成人英会話 > 初心者英語の直し方 > Free Time – Leeway – 「自由時間・空き時間」
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Free Time – Leeway – 「自由時間・空き時間」を英語で表現
A. Do you have time? は 時間はありますか? = ちょっと手伝っていただけますか? = もし時間があるなら … して の意味です。
Do you have the time? は 何時だか わかりますか? = Do you know what time it is now? を意味します。
ex) I wish I had more free time.
もっと自由時間が あったらいいのにな
ex) Our free time is coming in increasingly smaller packages.
free time /ˈfriː/ : not being used for work or other activities
ex) Wednesday is her only free afternoon.
ex) I need some space to relax.
リラックスするための 時間の余裕が必要だ
□ make space for myself 自分の為の時間を作る
ex) I’ll give myself space to breathe and grow on my own.
一息ついて、自分の成長のための時間を 持つつもりだ
space /ˈspeɪs/ : a period of time
ex) They finished in/within the space of an hour. = within an hour

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Casual English Phrases – #167
□ downtime 休憩時間、(システムなど) 作動休止時間
ex) I use the term “downtime” is simply time that is being spent waiting for something else.
休憩(Downtime) と言う 言葉を、何か別の事をするために使える時間 の意味で使います
downtime /ˈdaʊnˌtaɪm/: time when you are not working or busy
ex) After a busy day at work, I look forward to some downtime at home.
ex) Here are two things you can do in your idle time.
空き時間に できることが ここに2つある
idle /ˈaɪdl̟/: not having much activity
ex) Nothing could beat evening—ice-cold lemonade in idle summer.

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Casual English Phrases – #858
□ lull (一時的な)空き時間、休止
ex) Auto show’s move to June leaves winter lull in downtown Detroit.
デトロイトでは 自動車ショーが 6月に変わり、冬に 時間の空きができる
lull /ˈlʌl/: a brief time when an action or activity stops
ex) There were several lulls in the conversation.
ex) Give yourself ten-minutes leeway.
leeway /ˈliːˌweɪ/ : freedom to do something the way you want to do it
ex) They give/allow their students leeway to try new things.

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Advanced English Expressions – #325
□ intermission 休止、中断、(米: コンサート・演劇など)休憩時間
ex) An intermission may be twenty minutes or longer.
休憩時間は 20分か それ以上になるでしょう
ex) The seminar lasts 1 hour followed by a 15-minute intermission.
セミナーは1時間に渡り、その後 15分の 休憩時間があります
intermission /ˌɪntɚˈmɪʃən/: a short break between the parts of a performance (such as a play, movie, or concert)
ex) We’ll return after a brief intermission.
□ interval 幕間(英: 芝居の)休憩時間
C: Where can I buy some drinks for the interval?
幕間に どこで飲物を買えますか?
interval /ˈɪntɚvəl/: a period of time between events
ex) The web site doesn’t tell you how long the interval between movies is.
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ex) Give yourself at least a 15-minute cushion.
少なくとも 15分の 時間の余裕を見てください
cushion time: the extra time that must be budgeted that will take unforeseen contingencies into account
ex) If you do not have an adequate space cushion on all sides, you must be extra alert.
ex) I’d like to write more, but I simply don’t have the leisure (to do it).
もう少し 書きたいが、 自由な時間がない
□ make leisure time 自由時間をひねり出す
ex) Making occasional leisure time is so important.
時々 自由時間をひねり出すことは 大切です
leisure /ˈliːʒɚ/: time when you are not working : time when you can do whatever you want to do
ex) In his leisure [=free time, spare time], he paints and sculpts.
ex) You can look over the contract at your leisure.
空いた時間がある時に 契約書に 目を通してください
at one’s leisure /ˈliːʒɚ/: in a way that is not hurried
ex) We were able to study the menu at leisure.
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