英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Railway Station – Track -「鉄道駅・電車の駅」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Railway Station – Track -「鉄道駅・電車の駅」 を英語で表現

□ a railway station / a train station 鉄道駅
ex) This railway station is a hub for suburban trains.
この鉄道駅は 郊外の鉄道路線の拠点(ハブ)である

station /ˈsteɪʃən/: a place where buses, trains, etc., regularly stop so that passengers can get on and off
ex) They drove him to the subway station.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,256

How many stops away is it? (駅や バス停での)あと何駅 で到着しますか
ex) We’re going to Ueno. Do you know how many stops away it is?
上野まで あと何駅ありますか?
 口語では How many stops before we get to Ueno? でもOKです

stop /ˈstɑːp/ : the place where a bus or train regularly stops on a route to let passengers get on and off
ex) Do you know how many stops there are to go?

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local station 各駅停車だけが止まる駅
ex) The local railway station was built to the south of the city limits.
各駅停車用の駅は 市の境の南側に建てられた

local station /ˈloʊkəl/: a place on a railway line where trains stop to pick up or let off passengers
ex) The local station is no longer an active train station.

express train station 急行の止まる駅
ex) The express train station has four tracks and two island platforms.
その急行の止まる駅には 4つの 線路と、島式プラットフォームがある

express train /ɪkˈsprɛs/: a train that has very few stops
ex) Express trains make a small number of stops, usually major destinations.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!


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Casual English Phrases – #539

single-track (電車の線路)単線の
ex) Single track is usually found on lesser-used rail lines, often branch lines.
単線の線路は 支線など 頻度の少ない路線で 見受けられる

single-track /ˈtræk/: having only one track
ex) A single-track railway is a railway where trains traveling in both directions share the same track.

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□ a wheelchair accessible ramp  車椅子用の傾斜
ex) Major stations have ramps to get to their passenger walkways.

ramp /ˈræmp/: a piece of equipment with a slope that is used to join two surfaces that are at different levels or heights
ex) Are there ramps provided at accessible train stations?


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Casual English Phrases – #607

ramp up (一定の比率で)増やす強化する
ex) Ramp up your daily exercise routine.
毎日の エクササイズの日課を増やそう

ramp up /ˈræmp/: : to increase or to cause (something) to increase in speed, size, etc.
ex) They want to ramp up vehicle exports from the U.S.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

ticket window   切符売り場
ex) Most passes are only sold from ticket windows.

ticket window /ˈtɪkət/: a window where an employee stands behind and sells tickets.
ex) The ticket window wasn’t open and only one automated ticket machine was working.


fare vending machine 切符の自動販売機
ex) Fare vending machines are located at each rail station.
各鉄道駅に 切符の自動販売機が設置されている

vending machine /məˈʃiːn/: automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages or tickets
ex) A vending machine can be found in the back of Central Station.

unpaid area   (駅構内)切符なしで入場できるエリア
ex) They don’t have any turnstiles separating the paid and unpaid area of the station.

unpaid area /ˌʌnˈpeɪd/: any part of the railway premises other than that which constitutes the paid area
ex) We found that the shops in the unpaid area of the train station did not have much foot traffic.

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Advanced English Expressions – #516

premises (商業用の)建物敷地施設
ex) There is a good hotel in the railway station premises.
駅の敷地内に 良い ホテルがある

premises /ˈprɛməsəz/: a building and the area of land that it is on
ex) Passengers at the station were ordered to leave premises due to the emergency alarm.

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turnstile   改札
ex) I got off the train and zipped right through the turnstile.

turnstile /ˈtɚnˌstajəl/: a gate at an entrance that has arms which turn around and that allows only one person at a time to pass through
ex) Walk through when the turnstile screen says “Go.”

signage 表記標識
ex)The signage on the side of the train will indicate whether it is local or express.
電車側部の 表記は その電車が 各駅か 急行かを示している

signage /ˈsaɪnɪʤ/ : signs or a system of signs used to show information about something (such as a business or a road)
ex) Recent airport improvements include more lighting and better signage.

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Advanced English Expressions – #517

signpost    案内標識
ex) Bilingual signposts are spreading over the station.

signpost /ˈsaɪnˌpoʊst/: a sign beside a road showing the direction and distance to a place
ex) The signpost says it is 10 miles to the city.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,068

warning strips (駅のホームなどの)白線
ex) Always stand behind the textured warning strips on rail platforms.

strip /ˈstrɪp/: a long, narrow piece of something
ex) A warning strip must be installed across the bottom of a curb ramp.

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vendor stall   売店屋台
ex) There are some newsstands and vendor stalls in the station.

stall /ˈstɑːl/ : a small open counter or partially enclosed structure where things are displayed for sale
ex) Vendor stalls for food and other items are closed at the railway station


英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


海外の映画や 音楽で 英語を覚えた世代の方へ

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

主婦・女性の方への 日常英会話フレーズ集です

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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