く建物を 消防署という

fire station: a building in which the members of a fire department and the equipment used to put out fires are located
ex) The fire department is to provide a range of programs designed to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the town.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000

Casual English Phrases – #480

be burnt to ashes 全焼する灰になる
ex) The city was burned to ashes.
街は 火事で全焼した
= The city was reduced to ashes by the fire.

burned to ashes /ˈæʃ/: the burned parts that remain when something is destroyed
ex) They were rendered homeless when a massive fire burnt to ashes a camp they were residing in.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

fire 火事
ex) The house was destroyed by a fire.
火事で その家は 焼け落ちた

fire /ˈfajɚ/: an occurrence in which something burns
ex) Two people died in that terrible fire.

catch (on) fire  燃えだす
ex) The truck caught fire on the highway.
高速道路で トラックが 燃えだした

catch on fire : to begin to burn
ex) Newspaper catches fire [=ignites] easily.

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Advanced English Expressions – #159

pyromaniac 放火魔
ex) The fire was set by a pyromaniac.
火事は 放火魔によるものだ

pyromaniac /ˌpaɪroʊˈmeɪniˌæk/: a person suffering from pyromania
ex) Arson may be committed by pyromaniacs, individuals who have a morbid fascination with setting and observing fires.

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Fire Station Pole

Fire Station Pole

fire station pole 消防署の滑り棒
ex) I want to slide down the fire station pole.

pole /ˈpoʊl/: a long, straight piece of wood, metal, etc., that is often placed in the ground so that it stands straight up
ex) They have a couple of bird feeders hanging from a pole in the backyard.

dial 911 (米) 消防署に電話する
ex) In case of fire emergency dial 911.
火災事故の際は 911 に電話して

911: an emergency telephone number for the North American Numbering Plan (NANP)
ex) In Canada, 911 service was adopted in 1972.

fire engine 消防車 = fire truck
ex) Here comes a fire engine.

fire engine /ˈɛnʤən/: a truck that has equipment for putting out fires
ex) When you hear a siren from a fire engine, if they are following you, you must slow down and pull over.

flashing fire engine 火事の現場に向かう消防車
ex) A fire engine flashes lights so that other vehicles move out of its way during an emergency.
他の車両に 道を開けてもらうため、消防車は 灯りを点灯させる

flash /ˈflæʃ/: to shine or give off bright light suddenly or in repeated bursts
ex) What does it mean if an ambulance flashes red without its siren?

ladder truck 梯子車 = aerial truck
ex) A hydraulically powered ladder is mounted on the ladder truck.
油圧駆動の梯子が 梯子者に搭載されている

ladder /ˈlædɚ/: a device used for climbing that has two long pieces of wood, metal, or rope with a series of steps or rungs between them
ex) The main fire station has a pumper truck and a ladder truck.

extendable ladder 収縮式の梯子
ex) Long extendable ladders are generally found on fire engines.
消防車は 収縮式の梯子を搭載している

extendable /ɪkˈstɛndəbəl/: able to be made longer or larger
ex) They were in need of an extendable ladder, which would not be too heavy for their firefighters to lift.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

the scene (事件、出来事の)現場
ex) A fire engine takes firefighters to the scene.
消防車が 消防士たちを現場に運ぶ

scene /ˈsiːn/: the place of an event or action
ex) This is the scene [=location] where the movie was filmed.

put out fire 火を消す、消化する
ex) Firefighters put out fires and rescue people.
消防士は 火を消し止め、人々を救出する

put out: to cause (something) to stop burning : extinguish
ex) She put the fire out by pouring water on it.

combat fire 消火活動をする
ex) Aerial firefighting is the use of aircraft to combat wildfires.
空中消火は 飛行機を用いて 山火事の消火にあたる

combat /kəmˈbæt/: to try to stop (something) from happening or getting worse
ex) The mayor pledged to combat crime.

medical training 医学訓練
ex) Firefighters are taught first aid and given medical training.
消防士は 応急処置法を学び、医学訓練を受ける

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Advanced English Expressions – #593

paramedic 救急医療隊員
ex) Paramedic courses can be between 1,200 hours consisting of lectures, hands-on skills training and so on.
救急医療隊員の養成コースは 1,200時間に渡り、講義や 現場での実習トレーニングなどで構成される

paramedic /perəˈmɛdɪk/: a person whose job is to provide emergency medical care to sick or injured people who are being taken to a hospital
ex) She’s training to be a paramedic.

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Advanced English Expressions – #919

ablaze 燃え立って、(光で)輝いて
ex) The house was ablaze.
その家は 炎に包まれていた

ablaze /əˈbleɪz/ : in the process of burning : on fire
ex) Lightning set the building ablaze.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

emergency medical technician 救命士 = EMT
ex) Emergency medical technicians work on ambulance or work for a fire department.
救命士は 救急車の仕事をするか、消防署に勤務する

EMT /ˌiːˌɛmˈtiː/: a person who is trained to provide emergency medical services to patients who are being taken to a hospital
ex) All department of fire and safety services personnel are trained to the Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMT-B) level or higher.

backdraft phenomenon (火災)バックドラフト現象
ex) A backdraft is often fatal to anyone caught in it.
(急激に炎が燃え広がる)バックドラフト現象は 生死に関わる

backdraft [ˈbakdraft]: a current of air or water that flows backward down a chimney, pipe, etc..
ex) When she opened the window she created a backdraft that sucked the fire right through the bedroom.

fire-protective clothing 防火服
ex) Fire fighters’ protective clothing is a three-component ensemble intended to protect the fire fighter from radiant exposure.
防火服は 消防士を 放射露光から守る セット服である

protective /prəˈtɛktɪv/: used to protect someone or something : giving or meant to give protection
ex) U.S. Fire Administration research projects to improve the protective qualities of clothing.

ex) Fire proof clothing has high tenacity.

fireproof /ˈfajɚˌpruːf/: not easily burned : not able to catch fire
ex) Firefighters are in fireproof suits

bunker gear (靴や 帽子を含めた)防火服一式
ex) Firefighter clothing and bunker gear are manufactured in accordance with departments’ requirements.
消防士の防火服一式は 消防署の要請に合わせて製造されている

bunker gear: = turnout gear, also known as a fire kit in the UK and Ireland, are terms used by many firefighters to refer to their Personal Protective Equipment or PPE.
ex) . A firefighter’s bunker gear must be tough and durable, while maintaining comfort and breathability to minimize fatigue

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #1,080

unquenchable (火など)消すことのできない、(意志などが)固い
ex) It burned over wider areas with a dim but unquenchable flame.
消すことの出来ない 火は 広い地域を焼き尽くした

unquenchable /ˌən-ˈkwen-chə-bəl /: unable to be quenched
ex) His expectations are unquenchable.

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