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Surprise – Surprising – 驚く の使い分け方
ex) I’m surprised at the news. 人が主語 の時は be surprised
ex) The news was surprising. モノが主語の 時は be surprising
人が主語 の時は be surprised (過去分詞)
モノが主語 の 時は be surprising (現在分詞)
このルールは 人の感情を表す時に 応用できます
Surprise を用いた英語表現
ex) I’m surprised at the extent of the influence.
□ be surprised by .. .. (人に)驚かされる
ex) I was surprised by my boyfriend this morning.
今朝 ボーイフレンドが私を驚かせた
surprise /sɚˈpraɪz/: to cause (someone) to feel surprised
ex) Nothing you could say would surprise me.
ex) What a pleasant surprise!
嬉しい 驚きです
□ be pleasantly surprised 嬉しい驚きだ
ex) I’m pleasantly surprised at you showing up.
君が姿を見せるなんて 嬉しい驚きだ
□ pleasantly surprise (相手が嬉しく思う事をして)驚かせる
ex) I want to pleasantly surprise my girlfriend by giving a gift.
ガールフレンドにプレゼントをして 驚かせたい
pleasant surprise /ˈplɛzn̩t/: lucky coincidence
ex) Pleasant surprise indeed! This game is absolutely intriguing!

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #053
□ bowl over 驚かせる
ex) The novel bowled me over, so I bought some books similar to it.
その小説は 驚くほどよかったので、類似の本も数冊購入した
bowl over /ˈboʊl/: to surprise or impress (someone) very much
ex) You must go hear this poet—you will be bowled over!
□ bowl a ball (ボーリング)ボールを転がす
ex) Throwing a bowling ball isn’t as easy as it looks.
ボーリングの ボールを投げることは 見た目ほど、簡単ではない
bowl /ˈboʊl/: to roll (a ball) towards something especially in the game of bowling or lawn bowling
ex) I don’t think I can bowl a 12-pound ball.
ex) Surprisingly enough he did it all by himself.
驚いたことに 彼は 自分一人で やり遂げた
surprisingly /sɚˈpraɪzɪŋli/: unexpectedly
ex) Not surprisingly, he agreed.
ex) Much to our surprise, she refused.
驚いた事に 彼女は拒絶した
= We were very surprised when she refused.
much to one’s surprise: used to say that someone is very surprised by something
ex) Much to my surprise, they offered me a scholarship.
ex) It came as a surprise for me to learn about his divorce.
彼の離婚について を知って驚いた
come as a surprise: to make someone feel surprised
ex) The decision came as a great relief to us all.
ex) The amount of the donation took us completely by surprise.
寄付の総額に 私たちは驚かされた
ex) The amount of the donation took us completely by surprise.
寄付の額の大きさに 驚いた
take / catch … by surprise: to happen to … unexpectedly
ex) The question caught him by surprise.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #211
□ blindside … (悪い・嫌な 知らせで)驚かせる
ex) The recession blindsided a lot of investors.
景気後退は 多くの投資家を驚かせた
blindside /ˈblaɪndˌsaɪd/: to surprise or shock … in a very unpleasant way
ex) We were all blindsided by the news of her sudden death.
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驚く・驚かせる の関連表現
ex) It amazes me that no one noticed the error.
誰もその間違いに気づかなかったことに 驚かされた
amaze /əˈmeɪz/ : to surprise and sometimes confuse (someone) very much : to fill (someone) with wonder
ex) He has amazed audiences around the world with his magic tricks.
□ amazing 驚くべき
ex) She gave an amazing [=wonderful] performance in her first film.
彼女は 初の映画出演で 驚くべき演技を披露した
amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/: causing great surprise or wonder
ex) He showed an amazing lack of concern for others.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #365
□ wondrous 驚くべき、素晴らしい
ex) The museum featured a display of wondrous oil paintings.
その美術館は 素晴らしい油絵を公開、展示した
wondrous /ˈwʌndrəs/: causing wonder or amazement
ex) The artist can achieve wondrous [=wonderful] things with a paintbrush.
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ex) The garden’s beauty never fails to astonish.
庭園の美しさに 誰もが驚くであろう
astonish /əˈstɑːnɪʃ/: to cause a feeling of great wonder or surprise in (someone)
ex) The garden astonishes [=amazes] anyone who sees it.
□ astonishing 驚くべき
ex) The truck can hold an astonishing amount of stuff.
そのトラックは 驚くほどの量の物を 運ぶことができる
astonishing /əˈstɑːnɪʃɪŋ/: causing a feeling of great surprise or wonder : causing astonishment : amazing, astounding
ex) He showed an astonishing lack of concern for others.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #684
□ astound 驚かせる
ex) What astounds me is that they never apologized.
astound /əˈstaʊnd/: to cause a feeling of great surprise or wonder in (someone) : amaze, astonish
ex) The magician will astound you with his latest tricks.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #110
□ be taken aback 驚く、びっくりする、不意を突かれる
ex) We were taken aback by his irrational opinions.
彼の 非合理的な 意見に驚かされた
taken aback: startled, astonished, shocked, or disconcerted.
ex) When I told him my answer, he seemed taken aback.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,259
□ blow … away 驚かせる
ex) That bad news really blew me away.
その悪い知らせには 本当に驚いた
□ be blown away by … … に驚く、仰天する
ex) I’ve always been blown away by how capable she is at work.
彼女の 仕事ぶりには いつも驚いている
blow away /blóu/: to impress (someone) in a very strong and favorable way
ex) I was really blown away by her latest movie.

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #010
□ mind-blowing 驚きの、驚くべき
ex) No amount of knowledge can prepare your for these utterly mind-blowing facts.
この衝撃的な事実に どんなに知識のある人でも 驚くであろう
mind–blowing /ˈmaɪndˌblowɪŋ/: very confusing, exciting, or shocking
ex) The power of her performance was positively mind-blowing.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #415
□ mind-boggling 驚くほどの、驚異的な
ex) She made a mind-boggling amount of money with her business.
彼女は 仕事で驚くほどの 大金を稼いだ
mind–boggling /ˈmaɪndˌbɑːglɪŋ/: having a very powerful or overwhelming effect on the mind
ex) She showed us a mind-boggling [=stunning] performance.
□ boggle the mind 驚かせる、ぎょっとする、言葉を失う
ex) The scale of the landfill project boggles the mind.
その埋め立て計画の 規模には 驚かされた
boggle /ˈbɑːgəl/: to make (the mind) unable to think clearly : to amaze or overwhelm (the mind)
ex) It boggles the mind to think of what he has accomplished.
= His accomplishments boggle my mind.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,535
□ do a double take 驚く、唖然とする
ex) We all did a double take when we heard of his demotion.
do a double take /ˈdʌbəl/ : a delayed reaction to a surprising or significant situation after an initial failure to notice anything unusual
ex) His parents did a double take when he came home with a tattoo.
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