英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Spot – Tell – Distinguish – 見分ける・識別する
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– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。
Spot – Tell – Distinguish – 見分ける を英語で表現
ex) Can you spot him in this crowd?
人混みの中で 彼を見分けられますか?
ex) She spotted a deer in the woods.
雑木林で 鹿を見つけた
spot /ˈspɑːt/: to see or notice (someone or something that is difficult to see or find)
ex) Can you spot [=recognize] the difference between the pictures?
ex) Dad didn’t recognize me at airport.
空港で 父は 私を見分けられなかった(大勢人がいて 認識できなかった)
recognize /ˈrɛkɪgˌnaɪz/: to know and remember (someone or something) because of previous knowledge or experience
ex) I can always recognize him from far away by/from the way he walks.
ex) Word processing with speech recognition capabilities is within financial reach of the average American family.
音声認識機能付きの ワープロは アメリカの平均的家庭に 手の届く価格だ
speech recognition /ˌrɛkɪgˈnɪʃən/: the ability of a computer to identify and respond to the sounds produced in human speech
ex) Speech recognition is the capability of an electronic device to understand spoken words.
Can you tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese?
日本人と 中国人の違いが 見分けられますか?
□ tell if it’s … or ‥ … か ‥ かを見分ける
ex) What is the best way to tell if the melon is ripe enough to cut open?
メロンが 切りやすいくらいまで熟しているかを 見分ける 最良の方法は 何ですか?
tell /ˈtɛl/ : to see or understand the differences between two people or things
ex) They look exactly the same. How can you tell which is which?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,193
□ make all the difference 大きな効果がある、状況を一変させる
ex) It may not matter to you, but it makes all the difference in the world to me.
君には たいしたことではないかも知れないけれど、私にとっては 大きな違いがある
make a difference /ˈdɪfrəns/: to cause a change : to be important in some way
ex) Even 30 minutes earlier can make a big difference in the morning.
ex) He is easy to tell apart from the others because he is tall.
彼は 背が高いので 他の人と 見分けやすい
tell apart /əˈpɑɚt/: to see what the differences are between (people or things) : to identify (people or things that look similar to each other)
ex) It is hard telling the twins apart.
ex) I have trouble distinguishing between the two of them.
彼ら2人を識別できなくて 困っている
ex) You’re old enough to distinguish between fact and fantasy.
事実と夢想を 見分けられる 年令だ
distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ/ notice or recognize a difference between people or things
ex) He was distinguished from the other boys by his height.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #619
□ indistinguishable 区別ができない、見分けがつかない
ex) The copy and the original are practically indistinguishable. =identical
原本と コピー(写し)が 事実上 見分けられない
indistinguishable /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃəbəl/: unable to be recognized as different : impossible to distinguish clearly from something else
ex) The copy is practically indistinguishable from the original.
= the copy and the original are so similar that it is almost impossible to see any difference between them
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ex) We cannot discern between dark trees and dark sky behind them.
暗い木々と 暗い空の 境目が分からなかった(識別できなかった)
discern /dɪˈsɚn/: unable to discern [=distinguish] right from wrong
ex) We could just discern [=distinguish, make out] the ship through the fog.
ex) By learning to identify quality in the products you buy, you ensure that you get your money’s worth.
買い物の際、質の違いを 見極められれば、価値のある買い物ができるようになる
identify /aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/: to find out who someone is or what something is
ex) I’ll let you know how to identify best quality vegetables.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #186
□ identifiable (特定の人・物と)識別できる
ex) The scientific classification of human racial types is based on visually identifiable traits.
科学的な人種の 区分けは 視覚的に識別できる特徴を 基本とする
identifiable /aɪˌdɛntəˈfajəbəl/: able to be recognized; distinguishable.
ex) There are no easily identifiable features on the shoreline.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #098
□ discernible 見分けられる、識別できる
ex) Discernible outcome and positive change determine success.
明確な結果と 積極的な 変化が 成功の決め手となる
discernible /dɪˈsɚnəbəl/: able to be perceived by a sense (such as sight or smell) or by the mind
ex) There is no discernible difference between the original and the copy.
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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