英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Meeting – Minutes – Convene – 「会議・議事録・招集」 を英語で表現

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ご夫婦、兄弟、家族みんなで 始める 英会話

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Meeting – Minutes – Convene – 「会議・議事録・招集」を英語で表現

call a meeting 会議を開く招集する
ex) Before calling the meeting, determine who should attend.

call /ˈkɑːl/: to give the order for (something, such as a meeting)
ex) The union has threatened to call a strike against the company.

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Advanced English Expressions – #752

convene (会議など)招集する召集される
ex) This meeting convenes twice a week.
この会議は 週2回 召集される

convene /kənˈviːn/: to come together in a group for a meeting
ex) The students convened [=assembled] in the gym.

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Advanced English Expressions – #753

assemble (複数の人を)集める集合させる
ex) We assembled for the meeting.
会議のために 集合した

assemble /əˈsɛmbəl/: to meet together in one place
ex) The U.S. Constitution gives people the right to assemble peacefully.


assembly   集会会合
ex) The family assembly typically meets annually, lasts one to two days.
家族の集会は 1年に1度行われ、1日から2日に渡る

assembly /əˈsɛmbli/: a group of people who make and change laws for a government or organization
ex) In larger schools, a school assembly is not always a common sight.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!


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Casual English Phrases – #797

get-together (カジュアルな 社交のための)集まり、集会
ex) Effective get-togethers can have a positive impact on your bottom line.
効果的な 会議は、最終決定にプラスの 影響を及ぼす

get–together /ˈgɛttəˌgɛðɚ/: an informal social gathering
ex) She’s hosting a get-together for her classmates.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,348

bottom line     決定最終決議
ex) The bottom line was that we were unable to increase our temporary staff.
決定したことは、臨時スタッフの 採用を増やせなくなったことだ

bottom line /ˈbɑːtəm/: the most important part of something : the most important thing to consider
ex) The bottom line [=all that matters] is that the product just wasn’t practical.

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Advanced English Expressions – #754

protracted 長引く長期化する
ex) They reached an agreement after protracted [=lengthy] negotiations.
延々と続いた 会議の後、彼らは同意に達した

protracted /proʊˈtræktəd/: continuing longer than necessary or expected
ex) Their protracted legal battle may soon be resolved.

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子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

agenda       課題議題
ex) Without an agenda, meetings can be sidetracked.
議題がなければ、会議が 横道にそれてしまう

agenda /əˈʤɛndə/: a list of things to be considered or done
ex) There are several items on the agenda for tonight’s meeting.


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Casual English Phrases – #816

sidetrack    横道に逸れる脱線する
ex) The meeting got sidetracked by tangential topics.

sidetrack /ˈsaɪdˌtræk/: to cause (someone) to talk about or do something different and less important
ex) Now, what was I saying? I got sidetracked by that phone call.

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子供たちも 英会話 プライベートレッスンが大好き!

子供たちも 英会話 プライベートレッスンが大好き!

facilitator    司会者進行役
ex) The facilitator should compel the attendees to follow some those guidelines.
出席者に指針を 受け入れて もらわなければならない

facilitator /fəˈsɪləˌteɪtɚ/: a person or thing that makes an action or process easy or easier
ex) What makes a meeting effective can be the involvement of a great facilitator.

compelto ‥      ‥ に … を受け入れさせる
ex) We felt compelled to streamline our work procedures further.

compel /kəmˈpɛl/: to force (someone) to do something
ex) Public opinion compelled [=obliged] her to sign the bill.

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Advanced English Expressions – #755

compelling (話など)説得力のある強制的な圧倒的な
ex) Transform your boring meetings into compelling meetings.
退屈な 会議を 人の心を惹きつける会議に変えよう

compelling /kəmˈpɛlɪŋ/: capable of causing someone to believe or agree
ex) He made a compelling argument.

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attendee    出席者
ex) Consider gender mix and ages of attendees.
職場 での男女比率を 検討する

attendee /əˌtɛnˈdiː/: a person who is present at an event, meeting, etc., or at a particular place
ex) There were 300 attendees at the conference.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,349

gender mix    男女の比率配合
ex) Performance in a workplace is affected by its gender mix.
業績は職場での男女比率に 影響される

gender /ˈʤɛndɚ/: the state of being male or female
ex) Gender diversity is important. Ensuring equal representation of women in the workplace can have positive effects all across your entire organization.

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chair     議長
ex) The chair will preside at all meetings.

chair /ˈtʃeɚ/: : the person who is the leader of a meeting, organization, committee, or event
ex) She’s chair of the school board this year.

chair the meeting      会議の議長を務める
ex) There are some rules for chairing a meeting.

chair /ˈtʃeɚ/: to be in charge of a meeting, organization, committee, or event : to be the chairperson of (something)
ex)He’s been chosen to chair the task force on school violence.

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

minutes         議事録
ex) Recording minutes is a tedious task.

minutes /ˈmɪnət/: an official record of what was said and done in a meeting
ex) The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting.

transaction     会議記録商取引交流
ex) The clerical recorded the transactions of the meeting in the minutes.

transaction /trænˈzækʃən/ : the act or process of doing business with another person, company, etc.
ex) There is a long list of possible transaction and resolutions that you might need to keep on record.

次の海外旅行で 想い出 を増やすために

次の海外旅行で 想い出 を増やすために

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Casual English Phrases – #1,350

be not open for discussion 決定事項である
ex) The issue is not open for discussion.
その件は 決定事項である (議論の俎上にない)

discussion /dɪˈskʌʃən/: being a subject or issue that people can give their ideas, opinions, etc. about
ex) We are open for discussion. = Discussion is now permitted.

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英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


海外の映画や 音楽で 英語を覚えた世代の方へ

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

主婦・女性の方への 日常英会話フレーズ集です

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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