英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Remedy – Cure – Treat – 「治療・医療」 を英語で表現
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Remedy – Cure – Treat – 「治療・医療」 を英語で表現
remedy は「治療、治療薬」を表す名詞。 類義語の treatment は「治療(全般)」を意味しますが、 remedy は「薬、薬主体の治療」で、主に「軽い治療」を表します
□ remedy 治療、治療薬
ex) Do you know any good first aid remedies for mosquito bites?
remedy /ˈrɛmədi/: a medicine or treatment that relieves pain or cures a usually minor illness
ex) The store now sells herbal remedies. (= medicines made from plants)
□ home remedy 家庭での治療、薬を服用しない家庭での治療
ex) Eating chicken soup is a popular home remedy for the common cold.
チキンスープを飲むことは 風邪の治療として 多く用いられる
home remedy: a medicine made with ingredients available at home
ex) The amount of each ingredient put in a home remedy recipe must be correctly specified.
ex) Truly good remedial massage can do wonders.
質の高い 医療マッサージの効果は 素晴らしい
remedial /rɪˈmiːdijəl/: done to cure or treat someone
ex) A remedial therapist is a person who helps students to overcome learning disabilities.
□ remedial 補習
ex) This after-school remediation program is staffed by 3 teachers.
remedial /rɪˈmiːdijəl/: involving students who need special help to improve in a particular subject
ex) Thirty percent of the new students need remedial courses in math.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #047
□ restorative 健康増進の、強壮効果・回復効果のある(薬)
ex) Dried kelp, a type of seaweed, is known for its restorative properties.
海藻の一種である 昆布は 滋養強壮の性質を持つことで知られている
restorative /rɪˈstorətɪv/: something that makes a person feel strong or healthy again
ex) Sleep is a powerful restorative.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – 873
□ property 特徴、特質
ex) A unique property of garlic is its strong odor.
ニンニク特融の 性質は その強い匂いにある
property /ˈprɑːpɚti/ : a special quality or characteristic of something
ex) The two plants have similar physical properties.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #827
□ quick-fix remedy 即効薬
ex) I learned that there is no quick remedy for a hangover.
quick fix /ˈkwɪk/: an easy remedy or solution, especially a temporary one which fails to address underlying problems.
ex) Investors will need to be patient and not expect any quick fixes.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #312
□ come on (病気の症状などが)現れる
ex) I feel a cold coming on.
ex) If you feel a cold coming on, you should get enough sleep.
風邪を 引き始めたと感じたら 睡眠を十分とるようにして
come on /ˈkʌm/: to begin to happen
ex) I feel a headache coming on.
remedy – 治療の関連語
ex) The infection can be treated with antibiotics.
その感染は 抗生物質を用いて 治療される
□ be treated for .. .. の治療を受ける
ex) She was treated for dehydration.
treat /ˈtriːt/: to deal with (a disease, infection, etc.) in order to make someone feel better or become healthy again
ex) She is taking medication to treat the condition.
ex) The patient required immediate medical treatment.
早急な治療が 必要であった
treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/: medical care
ex) The drug has been approved as a treatment for AIDS.
ex) Doctors cured his disease.
医師らは 彼の病気を治療する
cure /ˈkjɚ/: to make (someone) healthy again after an illness
ex) A team of doctors cured him of a rare blood disease.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #330
□ cure-all 万能(薬)の
ex) The drug is effective, but it is not a cure-all.
薬は効き目がある、しかし 万能ではない
cure–all /ˈkjɚˌɑːl/ : a cure or solution for any illness or problem
ex) There is no cure-all for these problems.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #537
□ sedative 苦痛を和らげる、鎮静剤、鎮痛剤
ex) Aspirin is often combined with caffeine or a sedative drug in a single medication.
アスピリンは カフェインや 鎮痛剤 と併せて 一度に服用される
ex) Some sedatives can help relax your muscles and calm your mind.
いくつかの鎮静剤は 筋肉を緩ませ、心を落ち着かせる
sedative /ˈsɛdətɪv/: a drug that calms or relaxes someone
ex) The patient was given a sedative.
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ex) The cut healed slowly.
その傷は ゆっくりと治った
heal /ˈhiːl/: to become healthy or well again
ex) You’ve got to give the injury time to heal.
Q. Heal と Cure の違いは何ですか?
A. Cure は 病気・怪我を(医療で) 治す。
Heal は 傷などが 時間をかけて 治る の意味です。
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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