英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Shirt – 「シャツを買う、シャツを着る」 を英語で表現

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Shirt – 「シャツを買う、シャツを着る」

casual shirt

casual shirt

shirt  シャツ
ex) These casual shirts should be a bit looser across your shoulders and around your chest and waist.
カジュアルなシャツは 肩、胸、ウエスト部分が やや ゆるやかである

shirt /ˈʃɚt/: a piece of clothing for the upper body that has sleeves and usually a collar and buttons down the front
ex) You don’t want to go around town with your shirt flapping everywhere.

checkered shirt

checkered shirt

checked shirt チェック柄のシャツ = checkered shirt
ex) If a shirt is checkered, then it is almost certainly a casual shirt.
もし シャツが チェック柄であれば、それは大抵 カジュアルシャツだ

ex) I’m looking for a short sleeve shirt in checks.

checked /ˈtʃɛkt/: having a pattern made up of squares of different colors
ex) Checked white shirt goes well with black trouser.

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Casual English Phrases – #910

permanent press 形状記憶のノーアイロンの
ex) We ensure your permanent press shirts always do look ready to wear.
あなたの 形状記憶シャツは いつでも 着られる状態にあることを 保障します

permanent press /ˈpɚmənənt/: clothes that can remain minimally wrinkled if you wash and dry them properly
ex) This green permanent press shirt has a button down front.

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赤ちゃん・子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

button-down shirt ボタンダウンのシャツ
ex) Can you wear a tie with a button-down shirt?
ボタンダウンのシャツに ネクタイをすることは出来ますか?

button–down /ˈbʌtn̩ˌdaʊn/: having the ends fastened to the shirt with buttons
ex) The shirt has a button-down collar.

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Casual English Phrases – #664

tuck in シャツの裾を(ズボンに)入れる
ex) A formal dress shirt will always be tucked in.
フォーマルなドレスシャツは いつでも 裾を入れるべきだ

tuck /ˈtʌk/: to push the end of (something, such as a piece of cloth or paper) into or behind something in order to hold it in place, make it look neat, etc.
ex) Tuck in your shirt.
= Push the bottom of your shirt into the waist of your pants.

untucked シャツの裾を (ズボンに)入れない
ex) Untucked shirts has become more common.
シャツの裾をズボンに入れないシャツが 以前より 普及している

untucked /ˌʌnˈtʌkt/: not tucked into something (such as your pants)
ex) Your shirt is untucked.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

one-size-fits-all フリーサイズの  = OSFA
ex) One-size-fits-all shirts may be too tight on larger people and too loose on smaller people.
フリーサイズのシャツは 体の大きな人には小さく、体の小さな人には 大きいかもしれない

one-size-fits-all /ˈfɪt/ : designed to conform to all shapes and sizes
ex) With growing kids, one size does not fit all.

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Casual English Phrases – #729

one-size-fits-all 画一的な、万能の
ex) There is no one-size-fits-all approach to boosting your emotional intelligence.
EQ を高めるための 画一的な 方法は ない

one-size-fits-all /ˈfɪt/ : a description for a product that would fit in all instances.
ex) Unfortunately the one size fits all teaching approach is flawed because it assumes all students learn in the same ways.

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plaid 格子柄(の)、(大柄)チェック(の)
ex) Is a plaid shirt business professional?
格子柄のシャツは ビジネス向きですか?
ex) Skip the loud prints like plaid, and opt for basic white.

plaid /ˈplæd/: a pattern on cloth of stripes with different widths that cross each other to form squares
ex) Stay cozy with a variety of rugged plaid shirts.

tartan plaid タータンチェックの
ex) I bought a long sleeve tartan plaid cotton shirt.

tartan plaid /ˈtɑɚtn̩/: the pattern that is most often found on Scottish kilts
ex) I like plaid, flannel and tartan button down shirts in soft cotton.

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Advanced English Expressions – #257

embroider   … に刺繍飾りをつける
ex) They sell custom embroidered logo shirts.
特別注文による 刺繍飾り ロゴのついたシャツを 販売している

ex) Letters usually, the first name initial will be embroidered on your shirt.
名前の頭文字の 刺繍が シャツに入ります

embroider /ɪmˈbroɪdɚ/: to sew a design on a piece of cloth
ex) We provide custom embroidered corporate apparel.

T-shirt Embroidery

T-shirt Embroidery

embroidery (工芸の)刺繍(ししゅう)
ex) A dress shirt monogram is a small embroidery of two or three letters usually corresponding to the individual’s initials.
ドレスシャツの モノグラムとは、 名前のイニシャルの 組み合わせ文字 刺繍のことです

embroidery /ɪmˈbroɪdəri/ : cloth decorated by sewing
ex) Shirt embroidery has never been more affordable.

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Casual English Phrases – #881

snag (衣類を鋭い突起物に)引っ掛ける引っ掛かる
ex) The fishing hook was snagged on my shirt.

ex) I snagged my favorite sweater on a nail.
お気に入りのセーターを 釘で引っ掛けてしまった

snag /ˈsnæg/: to catch and tear (something) on something sharp
ex) If your kite snags on a power line, do not climb the pole.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,025

textured 織り目加工された、(表面が)ざらざらの
ex) I bought a button-down shirt with slightly textured cotton fabric.
織り目加工された ボタンダウンのシャツを買った

textured /ˈtɛkstʃɚd/ : having a surface that was designed so that it is not smooth
ex) The invitations were printed on handmade textured paper.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,072

cambric キャンブリック生地 (薄地の白い高級な麻または綿織物)
ex) The only fabric worthy of midsummer fashion is cambric.
真夏に相応しい 唯一の生地は キャンブリックだ

cambric /ˈkeɪmbrɪk/: a light, thin, white linen or cotton cloth
ex) Cambric is a finely woven cloth with a plain weave and a smooth surface appearance, the result of the calendering process.

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主婦・女性の方への 日常英会話フレーズ集です

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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