英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Local Train – Express – 「各駅停車・急行電車」を英語で表現

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Local Train – Express – 「各駅停車・急行電車」を英語で表現

local train 各駅停車の電車
ex) The local train stops at all the stations.
各駅停車の電車は 全ての駅に止まる

local /ˈloʊkəl/: a train or bus that makes all of the stops along its route
ex) Local trains are designed to connect the distances within the city and its suburbs areas.

halt   停止する
ex) Commuter trains halted in that area have started moving again.
運行を停止していた 通勤電車が運転を再開した

halt /ˈhɑːlt/: to stop (something or someone) from moving or continuing
ex) The strike halted subways and buses.

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Casual English Phrases – #375

grind to a halt 急停車する
ex) We heard the wheels squealing. Then the train ground to a halt.
車輪が きしむ音を立てたのを聞いてから 電車は急停車した

grind to a halt /ˈgraɪnd/ : to stop working or moving forward
ex) The machinery slowly ground to a halt.

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express 急行電車
ex) Express service would decrease travel time by approximately 7 minutes for riders.
急行電車は 乗客の乗車時間を 約7分 短縮します

express /ɪkˈsprɛs/: a train or bus that travels quickly with few stops
ex) He takes the express to work.


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Casual English Phrases – #208

fare beater     無賃乗車者
ex) Every transit network has its fare beaters, the riders who view payment as either optional.
切符購入は オプションと考える 無賃乗車者は どの公共交通網にも 存在する

fare beater = fare cheaterfare evader /ˈfeɚ/: a person who illegally avoids paying a fare
ex) If you are found without a ticket on a train, you’ll be considered a fare beater.

beat the fare 無賃乗車をする
ex) Some riders gets a little satisfaction from cheating the railroad fare.
無賃乗車により ちょっとした満足感を得る 乗客もいる

fare /ˈfeɚ/: the money a person pays to travel on a bus, train, boat, or airplane or in a taxi
ex) Some passengers beat the fare.

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Casual English Phrases – #539

single-track (電車の線路)単線の
ex) Single track is usually found on lesser-used rail lines, often branch lines.
単線の線路は 支線など 頻度の少ない路線で 見受けられる

single-track /ˈtræk/: having only one track
ex) A single-track railway is a railway where trains traveling in both directions share the same track.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,051

grade crossing 鉄道の踏切り = railroad crossing
ex) It’s illegal to walk through a grade crossing when signals are activated.
警鐘機がなっている間、踏切を横断することは 違法である

grade crossing [ɡrād ˈkrôsiNG]: a place where a railroad and a road, or two railroad lines, cross at the same level.
ex) Plenty of drivers pay little or no attention to railroad crossing signs when they routinely drive across tracks during daily life.

grade crossing = 英 level crossing

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Advanced English Expressions – #229

diverge into …   … に分岐する分散する
ex) Get off at the station where the single line diverges into two separate lines.

diverge /dəˈvɚʤ/: to split and move out in different directions from a single point
ex) The track alignment must consider the requirements of the special trackwork layouts that will permit tracks to diverge, merge, and cross one another.

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rapid train 急行電車
ex) The rapid trains run every 30 minutes during off-peak hours.
急行電車は ラッシュアワーでない時間帯、30分に1本の運行だ

rapid transit /ˈræpəd/: the system that is used in cities for quickly bringing people to and from places on trains, buses, etc.
ex) We’ll use rapid transit to get from the airport to the hotel.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,518

bypass 通過する
ex) The express train bypasses that station.
急行は その駅を通過する

bypass /ˈbaɪˌpæs/: to go around or avoid (a place or area)
ex) To bypass the city, take the highway that circles it.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,084
be packed like sardines すし詰め状態になる
ex) I felt like being packed in a small container like sardines.

like sardines /sɑɚˈdiːn/: without enough room to move around
ex) Because of the cramped conditions in a sardine tin, packed like sardines has come to describe people crammed into a tight space.

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Advanced English Expressions – #140

overtake 追い越す
ex) A local train will be overtaken by the express.
各駅停車の電車は 急行に追い越される

overtake /ˌoʊvɚˈteɪk/: to move up to and past (someone or something that is in front of you) by moving faster
ex) The car overtook [=passed] the leader of the race on the turn.

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journey time 乗車時間
ex) The Express trains stop at fewer station than other types of train service, which reduces the journey time.
急行電車は 他の電車よりも 少ない駅に停車することで 乗車時間を短くしている

journey time /ˈʤɚni/: a period of time spent traveling
ex) Workers were not paid for their journey time between home and factory.

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!


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Casual English Phrases – #1,073

driverless train 運転手 不要の電車無人運転列車
ex) Driverless train systems allow for more service frequency.

driverless /ˈdrīvərləs/: (of a vehicle) capable of traveling without input from a human operator, by means of computer systems working in conjunction with on-board sensors
ex) Railways should embrace automation and implementing driverless trains.

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public transit system 公共交通網
ex) The subway is the largest part of Tokyo’s public transit system.
地下鉄は 東京でもっとも大きな 公共交通網だ

transit /ˈtrænsət/: the act of moving people or things from one place to another
ex) The city has an extensive public transit system that is known for its reliability and coverage.


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Casual English Phrases – #1,076

through train   直通電車
ex) They suggested adding through-train services.

through train /ˈtreɪn/ : a train usually making a limited number of stops on which passengers may travel to a scheduled destination without changing to another train
ex) Several subway systems have through operation between lines.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,115

headway 運転間隔
ex) Trains on the airport service are operating with a 10-minute headway.
空港への 電車は 10分間隔で運行している

headway /ˈhɛdˌweɪ/: the average interval of time between vehicles moving in the same direction on the same route
ex) A shorter headway signifies closer spacing between the vehicles.

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