英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Drain – Clog – バスルーム(風呂場)の故障

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Drain – Clog – バスルーム(風呂場)の故障 を英語で表現


tub 浴槽バスタブ
ex) The bathroom has a shower and tub.
バスルームには シャワーと バスタブがある

tub /ˈtʌb/: bathtub
ex) A bathtub leak can cause flooding and water damage inside your home.

overflow (水などが)溢れる
ex) An overflowed tub can cause extreme damage to a subfloor.
浴槽の水を溢れさせると 下張り床が極度に痛む

overflow /ˌoʊvɚˈfloʊ/: to flow over the edge or top of (something)
ex) The water in the tub overflowed.


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Casual English Phrases – #787

spill out こぼれる溢れる = spill over
ex) Wrap a burger in foil to prevent toppings from spilling out of the buns.
トッピングが こぼれないように、ハンバーガーを フォイルに包んで

spill out: fall, flow, or run over the edge of a container or to cause or allow (something) to fall, flow, or run over the edge of a container
ex) The bag ripped open and the flour spilled out onto the floor.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #320

inundate 水浸しにする、(人や 場所に)押し寄せる
ex) Water from the overflowing bathtub inundated the bathroom floor.
浴槽から溢れた 水が 浴室の 床を水浸しにした

inundate /ˈi-(ˌ)nən-ˌdāt/: to cover with a flood
ex) Rising rivers could inundate low-lying areas.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #676

low-lying (土地など)海抜の低い低地の
ex) There’re more needs to be done to protect low-lying areas from future flooding.
海抜の低い地域を 洪水から守る必要性が 高まっている

low–lying /ˈloʊˈlajɪŋ/: not far above the level of the sea
ex) Because of the low elevation of the Maldives, this island nation is especially at risk.

leave the water running 水を出しっぱなしにする
ex) I left the bath tub water running.

run /ˈrʌn/: to flow
ex) The river runs down to the valley.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #422

deluge (大量のモノなど)殺到する、(豪雨・洪水で)水浸しにする大洪水大氾濫
ex) 911 Center deluged with calls during storm.
嵐の間 警察に電話が殺到した

deluge /ˈdɛlˌjuːʤ/: to give or send (someone) a large amount of things at the same time
ex) The family was deluged [=inundated, swamped] with calls.

drain 排水管排水口
ex) The bathtub is not flowing down the drain easily.
浴槽の水が 排水口で なかなか流れない

drain /ˈdreɪn/ noun: something (such as a pipe) that is used for removing a liquid from a place or container
ex) The drain in the bathtub/sink is blocked/clogged.

drain (排水など)流れる
ex) Drain water from the bathtub.
浴槽の水を 抜いて

ex) The bathtub doesn’t drain.
浴槽の水が 流れません

drain /ˈdreɪn/: to remove (liquid) from something by letting it flow away or out
ex) Drain the grease from the pan.


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Casual English Phrases – #582

be drained  疲れ切る
ex) After a long day of seeing customers, I’m drained.

drain /ˈdreɪn/ : to make (someone) very physically or mentally tired
ex) The work drained [=exhausted] me.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #546

go down the drain 無駄になる、水の泡となる
ex) All my hard work went down the drain.

down the drain: used to describe something that is being wasted or lost
ex) You’re pouring your money down the drain.
= You’re wasting your money.

drain 枯渇の原因無駄水の泡
ex) Tuition costs are a drain on the family income.
授業料は 家計の重荷である

drain /ˈdreɪn/: something that uses a lot of time, money, etc.
ex) The war has been a big drain on the country’s resources.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #210

drain the swamp (有害なものを)一掃する
ex) He vowed to drain the swamp of the government.
彼は 政府の悪人を一掃すると 誓った

drain the swamp: to exterminate something that is harmful
ex) Drain the Swamp refers to draining the water out of a marsh in order to exterminate a population of mosquitoes spreading malaria.

clog (水など) 詰まる
ex) Our bathtub is clogged.
バスタブの排水が 詰まっている

clogged drain   排水口の詰まり
ex) Clear a clogged bathtub drain.
浴槽の 水詰まりを 直して

ex) I’m fixing a clogged bathtub.

clog /ˈklɑːg/: to slowly form a block in (such as a pipe or street) so that things cannot move through quickly or easily
ex) Clogged drains can definitely look gross, but you don’t have to let them be a major hassle.

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Casual English Phrases – #443

hassle 面倒なこと
ex) Clogged plumbing pipes may cause minor headaches and hassle.
配管用パイプの詰まりは 頭痛の種や 面倒ごと になるかもしれない

hassle /ˈhæsəl/: to bother or annoy (someone) constantly or repeatedly
ex) Other kids were always hassling her because she was overweight.

bathtub drain stopper  浴槽の水を溜める 排水口用の栓
ex) I need a bathtub drain stopper to keep water in the bathtub.
浴槽に水を溜めるのに 排水口用の栓 が必要だ

stopper /ˈstɑːpɚ/: something that is used to block an opening
ex) Use an old rag to help grip the stopper if you have difficulty pulling up on the stuck stopper.

drain strainer 排水口 ストレーナー (排水口の 網の目状の ゴミ取り)
ex) Use a drain strainer to minimize the chance of hair entering the drain.
排水口に 髪の毛が入るのを 防ぐために 排水口 ストレーナー を使って

strainer /ˈstreɪnɚ/: a kitchen device that has many small holes and that is used to hold back solid pieces while a liquid passes through
ex) Keep your sink and utensils hygienic with a high quality strainer.

slow drainage 排水溝に水が流れるのが遅い
ex) A slow drainage tub is often caused by hair.
浴槽の水が 流れるのが遅い事は 髪の毛が原因だ

drainage /ˈdreɪnɪʤ/: the act or process of draining something
ex) The water will redirect itself and cause reactions that may include slow drainage.

back-up (水など)逆流氾濫
ex) A collapsed drain pipe can cause a back-up.
壊れた排水溝は 水の逆流を起こす

back-up: an accumulation caused by a stoppage in the flow
ex) There was a backup [=blockage] in the drain.


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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,253

traffic back-up 交通渋滞
ex) The traffic back-up caused two crashes.
交通渋滞が 2件の衝突事故を起こした

backup /ˈbækˌʌp/: a situation in which the flow of something (such as traffic) becomes blocked
ex) Traffic is totally backed up, due to all that construction.

unclog (排水など)詰まりを直す
ex) I want to unclog the bathtub drain without chemical drain openers.
薬品を使わずに 浴槽の詰まりを直したい

unclog /ˌʌnˈklɑːg/: to open (something) so things can pass or flow through
ex) He unclogged the toilet.

plunger プランジャー (ゴムの吸着カップが付いた道具)
ex) A plunger is a simple tool consisting of a rubber cup and a wooden handle.
プランジャーは ゴムの吸着カップと 木製の取っ手から成る 簡単な道具だ

plunger /ˈplʌnʤɚ/ : a tool made of a stick with a rubber cup on the end that is used to clear a blocked pipe in a toilet or sink
ex) This toilet plunger features an over sized rubber head for maximum strength plunging.


英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!