英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Plug in – Hook up – 「コンセント・電源・インターネット接続」
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Plug in – Hook up – 「コンセント・電源・インターネット接続」 を英語で表現 –
ex) Plug the phone into the fax machine.
plug (something) in /ˈplʌg/ : to connect (something, such as a lamp or television) to an electrical source or to another device by using a plug
ex) Don’t plug the stereo in yet.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #706
□ plug away (コツコツ)働く、勉強する
ex) I plugged away at the task for hours.
何時間も その課題に取り組んだ
plug away /ˈplʌg/: to continue doing something even though it is difficult or boring
ex) She kept plugging away at her homework.
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ex) Plug TV into the outlet.
plug into /ˈplʌg/: to become connected or to cause (something) to become connected to an electrical source or another device
ex) The heater plugs into the dashboard of your car.
ex) I pulled out the plug by stepping on the cord.
pull out the plug /ˈplʌg/: to discontinue the power supply for a device by removing its power cable from the socket.
ex) The computer crashed so badly that the only thing I could do was pull the plug.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #159
□ pull the plug (コンセントを抜くが転じて) 支援・援助を止める、延命を止める
ex) Only his wife can decide to pull the plug.
コンセントを抜く(延命処置を止める)と 決められるのは 彼の妻だけであった
pull the plug /ˈplʌg/: to turn off the machine that is keeping a very sick or injured person alive and allow that person to die
ex) The company pulled the plug on the deal because it was not satisfied with the terms.
ex) We’ve got tips on how to connect your computer to the Internet.
コンピュータを インターネットに接続するための 情報を持っています
connect /kəˈnɛkt/ : to join (two or more things) together
ex) Why won’t my computer connect to the Internet?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #385
□ hook up .. to … (回線、配線に)接続する
ex) Hook up your computer to connect to the Internet.
ex) Can you hook up 2 computers to connect to wifi at the same time?
2台のパソコンを 同時に Wi-Fi接続することは 可能でしょうか?
□ get … hooked up to .. … を .. に接続する
ex) The easiest way to get your TV hooked up to a desktop is to just plug them right into one another.
テレビと デスクトップを 接続する一番簡単な方法は 両機器を 接続し合うことだ
hook up /ˈhʊkˌʌp/: to attach (something or someone) to a device by means of electrical connections
ex) To share a presentation, hooking up a computer to a TV via cable is one option.
ex) Switch off the lamp at the socket.
コンセントを外して、ランプを消す socket
socket /ˈsɑːkət/: a device in a wall into which an electric cord can be plugged
ex) She plugged the lamp into the socket.
ex) Don’t leave appliances plugged into the electrical outlet.
outlet /ˈaʊtˌlɛt/: a device in a wall into which an electric cord can be plugged in order to provide electricity for a lamp, television, etc.
ex) Installing a plug-in receptacle for an electrical outlet can be a very easy job when it involves the simple replacement of an existing receptacle

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #145
□ peripheral device (パソコンなどの)周辺機器
ex) A peripheral device is defined as a computer device, such as a keyboard or printer.
パソコン周辺機器は キーボードやプリンターのような デバイスのことを指す
peripheral /pəˈrɪfərəl/: not relating to the main or most important part
ex) A computer peripheral is simply an object or device designed to expand the functionality of a computer system.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #860
□ periphery (場所の)周辺、外縁
ex) The city colleges are classified into three types: adjacent, periphery, and distant.
私立大学は 中心部、市の外縁、遠方の 3種類に 分別されている
periphery /pəˈrɪfəri/: the outside edge of an area : the area that surrounds a place or thing — often + of
ex) The college is located on the periphery of the city.
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ex) Push the plug into the receptacle.
receptacle /rɪˈsɛptɪkəl/ : a device into which an electric cord can be plugged in order to provide electricity for a lamp, television, etc.
ex) How come the plug doesn’t fit the receptacle that I have?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #160
□ power strip (複数の差込口がある)電源タップ
ex) When buying a power strip, some people just count the outlets.
電源タップを 購入する時、コンセントの数を数えるだけの人もいる
power strip /ˈpawɚ/: a portable device consisting of a plug, wire, and one or more rows of electrical outlets, usually activated by a power
ex) A power strip is a block of electrical sockets that attaches to the end of a flexible cable
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,473
□ multi plug outlet (複数の差込口がある)電源タップ
ex) This multi plug outlet fits well in your wall outlet.
この 複数の電源タップは 壁のコンセントに しっかりフィットします
multioutlet /ˈaʊtˌlɛt/: having or pertaining to more than one (usually electrical) outlet
ex) Learn the limits of your multi plug outlets to avoid fires.
□tangle (糸・コードなど)絡まる
ex) You’ll know how the struggle that comes with tangled cables at the back of your desk.
机の裏手で コードが 絡まった状態になる事が どれだけ たいへんか 分かるでしょう
tangle /ˈtæŋgəl/: to become or cause (something) to become twisted together
ex) To undo this twisted tangle, simply let the yoyo hang freely from your finger.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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