英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Quarrel – Argument – Tussle – 「喧嘩、口論・文句を言う」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Quarrel – Argument – Tussle – 「喧嘩、口論・文句」を英語で表現
ex) She had a quarrel with her mother.
彼女は 母親と喧嘩をした
quarrel /ˈkworəl/ : an angry argument or disagreement
ex) They had a quarrel about money.

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Advanced English Expressions – #832
□ antagonism 敵意、敵対、対立、反対
ex) There is a long history of antagonism [=hostility, enmity] between the two nations.
2国間に 長い歴史による 敵意がある
antagonism /ænˈtægəˌnɪzəm/: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : a desire to oppose something you dislike or disagree with — often + between or toward
ex) they display a deep-seated favoritism or antagonism that would make fair judgment impossible.
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Advanced English Expressions – #833
□ deep-seated 深く根差した、根深い、(椅子など)深い座り心地の
ex) She has a deep-seated fear of flying.
彼女は飛行に対し 根深い恐怖心を持っている
deep–seated /ˈdiːpˈsiːtəd/: existing for a long time and very difficult to change : firmly established
ex) The problems are far more deep-seated [=deep-rooted] than we thought.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,137
□ enmity 敵意、憎しみ
ex) There’s a long history of enmity between them.
彼らの間には、長年に渡る 憎しみ合いの歴史がある
enmity /ˈɛnməti/: a very deep unfriendly feeling
ex) His comments earned him the enmity of his coworkers.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,093
□ sibling fights 兄弟げんか
ex) In order to stop siblings from fighting, we must create a fair and impartial environment.
兄弟げんかを 止めるには フェアで偏りのない 環境を設定しなければならない
fight /ˈfaɪt/: a violent physical struggle between opponents
ex) Labels such as “the wild one,” lay the groundwork for sibling fighting.
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Advanced English Expressions – #530
□ impartial 偏らない、公平な
ex) Being fair and impartial as a parent is crucial to supporting all sibling relationships.
フェアで偏りのない 親であることが 兄弟間の関係を 支える上で 重要です
impartial /ɪmˈpɑɚʃəl/: treating all people and groups equally
ex) It is often beneficial for parents to act as an impartial mediator to help children figure out a solution that will support both side’s interests.
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Advanced English Expressions – #531
□ mediate 仲立ちする、仲裁する
ex) Parents have to judge when it’s time to step in and mediate.
両親は (子供たちの喧嘩に)いつ仲介にはいるかを 判断しなければ ならない
mediate /ˈmiːdiˌeɪt/: to work with opposing sides in an argument or dispute in order to get an agreement
ex) Adults won’t always be there to mediate every negative altercation between kids.
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Advanced English Expressions – #532
□ altercation (突発的な)口論、言い争い
ex) When your kids get into an altercation, encourage each one to voice their needs.
自分の子供たちが 口論を始めた時 両者の望みを 言わせるようにして
altercation /ˌɑːltɚˈkeɪʃən/: a noisy or angry argument
ex) She got into several altercations with the coach this season.
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ex) You might unknowingly be doing to set sibling rivalry in motion.
知らないうちに 兄弟間の競争意識を 引き起こしているかも知れない
rivalry /ˈraɪvəlri/: a state or situation in which people or groups are competing with each other
ex) Without even knowing it, parents contribute to sibling rivalry in many ways.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #888
□ set in motion 引き起こす
ex) Those highly addictive products will set in motion a public health crisis.
それらの 中毒性の高い製品は 公衆衛生の危機を 引き起こすであろう
set … in motion /ˈmoʊʃən/: start or trigger a process or series of events.
ex) Plunging oil prices set in motion an economic collapse.
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Advanced English Expressions – #409
□ contribute 一因となる、原因の一つになる
ex) Gases contribute to global warming.
ガスは 地球温暖化の原因の一つである
contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/: help to cause or bring about.
ex) We cannot address climate change without looking at all the components that are contributing to the problem of emissions.
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ex) I got into an argument with him.
argument /ˈɑɚgjəmənt/ : a statement or series of statements for or against something
ex) They made a compelling argument for our participation.
□ argue 討論する、異論を唱える
ex) They argued convincingly against cutting the budget.
彼らは 予算削減に反対して 説得力のある 異論を唱えた
argue /ˈɑɚgju/: to give reasons for or against something
ex) She argued against the proposed law.
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Advanced English Expressions – #473
□ arguably (議論の余地はあるが)ほぼ間違えなく
ex) It is arguably the busiest airport in the world.
もっとも発着数の多い空港と言っても 過言ではなかろう
arguably /ˈɑɚgjuwəbli/: it can be argued — used to say that a statement is very possibly true even if it is not certainly true
ex) He is arguably the best writer of his generation.
= He may well be the best writer of his generation.

