英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Dating – Ask Out – デートに誘うを 英語で表現

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Dating – Ask Out – デートに誘うを 英語で表現

go on a date デートに出かける
ex) I’m shy and scared of asking her out on a date.
シャイなので 彼女をデートの誘うのが怖い

date /ˈdeɪt/: an occasion when two people who have or might have a romantic relationship do an activity together
ex) We went (out) on a few dates last year.

go out with … … とデートする
ex) Of course she’ll want to go out with you.
もちろん 彼女は 君とデートしたがっているはずだ

go out: referring to going out with another person, which means dating.
ex) I’m going out with him tonight.

be seeing … とデートを重ねる、付き合う
ex) Seeing someone usually applies to the beginning of a new relationship.
“seeing” は通常、恋愛が始まった時期に 使う単語だ

seeing someone: usually means that the relationship is heading toward becoming exclusive
ex) Like ‘going out’, “seeing someone” can also mean hanging out with friends.

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Casual English Phrases – #173

crush (一時的で衝動的な)恋愛感情
ex) I think he’s got a crush on her.

crush /ˈkrʌʃ/: a strong feeling of romantic love for someone that is usually not expressed and does not last a long time
ex) All through high school I had a crush on the art teacher.

crush (恋愛) 好きな人
ex) I started dating my crush.
夢中になった相手と デートを始める

crush /ˈkrʌʃ/: the person on whom you have a crush
ex) Yesterday I saw my old high school crush for the first time in five years.


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Casual English Phrases – #928

significant other 恋人パートナー、結婚相手
ex) Before you make such an important decision, you should talk it over with your significant other.
重要な決断をする前に パートナーと話し合ってみて

significant other /sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/: someone that you have a romantic relationship with : your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend
ex-lv) Having a significant other is not the only relationship that can boost happiness.

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Casual English Phrases – #074

dump (恋人などを)捨てる
ex) A woman dumped her boyfriend after he criticized her for gaining weight.

dump /ˈdʌmp/: to end a romantic relationship with (someone)
ex) My girlfriend dumped me.

pick up 異性をナンパする
ex) The idea of picking somebody up at a club strikes fear into your heart.
クラブでナンパすることに 恐怖感を感じる

pick (someone) up: to meet and begin a usually brief sexual relationship with (someone)
ex) She used to go to bars to pick up men.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

dating デートをすること
ex) Is casual dating a good way to find profound love?
気軽なデートは 深い愛を見つけるのに良い方法でしょうか?

dating: the series of social engagements shared by a couple looking to get married
ex) “Dating” has come to be a catchall term for everything from hooking up to being in an exclusive relationship

one’s date デートの相手
ex) I want my date to like me for who I really am.
デートの相手に 本当の自分を知ってほしい

date /ˈdeɪt/: a person you have a date with
ex) I have to pick up my date at seven o’clock.

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Advanced English Expressions – #162

reciprocate 相互、互いにやりとりする
ex) Your romantic feeling for her many not be reciprocated.
あなたの恋愛感情と 同等の感情を 相手から得られないかも知れない (相思相愛で ないかも知れない)

reciprocate /rɪˈsɪprəˌkeɪt/: to do (something) for or to someone who has done something similar for or to you
ex) Reciprocated love and emotional contribution are behavioral investments that sustain a committed relationship.

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Casual English Phrases – #099

cast aside (人を)見捨てる、捨てる
ex) We didn’t see each other a whole lot, and I felt like I was cast aside.
私たちは 頻繁に会う事もなく、見捨てられた気分でいた

cast aside: to ignore, overlook, or reject someone or something.
ex) I’m not trying to cast you aside, you’re my loved one.

potential date 恋愛関係の候補者
ex) The restaurant is an appropriate place to meet and ask out potential dates.
そのレストランは デートに誘うのに 適切な場所だ

potential /pəˈtɛnʃəl/: capable of becoming real : possible
ex) Doctors are excited about the new drug’s potential benefits.

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Advanced English Expressions – #330

unrequited (人との関係) 一方的な報われない
ex) Unrequited love hurts the person who is loved as well as the one who is doing the loving.
報われない恋愛は 恋愛感情を持つ人と同様、愛されている人をも 傷つける

unrequited /ˌʌnrɪˈkwaɪtəd/: not shared or returned by someone else
ex) Unrequited love is unreciprocated love that causes yearning for more complete love.

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invite … on a date   … をデートに誘う
ex) You should invite her on group outings.

ex) When you invite a girl out on a date then, don’t be timid or uncertain.
女性をデートに誘う時は 臆病になったり、曖昧な気持ちにならないように

on a date : an occasion when two people who have or might have a romantic relationship do an activity together
ex) We went (out) on a few dates last year.

asked … out on a date をデートに誘う
ex) I asked her out on a date.

ex) I asked her out for a coffee.
彼女を コーヒーに誘って デートした

ask out: to invite someone to go out (to something or some place) on a date
ex) He asked her out to dinner.

initiate a date  率先してデートに誘う
ex) Men initiate more dates than woman.
女性より 男性の方が より率先してデートに誘う

initiate /ɪˈnɪʃiˌeɪt/: to cause the beginning of (something)
ex) When should women initiate date plans?

date a girl 女性とデートする交際する
ex) I’ve been dating a girl for several months.
ある女性と 数か月デートを重ねている

date /ˈdeɪt/: to do an activity with someone you have or might have a romantic relationship with
ex) My ex is dating someone new.

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Casual English Phrases – #122

leave someone high and dry (困っている人・恋人を)見捨てる、見放す
ex) My wife ran away and left me high and dry.
妻は 私を見放して、出て行った

ex) You left me high and dry when you forgot to pick me up last night.
昨晩 君が 私を迎えに来るのを忘れて、私は 途方にくれた

leave someone high and dry: to leave someone in a difficult position
ex) She has abandoned his family and left his two kids high and dry.

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Casual English Phrases – #448

□ be stood up    (デート)すっぽかされる
cf) He stood her up and left her all alone.

As in “To get stood up” : To have gone on a date, except to find that you’ve been left by yourself because your date never showed up.
ex) I was stood up on a date.

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Casual English Phrases – #081

jilt 恋人を振る、捨てる
ex) It was dark moment when I got jilted.

jilt /ˈʤɪlt/: to end a romantic relationship with (someone) in a sudden and painful way
ex) She was crushed when he jilted her.

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Casual English Phrases – #640

rob the cradle    (年の若い相手と)デートする
ex) When you rob the cradle, expect to pay the consequences.

rob the cradle /ˈrɑːb/: to date or marry someone who is much younger than you
ex) His friends accused him of robbing the cradle when they saw how young his girlfriend was.

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