英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Yogurt – Ferment – 「ヨーグルト・発酵食品・乳酸菌」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Yogurt – Ferment – 「ヨーグルト・発酵食品・乳酸菌」 を英語で表現

yogurt ヨーグルト
ex) Why does your family too crave frozen yogurt in the winter?
なぜ あなたの家族は 冬に フローズンヨーグルトを 食べたくなるのですか?

yogurt /ˈjoʊgɚt/: a food that is made when bacteria are added to milk and that is often flavored and chilled
ex) If you have an unusual hankering for frozen treats, try frozen yogurt.

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Casual English Phrases – #855

hanker for  … に憧れる切望する
ex) Put yogurt into your fridge and feel free to eat anytime you hanker for food.
ヨーグルトを 冷蔵庫に入れて、何か食べたくなったら 自由に食べて

hanker /ˈhæŋkɚ/: to have a strong or constant desire for something
ex) Greek yogurt can be spread on toast next time you hanker for cream cheese.

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dairy product 乳製品
ex) Yogurt is a popular dairy product that’s made by the bacterial fermentation of milk.
ヨーグルトは 牛乳を細菌発酵させた 人気の高い乳製品だ

dairy /ˈderi/: made from milk
ex) There are now numerous dairy-free yogurts on the market.

ferment  発酵させる、発酵する
ex) Yogurt is a fermented milk product.
ヨーグルトは 発酵乳 食品である

ferment /fɚˈmɛnt/: to go through a chemical change that results in the production of
ex) Fermented foods, like yogurt and kimchi, are rich in probiotics.

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Advanced English Expressions – #314

fermentation 発酵
ex) The fermentation process gives yogurt its consistency and tangy flavor.
発酵の過程で ヨーグルトの濃度と、ピリッとした味わいが生まれる

fermentation /ˌfɚmənˈteɪʃən/: a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes
ex Yogurt fermentation time and temperature impact the bacterial quality of homemade yogurt.


tangy 舌や鼻に ピリッとした 刺激がある
ex) This ham is sweet and tangy chock full of pepper.
胡椒が利いた このハムは 甘辛だ

tangy /ˈtæŋi/: having a strong, piquant flavor or smell.
ex) I’m feeling tangy salt breezes.

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Advanced English Expressions – #182

consistency (液体の)濃度
ex) Greek yogurt is thicker and has a creamier consistency than regular yogurt.
ギリシャ・ヨーグルトは 一般のヨーグルトと比べ ドロッとしていて クリームのような濃度を 持っている

ex) She mixed the bread dough to the right consistency.
彼女は 水分濃度 を適切にするために パン生地をこねた

consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/: the quality of being thick, firm, smooth, etc.
ex) The yogurt tastes fine, but it has the consistency of runny cottage cheese,

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Advanced English Expressions – #256

lactic acid bacteria 乳酸菌
ex) Some major foods that depend on lactic acid bacteria include sauerkraut, yogurt and sourdough bread.
乳酸菌を取り入れた食べ物として ザワークラフト、ヨーグルト、サワードウがある

lactic acid /ˈlæktɪk-/: a chemical produced by the body in your muscles during exercise
ex) Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is widespread microorganisms which can be found in any environment rich mainly in carbohydrates, such as plants and fermented foods.

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culture 培養
ex) The bacteria used to make yogurt are called “yogurt cultures“ which ferment lactose, the natural sugar found in milk.
ヨーグルトを作る際に 使われる バクテリアは ヨーグルト培養と 呼ばれ、牛乳の中に 乳酸と 糖分を 発酵させる

culture /ˈkʌltʃɚ/: the act or process or growing living material (such as cells or bacteria) in controlled conditions for scientific study
ex) What followed was a massive surge of consumer interest in yogurt with live cultures, touting probiotic and other health benefits.


Spread – Unsalted Butter – 「バターの種類」 – 英会話フレーズ集 for Moms

cultured butter 発酵バターカルチャードバター
ex) Most cultured butter today is made from added bacteria instead of natural fermentation.
今日の発酵バターは、自然発酵でなく、微生物を用い 作られている

culture /ˈkʌltʃɚ/: to grow (something) in controlled conditions
ex) The virus is cultured in the laboratory from samples of infected tissue.

protein タンパク質
ex) Yogurt is high in protein.
ヨーグルトは タンパク質を 多く含む

protein /ˈproʊˌtiːn/: a substance found in foods (such as meat, milk, eggs, and beans) that is an important part of the human diet
ex) Regular yogurt may be best for anyone looking to keep their calorie and protein intake in check.

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

keep … in checkを抑制する、… をコントロールする
ex) Frozen yogurt is the treat you turn to all summer long to keep your diet in check.
フローズンヨーグルトは 食事摂生に役立つ 夏のデザートだ

in check /ˈtʃɛk/: under control
ex) He’s trying to hold his emotions in check.
= He is trying to control his emotions.

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Advanced English Expressions – #344

pasteurize (飲料など)低温殺菌する
ex) When making yogurt, it is necessary to use commercially pasteurized milk.
ヨーグルトを作るとき 商業用として 低温殺菌されている 牛乳を使う必要がある

pasteurize /ˈpæstʃəˌraɪz/: subject (milk, wine, or other products) to a process of partial sterilization, especially one involving heat treatment or irradiation, thus making the product safe for consumption and improving its keeping quality
ex) The yogurt is pasteurized before adding the cultures.

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Advanced English Expressions – #610

probiotic  体に良いバクテリア細菌
ex) Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics, which are friendly bacteria that can improve your health.
ヨーグルトは 健康に良い バクテリアを接種するのに もっとも良い食品の一つである

probiotic /prō-bī-ˈä-tik/: a microorganism (such as lactobacillus) that when consumed (as in a food or a dietary supplement) maintains or restores beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract
ex) While all yogurts have lactive cultures, not all have probiotic strains that provide specific health benefits such as supporting gut health.

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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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