英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Except – Without – 「除く・除いて・例外」 を英語で表現
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– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。
Except – Without – 「除く・除いて・例外」 を英語で表現
ex) We are open everyday except for Sundays.
日曜日を除いて 無休だ
ex) There is no public transportation to speak of, except a few private shuttles.
いくつかの 民間のシャトルバスを除いて 公共輸送機関と呼べるものは無い
except /ɪkˈsɛpt/: not including (someone or something)
ex) Everyone was invited except [=but] me.
ex) Except for that one typo, there were no mistakes.
except for: not including (someone or something)
ex) I got all As on my report card, except for a B in Latin.
* except と except for は 同じ意味ですが、for が入ることによって例外性が強調されます
* except for は後に名詞だけが来ますが、except は 名詞、S + V を後ろに取ることができます。 (Except can also be used as a conjunction.)
□ except + S V S V と言うことを除いては
ex) The sisters are very alike, except (that) the older one is taller than the younger one.
姉妹はとても似ている。 姉の方が背が高いことを 除いては
except /ɪkˈsɛpt/: used to introduce a statement that explains the reason why something is not possible
ex) I would buy a new suit, except I don’t have enough money.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #288
□ all but … … を除くすべて
ex) All but the freshmen were invited to the party.
新入生を除く全ての人が パーティに招待された
all but = all except
ex) We have support from all but one of the networks.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #683
□ exempt (義務から)免除する、免除された
ex) He was exempted from military service because of his heart condition.
彼は 心臓疾患のため兵役を免除された
exempt /ɪgˈzɛmpt/:not required to do something that others are required to do — usually + from
ex) She was exempt from physical education requirements because of her health problems.
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ex) Except in cases of emergency, students must obtain a pass to the nurses’ office.
非常事態の場合を除いて、学生は 保健室を利用する際 許可証を得なくてはならない
in case of: in the event of
ex) Except in the case of one minor injury, the training activities ran perfectly.
ex) They do not work well all by themselves, except in rare instances.
数少ない 例外のケースを除き、彼らは自主的に働かない
ex) Except in rare instances, employees that work extra hours are paid accordingly.
例外を除いて 基本的に 残業に対し 適切に手当てを支払わなくてはならない
rare /ˈreɚ/: not common or usual
ex) Except in rare instances, achieving success is no accident.
A. Except は 例外 (with the exception of) です。
Without は 抜き です。
□ except … … を例外として
ex) I like many kinds of dairy products except milk.
ミルクは 例外として 多くの乳製品が 好きだ(ミルクは例外)
□ without … 抜きで
ex) I drink coffee without milk.
ミルク無しで コーヒーを飲みます (ミルクは抜き)
ex) What is the hearsay rule, and what are the exceptions to it?
□ with the exception of … …は例外であるが
ex) I like many different kind of music with the exception of European jazz.
ヨーロッパのジャズを除いて あらゆる音楽が好きである
exception /ɪkˈsɛpʃən/: someone or something that is different from others
ex) I like all his books, with one exception.
= I like all but one of his books.
ex) Almost every general rule has at least one exception.
ほとんどの規則に 少なくとも一つの例外がある
□ There’s one exception to that. 例外が一つあります
cf) The one exception to that would be a pizza made by my mother.
一つだけ例外があるとすれば それは母親が作ったピザだ
There is an exception to every rule. /ɪkˈsɛpʃən/: usually said in a situation when the rule is incorrect and unusable
ex) The statement “Every rule has an exception,” is paradoxically false.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #222
□ anomaly(基準から外れた)例外
ex) A storm like that is an anomaly for this area.
あのような 嵐は このエリアでは 例外的と言える
= A storm like that does not usually happen in this area.
anomaly /əˈnɑːməli/: something that is unusual or unexpected
ex) The doctor detected an anomaly [=irregularity] in my heartbeat.
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cf) China is sole exception to the declining self-sufficiently rates.
自給率の低下に於いて、中国だけが 唯一の例外となる
sole /ˈsoʊl/: only or single
ex) The sole exception to this practice was the youngest son, who was destined to replace his senescent father.
ex) Habanero pepper sauce is renowned for its exceptional balance of heat and flavor.
ハラペーニョソースは 他と比べられない程 辛さと 風味のバランスが取れている ことで知られている
exceptional /ɪkˈsɛpʃənl̟/: unusual or uncommon
ex) We had an exceptional [=unusually large] amount of rain

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #976
□ preclude 除外する、締め出す、不可能にする
ex) She suffered an injury that precluded the possibility of an athletic career.
彼女は 怪我を被り アスリートとしての道を 外れることになった
preclude /prɪˈkluːd/ : to make (something) impossible : to prevent (something) from happening
ex) Bad weather precluded any further attempts to reach the summit.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,100
□ marginalize (社会や集団で)最低評価される、除外される
ex) We are protesting policies that marginalize women.
女性の社会的地位を 最低評価する 政策に抗議している
= that do not allow women to have important or powerful positions in a society
marginalise /ˈmɑɚʤənəˌlaɪz/ : to put or keep (someone) in a powerless or unimportant position within a society or group
ex) The program helps people from marginalized groups/populations.
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