英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Boring – Mind-Numbing 「退屈する・つまらない」 を英語で表現

ご夫婦、兄弟、家族みんなで 始める 英会話

ご夫婦、兄弟、家族みんなで 始める 英会話

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– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。

Boring – Mind-Numbing 「退屈する・つまらない」 を英語で表現

be bored of … … に退屈する
ex) I’ve gotten bored of doing nothing.

be bored out of one’s mind 本当に退屈する
ex) I’d be bored out of my mind if I had to sit at the desk for 10 hours.
10時間 机の前で座ってるのなら 本当に退屈に感じるでしょう

bore /ˈboɚ/: to make (someone) tired and annoyed by being uninteresting or too much the same
ex) He was bored by the lecture.
= The lecture bored him.

boring 退屈な
ex) The movie was a little boring.
その映画は 少し退屈でした

boring /ˈborɪŋ/: dull and uninteresting : causing boredom
ex) I find her books totally boring.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

weary  疲れさせる飽きさせる
ex) People feel fashion weary or boring when it is overly popular.
ファッションが あまりにも一般的になりすぎると、人々は 飽きたり、退屈したりする

weary /ˈwiri/: bored or annoyed by something because you have seen it, heard it, done it, etc., many times or for a long time
ex) She was weary from years of housework.

wearisome 退屈な飽き飽きさせる
ex) There’s nothing more wearisome than dealing with paperwork.
デスクワークより 退屈な仕事はない

wearisome /ˈwirisəm/: causing you to feel bored, annoyed, or impatient : tiresome
ex) We had to listen to the usual wearisome complaints.

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Casual English Phrases – #713

get stuck in a rut マンネリに陥る
ex) We all feel stuck in a rut in our personal lives once in a while.
誰でも時々 マンネリに陥った 気分になる時がある

rut /ˈrʌt/: a situation or way of behaving that does not change
ex) Being stuck in a rut is an idea we’re all familiar with.

in a rut (行動や、考え)ワンパターンになるマンネリする
ex) She was stuck in a rut at her old job, so she quit work and went back to school.
彼女は 昔からの仕事に マンネリを感じていたので、会社を辞め 学業に戻った

rut /ˈrʌt/ : a situation or way of behaving that does not change
ex) It is easy to get into a rut if you’re not careful.

rut  (わだち)、車輪の跡
ex) The truck left deep ruts in the muddy ground.
そのトラックは ぬかるんだ地面に 深い轍を残した

rut /ˈrʌt/: a long, narrow mark made by the wheels of a vehicle passing over an area
ex) When I was turning a corner, my front wheel hit a rut in the road.

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子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

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Casual English Phrases – #343

mind-numbing 退屈な、つまらない
ex) The page-turning bestseller becomes a mind-numbing movie.
ベストセラーの面白い書籍が 退屈な映画になった

mind–numbing /ˈmaɪndˌnʌmɪŋ/: very dull or boring
ex) The typical business meeting I attended over the years was mind-numbing.

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yawn-inducing     退屈なあくびの出るような
ex) Often that kind of TV programs are yawn-inducing.
その手のテレビ番組は 大抵の場合 退屈である

yawn /ˈyȯn/: to open the mouth wide and take a deep breath usually as an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom
ex) Drug-induced yawning is an uncommon clinical condition.


英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #094

induce (電流など)誘導・誘発する、(医学)誘導・早める
ex) Her illness was induced by overwork.

induce /ɪnˈduːs/: to cause (something) to happen or exist
ex) He needs medication to induce vomiting.

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Casual English Phrases – #482

drab 単調で冴えない
ex) The lecture was a dull and drab.
その講義な 退屈で冴えなかった

□ seem pretty drab    退屈に思える
ex) It seems pretty drab if you don’t have anything to do on a rainy day.
雨の日にやることが 無いのは 退屈に思える

drab /ˈdræb/: too plain or dull to be interesting
ex) Who says running outfits need to be drab and dull?

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

irksome イライラするような退屈な
ex) He has a way of turning even the most irksome chores into a lesson in life.
彼は 最も退屈な 家事でさえも 人生の教訓に 変える 方法を知っている

irksome /ˈɚksəm/: annoying or irritating
ex) But now this imaginary barrier was swept away, together with all irksome class distinctions.


Casual English Phrases – #085

□ be a clunker   つまらないもの退屈なもの失敗おんぼろ機械自動車
ex) That joke was a real clunker.
その冗談は 退屈であった

clunker /ˈklʌŋkɚ/: something that is a complete failure
ex) The director’s recent films have all been clunkers.

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tedious    つまらない退屈な
ex) Let’s have our computers do the tedious work.
退屈な作業は コンピュータに任せよう

tedious /ˈtiːdijəs/: boring and too slow or long
ex) He made a tedious 45-minute speech.

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子供たちも 英会話 プライベートレッスンが大好き!

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Casual English Phrases – #812

feel repetitive (生活・作業が)ワンパターンに感じられる、(文章などが)くどい感じがする
ex) What do you do when life feels too repetitive?
人生が あまりに単調に 感じられる時 どうしたらよいでしょうか?

ex) I like changing things up when I feel my life’s becoming repetitive.
自分の人生が ワンパターンに 感じられる時、行動を変えるのが好きだ

repetitive /rɪˈpɛtətɪv/: having parts, actions, etc., that are repeated many times in a way that is boring or unpleasant : repetitious
ex) She left the job because the work was too repetitive.

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monotony 単調さ
ex) She hated the monotony of the job.
彼女は その仕事の 単調さを嫌っていた

monotony /məˈnɑːtni/: a lack of change that makes something boring : a monotonous quality
ex) The brief storm was a relief from the monotony of the hot summer afternoon.

monotonous 単調な退屈な
ex) She spoke in a monotonous voice.
彼女は 単調な声音で話した

monotonous /məˈnɑːtnəs/: used to describe something that is boring because it is always the same
ex) Students complained that the meals were monotonous.

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Advanced English Expressions – #175

mundane 退屈な、つまらない
ex) I want to escape my mundane lifestyle.
単調な 生活から逃げ出したい

mundane /ˌmʌnˈdeɪn/: dull and ordinary
ex) They lead a pretty mundane life.

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trivial ささいなつまらない
ex) Don’t spend your time on trivial matters.
ささいな事に 時間を注がないで

trivial /ˈtrɪvijəl/: not important
ex) Compared to her problems, our problems seem trivial.

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Advanced English Expressions – #337

□ trivialize   つまらなくする平凡化する矮小化している
ex) He is trivializing the situation.
彼はその状況を 矮小化している

trivialize /ˈtrɪvijəˌlaɪz/: to make (something) seem less important or serious than it actually is
ex) The news story trivialized the problem.

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次の海外旅行で 想い出 を増やすために

次の海外旅行で 想い出 を増やすために

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Advanced English Expressions – #597

platitude 面白味のない表現新鮮さを欠く意見
ex) His speech was filled with familiar platitudes about the value of hard work and dedication.
彼は 使い古しの表現を用いて 勤勉の価値について スピーチを行なった

platitude /ˈplætəˌtuːd/: a statement that expresses an idea that is not new
ex) He masks his disdain for her with platitudes about how she should believe in herself more.


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Advanced English Expressions – #361

disdain 軽蔑する
ex) They disdained him for being weak.
彼を 弱虫と 軽蔑した

disdain /dɪsˈdeɪn/: to strongly dislike or disapprove of (someone or something)
ex) She disdains gambling.

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初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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