英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Blackout – Power Outage – 停電 を英語で表現
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Blackout – Power Outage – 停電 を英語で表現
Downpour – Cloudburst – 雨・土砂降り
Thunder – Lightning – 雷・雷雨
ex) There was a blackout last night.
blackout /ˈblækˌaʊt/: a period when lights are off because of an electrical power failure
ex) She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.

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Casual English Phrases – #725
□ blackout 意識や記憶を一次的に失うこと
ex) Drinking to the point of a blackout has gained pop culture notoriety in recent years.
記憶を失うまで 酒を飲むことは 最近の大衆文化の 悪しき傾向だ
blackout /ˈblækˌaʊt/: a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness, vision, or memory
ex) He told his doctor he had been experiencing blackouts.
out /ˈaʊt/: no longer operating, burning, etc.
ex) The electricity/fire is out.
□ the power goes out. 停電になる
ex) The power has gone out. 停電中だ
go out: to stop working
ex) The electricity suddenly went out.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,324
□ has gone out (電球・照明)切れる
ex) The light bulb has gone out. I need to buy a replacement bulb.
電球が切れたので、替わりの電球を買う 必要がある
go out /ˈgoʊ/: to stop shining or burning
ex) The candle went out.
□ power 電力、電源
ex) A blackout is the total loss of power to an area.
停電は ある地域での 電力喪失のことである
power /ˈpawɚ/ : the electricity that people use
ex) We lost power during the storm.
The power is down.
down /ˈdaʊn/ : not able to function
ex) They can pinpoint transmission lines, substations and major circuits that are down.

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Casual English Phrases – #569
□ The power is back on.
停電が終わった = Power’s back.
□ The power has come back on.
停電が終わった = The power has come back.
back /ˈbæk/ : to or toward a former state or condition
ex) The lights are back on, but will the grid survive another storm?
ex) Power has been restored. / Power has returned.
ex) We’ll restore to fully normal conditions when we understand what’s happened.
原因が分かり次第、通常の状態に 復旧するであろう
restore /rɪˈstoɚ/: to return (something) to an earlier or original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc.
ex) He restores old paintings.
□ The electricity is working again.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #078
□ brownout 電力供給の一時停止、節電
ex) We’re experiencing power outages and brownouts this summer.
私たちは この夏 停電と 電力供給の一時停止を経験している
brownout /ˈbraʊnˌaʊt/: a period when the amount of electricity in an area is reduced because there is not enough for everyone who needs it
ex) Brownouts can also cause major problems with electrical products, especially high-tech items like computers.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,597
□ power outage 停電
ex) Extended power outages may impact the economy.
長時間の停電は 経済に影響を与えかねない
outage /ˈaʊtɪʤ/: a period of time when there is no electricity in a building or area
ex) The power outage left us in the dark for five hours.
= We did not have electrical power for five hours.
ex) We need to minimize our inconvenience during a power outage.
停電中の不便さを 最低限に抑えたい

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Casual English Phrases – #223
□ off-grid power (送電線を用いない)自家発電の電源
ex) Generating off-grid power with wind electricity seems ideal to us.
風力を用いた 自家発電の電源は 理想的に思える
off-grid /ˈgrɪd/: a characteristic of buildings and a lifestyle designed in an independent manner without reliance on one or more public utilities
ex) One of the main types of the solar power system is off-grid.
ex) Storms caused power cuts in hundreds of homes last night.
昨晩 嵐による 停電が 数百世帯で派生した
power cut /ˈpaʊ.ɚ ˌkʌt/: an interruption in the supply of electricity:
ex) If you are experiencing a power cut please contact us to report it.
ex) The power failure left us without electricity.
停電で 私たちは 電気が使えない状態にあった
power failure: a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is interrupted
ex) You can run a few preliminary checks when a refrigerator doesn’t work after a power failure.
□ fail 機能しなくなる、故障する
ex) We’ll discuss why power grid fails.
なぜ 送電線システムが 作動しなくなるのか 話し合いましょう
fail /ˈfeɪl/ : to stop working
ex) The plane’s engine failed, forcing an emergency landing.
ex) The blackout is not related to excessive load.
停電の原因は 負担過重によるものではない
□ load shedding 電力平均分配(負荷制限)
ex) There is a schedule of load-shedding.
load /ˈloʊd/ technical : the amount of power used by an electrical device or produced by a power source
ex) The electrical system failed because it couldn’t handle the load.
ex) This area was subjected to planned rolling blackouts due to excessive demand.
この地域では 需要過多を理由とする 輪番停電が予定されている
rolling blackouts /ˈblækˌaʊt/: temporary power outages that help bring balance to the supply and demand of electricity in the market
ex) The rolling blackouts are declared in hopes of avoiding a major statewide, uncontrolled blackout.
ex) Massive blackout hits our city.
大型の停電が 町を襲った
hit /ˈhɪt/: to affect (something or someone) in a harmful or damaging way
ex) Power outage hits large portions of Manhattan in New York City.
□ strike (停電や、災害が)起こる
ex) A power outage struck the Manhattan.
strike /ˈstraɪk/ : to affect (someone or something) suddenly in a bad way
ex) A massive power outage struck Friday morning.

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Casual English Phrases – #568
□ knock out 停止させる
ex) The storm knocked out power.
嵐により 電力供給が 停止した
knock out /ˈnɑːk/: to cause (something) to stop working
ex) Missiles knocked out the television station.

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Casual English Phrases – #447
□ be stuck in … 動きが取れない、… に閉じ込められている
ex) They make sure no people were stuck in elevators.
エレベーターに閉じ込められた人は いない事を確認した
ex) The elevator got stuck on the fifth floor.
エレベーターが5階で 立ち往生してしまった
stuck /ˈstʌk/: difficult or impossible to move from a position
ex) The door keeps getting stuck.