英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Paid-Days-Off / Paid Holiday – 「休暇・欠勤・有給休暇」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Paid-Days-Off / Paid Holiday – 「休暇・欠勤・有給休暇」を英語で表現
ex) I took a full day off from work today.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #791
□ a paid day off 有給休暇
ex) The government mandates at least 10 paid days off.
a day off /ˈdeɪ/: a day’s vacation from work or school on what would normally be a working day
ex) A day off became more about catching up and running errands than about actually enjoying the day.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #276
□ mandate (公共機関等が)命じる
ex) This bill does not mandate paid sick leave for workers.
この法案は 会社が 従業員に 病気休暇を 渡すよう命じてるものではない
ex) The city mandated recycling of water bottles.
mandate /ˈmænˌdeɪt/: to officially demand or require (something)
ex) Ours was the first state to mandate [=order] the change.
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Casual English Phrases – #871
□ time off 休暇・休み を取る
ex) Everyone should take time off from work sometimes.
時々 仕事で 休暇を取るべきだ
take time off /ˈtaɪm/ : the minutes, hours, or days that a person works or is required to work for a company
ex) I’ll ask my supervisor if I can take time off (work) to go to the dentist.
ex) The employees are given exactly zero paid holiday.
paid holiday /ˈhɑːləˌdeɪ/: paid time off that allows an employee to observe a holiday if they choose
ex) How many paid holidays do most companies give?
ex) I turned in a doctor’s note for sick days.
sick day /ˈsik/: a day taken off from work because of illness
ex) There’s a difference between sick days, personal days, and vacation days.
ex) I turned in a doctor’s note for sick days.
sick day /ˈsik/: a day taken off from work because of illness
ex) There’s a difference between sick days, personal days, and vacation days.
ex) You can’t get a sick note for 5 bucks.
医師の 診断書は5ドルでは、足りない
sick note /ˈsik/: an official note signed by a doctor which states that someone is ill and needs to stay off work for a particular period of time
ex) Requesting a doctor’s note from an employees can be a tricky subject.
ex) I’ll carry over unused sick leave to the following year.
sick leave/ˈsik ˌlēv/: leave of absence granted because of illness.
ex) Hhe took a week’s sick leave.
□ unused 未使用の
ex) Some states have laws requiring employers to pay out an employee’s unused vacation when the employment relationship ends.
企業は 従業員との労働契約が終了する時、 未使用分の有給休暇に対する 支払いをしなくてはならない
ex) We leave the old computer sitting untouched and unused.
unused /ˌʌnˈjuːzd/: not being used
ex) Employees cannot be deprived of earned, unused vacation time.
ex) Employers are free to determine whether to permit carry-over of unused vacation.
会社は 未使用の 有給休暇の 翌年度繰越しを 認めるかについて 自由に決められる
carry over /ˈkeri/: extend beyond the normal or original area of application.
ex) Unused vacation can be carried over to the following year.
ex) You lose all your unused days off if you don’t use them within the year.
lose /ˈluːz/: to fail to keep or hold (something wanted or valued)
ex) A use-it-or-lose-it employee vacation policy generally requires that employees forfeit their unused vacation time if not used by a certain date.
□ forfeit (権利など)失う、没収される、はく奪される
ex) US workers forfeited 200 million vacation days last year.
アメリカの労働者の 2億日分の 有給休暇が 失われた
forfeit /ˈfoɚfət/ v: to lose or give up (something) as a punishment or because of a rule or law
ex) This year, employees will forfeit, on average, about half of their paid time off.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #329
□ absenteeism (常習的)欠勤
ex) The rising employee absenteeism can affect entire workforce.
absenteeism /ˌæbsənˈtiːˌɪzəm/: a tendency to be away from work or school without a good reason
ex) Her office has a high rate of absenteeism.
= People in her office are frequently absent from work.
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ex) I need to conserve some paid days off to cover emergency situations.
conserve /kənˈsɚv/: to keep (something) safe or from being damaged or destroyed
ex) Sick leave should be conserved, used only in cases of personal illness with the inability to work.
ex) I worked on a holiday and receive a compensatory day off.
休日に働き、1日分の 代休をもらった
compensatory /kəmˈpɛnsəˌtori/: reducing or offsetting the unpleasant or unwelcome effects of something
ex) Compensatory time, commonly referred to as comp time, this is paid time off given to an employee in lieu of overtime pay.
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Advanced English Expressions – #373
□ compensatory 償いの、代償としての
ex) “Comp time”, short for compensatory time, is when employers compensate their employees for overtime hours with time off, instead of overtime pay.
“Comp time” とは 時間外勤務の 給与の代わりとして 雇用者に 休日を与える 仕組みのことである
compensatory /kəmˈpɛnsəˌtori/: intended to recompense someone who has experienced loss, suffering, or injury
ex) The patient sued for compensatory damages.
= money awarded to a victim to make up for an injury, damage, etc.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #342
□ fallow (創作・音楽家など)活動休止中の・創作的でない時期にある、(土地)休閑中の、作付けしていない
ex) In our distracted world, even fallow hours take discipline.
集中することが難しい 今の世の中では 休息時間にも 規律が求められる
fallow /ˈfæloʊ/ : not active or productive
ex) The writer has been going through a fallow period.
= a period in which he has done no writing
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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