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Advanced English Expressions – #437
□ rift (人間関係)不和、不仲、(岩などの)割れ目
ex) The fight will only widen the rift with his brother.
喧嘩は 兄との 不仲を 広げるだけであろう
rift /ˈrɪft/: a situation in which two people, groups, etc., no longer have a friendly relationship
ex) Nothing could heal the rift between them.

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Advanced English Expressions – #837
□ feud 不和、対立
ex) Because of a family feud, they did not see each other for a decade.
家族内の対立のため、彼らは 数十年 顔を合わせていない
feud /ˈfjuːd/: a long and angry fight or quarrel between two people or two groups
ex) The workers’ feud with management concerns health benefits and pay increases.
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Advanced English Expressions – #818
□ tussle (目的のために)格闘する、取っ組み合いをする
ex) Two players tussled for the ball.
2人の選手は ボールを追って 取っ組み合いをした
tussle /ˈtʌsəl/: to fight or struggle with someone by grabbing or pushing
ex) Some guy was tussling [=scuffling] with a security guard.
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Advanced English Expressions – #821
□ scuffle 取っ組み合う、乱闘する、足を引きづって歩く
ex) Children scuffled on the playground.
子供たちは 公園で 取っ組み合いの喧嘩をした
scuffle /ˈskʌfəl/: to fight briefly and usually not very seriously
ex) Protesters and police scuffled.
抗議者たちと 警察は 小競り合いとなった
ex) Those young children don’t have more appropriate conflict resolutions skills.
それらの小さい子供たちは 対立を解決するための適切な 能力を 持ち合わせていない
conflict /ˈkɑːnˌflɪkt/: a struggle for power, property, etc.
ex) There’s conflict between (forces of) good and evil
ex) The theater was full of rowdy teenagers throwing popcorn and yelling.
その劇場には ポップコーンを投げたり、わめいたりする 乱暴な10代の 若者でいっぱいであった
rowdy /ˈraʊdi/: a person who causes trouble in a noisy way
ex) It was a rowdy but good-natured crowd.

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Advanced English Expressions – #470
□ belligerent けんか好きな、好戦的な
ex) Occasionally some can be belligerent, but generally they are not a threat.
時に 喧嘩好きな者もいるが、一般的には脅威ではない
□ belligerence 好戦的・喧嘩ごしの態度
ex) The reaction ranged from wild enthusiasm to outright belligerence.
反応は 熱狂的なものから、あからさまに好戦的なものまで 様々であった
belligerent /bəˈlɪʤərənt/ : angry and aggressive
ex) My sister is belligerent, and I need advice on how to soothe her and calm her down.

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Advanced English Expressions – #759
□ dissidence 不同意、相違、不一致
ex) Dissidence arises from unvented censure.
言葉にしない批判が積り 不一致が生ずる
dissidence /ˈdɪsədəns/: disagreement
ex) Dissident intellectuals played a key role in Hungary’s transition from communism to liberal democracy.
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Advanced English Expressions – #760
□ unvented (感情など)発散されない
ex) Your unvented anger could reduce blood flow to your brain.
発散されない怒りは 脳の血流量を減らす
unvented /ˌənˈven(t)əd/: without a vent or outlet.
ex) Unvented fireplaces are not approved for use.

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Advanced English Expressions – #941
□ brawl (公衆での)けんか、口論、乱闘
ex) Fans were brawling in the streets after the game.
試合の後 路上で ファンたちは 喧嘩をしていた
brawl /ˈbrɑːl/ : to fight noisily in usually a public place
ex) He was in a barroom brawl. [=a fight in a bar]

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,032
□ expletive 罵り言葉
ex) Expletives were deleted from the transcript of their conversation.
罵りの言葉は 会話の台本から 削除された
expletive /ˈɛksplətɪv/ : a word or phrase (such as “Damn it!”) that people sometimes say when they are angry or in pain
ex) An expletive is a swear word, a curse you let out when you are startled or mad.
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