英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Faulty Item – Flaw – Defective -「不良品・欠陥品」 を 英語で表現

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Faulty Item – Flaw – Defective -「不良品・欠陥品」 を 英語で表現


英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #150

faulty 欠陥のある
ex) You can only return non-faulty items if the retailer has a returns policy.
お店が 代金返却方針 を持っている場合のみ 欠陥のない商品を 返品できる

faulty /ˈfɑːlti/: having a mistake, fault, or weakness
ex) They’re telling customers to send faulty items back to manufacturers.

faulty item 不良品
ex) What are my rights if I return something faulty?
不良品を 返品した時に 私の権利は どのようになりますか?

faulty /ˈfɑːlti/: having a mistake, fault, or weakness : imperfect
ex) In case you receive a product with a missing, incorrect, or faulty accessory, you will be given a replacement accessory instead of the entire product.

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Advanced English Expressions – #640

sturdiness 頑丈さ丈夫さ
ex) One string is semi faulty and bulb’s sturdiness is questionable.
一本の紐は 半分壊れかけていて、バルブの丈夫さにも 疑問が残る

sturdiness /ˈstɚdinəs/: the ability to withstand force or stress without being distorted, dislodged, or damaged
ex) This cotton is renowned for superior softness, extraordinary sturdiness, and vibrant color.

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Advanced English Expressions – #989

dislodge 取り除く取り外す退陣させる
ex) He kicked at the stone to dislodge it.
彼は 石を蹴ってどけた

dislodge /dɪsˈlɑːʤ/: to forcefully remove (something or someone) from a place or position
ex) The earthquake dislodged several boulders from the cliff.

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□ defective product 不良品
ex) Certain percentage of these vehicles are found to be defective.
製造する車の 一定量は 不良品であると 発見される

non-defective product   良品
ex) 40% of consumers returned a non-defective item in the last 12 months.
過去12か月の 良品の返品率は 40% であった

defective product /dɪˈfɛktɪv/: consumable, commercially produced and distributed good that is unfit for its intended use
ex) A product defect is a legal term for a product that does not operate or perform as it was advertised to.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,004

unfit 不適切な
ex) The movie is unfit for children.
= Children should not watch the movie.
その映画は 子供たちには不適切だ

unfit /ˌʌnˈfɪt/: not proper, suitable, or acceptable
ex) The food was unfit to eat.

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product defective (商品など)欠陥、不良
ex) A wide range of circumstances can render a product defective.
さまざまな 状況で 不良品は 発生する

defective /dɪˈfɛktɪv/: having a problem or fault that prevents something from working correctly
ex) Our car had defective [=faulty] brakes, so we had them replaced.

□ product defect   製品欠陥
ex) No personal injuries have been reported as a result of this product defect.
製品欠陥の結果による 負傷者は 報告されていません

manufacturing defect 製造欠陥
ex) Surveying procedure is the best strategy for reducing defects in the manufacturing process.
製造過程を調査することは 製造過程で生じる欠陥を減らすための最良の戦略となる

defect /ˈdiːˌfɛkt/: a problem or fault that makes someone or something not perfect
ex) Prevention costs include all activities designed to prevent product defects.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

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Casual English Phrases – #767

flaw 欠陥
ex) The item is sold with a discounted price reflecting the design flaw.
デザイン上の 欠陥を反映して、割引料金で 販売されている

flaw /ˈflɑː/: a small physical problem (such as a crack) that makes something less valuable : defect
ex) He inspected the fabric for flaws.

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failed product 欠陥品
ex) We need to shut down a failing product.
欠陥品の作動を 停止しなくてはならない

failing 欠陥不手際失敗 = failure
ex) Various corrosion mechanisms contribute to boiler tube failure.
多くの 機械の腐食は ボイラーチューブの欠陥によるものである

failing /ˈfeɪlɪŋ/: a weakness or problem in a person’s character, behavior, or ability
ex) The dark black corrosion product on the failed bolts was subjected to analysis.

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Advanced English Expressions – #434

□ corrode (金属を)腐食させる、(心を)むしばむ
ex) Failing corrosion can be caused by loose battery terminals.
腐食による欠陥は ゆるんだ バッテリー端子 によって引き起こされる

corrode /kəˈroʊd/: to slowly break apart and destroy (metal, an object, etc.) through a chemical process
ex) Rainwater may corrode the steel containers.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!


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Casual English Phrases – #294

glitch (機器)誤作動、故障
ex) There seems to be a glitch with our room reservation system.
客室予約管理システムに 故障があるようです

glitch /ˈglɪtʃ/: an unexpected and usually minor problem
ex) I knew this was likely a glitch so I called the hotel before booking to confirm.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

item condition 商品の状態
ex) Item condition is one of the top factors buyers consider when deciding whether to purchase an item.
商品を購入を決定する際 商品の状態は 重要な要項である

condition /kənˈdɪʃən/: the state in which something exists : the physical state of something
ex) Specifying your item’s condition helps set buyers’ expectations in advance.


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Advanced English Expressions – #589

deficiency 欠陥
ex) The accident was caused by deficiencies in the engine.
その事故は エンジンの欠陥が原因で 起きた

deficiency /dɪˈfɪʃənsi/: a problem in the way something is made or formed
ex) There are several deficiencies in his plan.

deficiency 不足欠乏
ex) Vitamin D deficiency also has been linked to certain heart disease.
ビタミンD の不足は 特定の心臓病と関連づけられている

deficiency /dɪˈfɪʃənsi/: a lack of something that is needed
ex) The disease may be caused by nutritional deficiencies.

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英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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