英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Serious – Severity – Grim – 「深刻な、重大な」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Serious – Severity – Grim – 「深刻な、重大な」を英語で表現
ex) The slightest error can have serious consequences.
僅かな誤りが 深刻な結果をもたらすこともある
serious /ˈsirijəs/ : having an important or dangerous possible result
ex)“You sound terrible.” “It’s just a bad cold. Nothing serious.”
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #044
□ exacerbate 悪化させる、深刻にする
ex) The staff cutback plan will exacerbate skepticism among our employees.
従業員解雇の計画は 従業員の猜疑心を より深刻なものにするであろう
exacerbate /ɪgˈzæsɚˌbeɪt/ : to make (a bad situation, a problem, etc.) worse
ex) His angry comments have exacerbated tensions in the negotiation process.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #407
□ grim 深刻な、重大な、厳しい
ex) His face looked grim, and we knew his news wouldn’t be good.
彼の表情は 深刻に見えたので、彼の話しは 良くないことについてであろうと 知っていた
grim /ˈgrɪm/: having a very serious appearance or manner
ex) The accident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving.
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ex) Rains doused wild fires, but they produce severe flooding.
雨は山火事を 消したが、深刻な洪水を引き起こした
severe /səˈviɚ/: very bad, serious, or unpleasant
ex) The storm caused severe damage to the roof.
□ be doused by … … で水浸しになる
ex) The city was doused by heavy rains.
□ douse … に水を浴びせる
ex) Rains doused wild fires, but they produce severe flooding.
雨は山火事を 消したが、深刻な洪水を引き起こした
douse /ˈdaʊs/: to cover (someone or something) with a liquid — usually + in or with
ex) She doused herself with perfume.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #152
□ severity (怪我、故障などの)重大度
ex) First look over the dent’s severity.
まず へこみの重大度を 調べてみて
ex) The price that you’ll pay to remove door dings varies based on the severity of the damage.
ドアのへこみを直す費用は 損傷の重大度によって異なる
severity /səˈverəti/: the fact or condition of being severe
ex) We were shocked at the severity of the penalty.
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ex) They voiced grave concern over sweeping their new national-security legislation.
彼らは 新しい 国家安全法に対し 深刻な懸念を 表明した
grave /ˈgreɪv/: very serious : requiring or causing serious thought or concern
ex) His carelessness could have grave consequences.
ex) The end of his marriage was an emotionally shattering experience.
shattering /ˈʃætɚrɪŋ/: very shocking and upsetting
ex) The mistake he made is not of an earth-shattering, catastrophic nature.
ex) I hope you realize the enormity of his truth.
彼の真実の重大さに 気づいてくれることを 願います
enormity /ɪˈnoɚməti/: great importance
ex) They didn’t fully grasp the enormity of their decision.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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