英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Balance – Balancing Act – 「バランス・均衡を取る」 を英語で表現
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Balance – Balancing Act – 「バランス・均衡を取る」を英語で表現
ex) How should we balance security and privacy on the internet?
インターネットでの 安全性と プライバシーのバランスを どうやって取るべきか?
balance /ˈbæləns/ : to make (different or opposite things) equal in strength or importance
ex) The group is balanced between new and old members.
ex) How do you strike a balance between cost and innovation without compromising what your brand stands for?
ブランド面で 妥協せず、予算と イノベーションのバランスをどうやって 取るのでしょうか?
strike a balance /ˈstraɪk/: choose a moderate course or compromise.
ex) She’s decided to strike a balance between fashionable and accessible.
strike /ˈstraɪk/ – struck /ˈstrʌk/ – struck /ˈstrʌk/

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Casual English Phrases – #807
□ striking 目立つ、人目を引く、著しい
ex) The building’s modern style stands in striking contrast to the surrounding neighborhood.
その建物の現代的な様式は 周辺地域と 目を引くほど 対照的である
= It’s very different from the surrounding neighborhood.
striking /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/: unusual or extreme in a way that attracts attention
ex) There is a striking resemblance between the girls.
ex) It’s not always simple for workers to achieve a proper balance between their professional and personal lives.
働き手にとって 職場と 私的な生活の適切なバランを取ることは 容易ではない
achieve /əˈtʃiːv/: to get or reach (something) by working hard
ex) Companies are now considering how to achieve a work-life balance and implementing targeted measures to promote this.
ex) Your spouse is key to your work life balance success.
あなたの 配偶者が 仕事と私生活のバランスでの 成功の鍵をにぎる
work-life balance/ˈbæləns/: a term commonly used to describe the balance that a working individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life
ex) A work-life balance is a harmonious blend of work and other life roles.
ex) The garage is not in proportion to the house.
ガレージの大きさと 家の大きさの バランスが取れていない
= The garage is too small/big for the house.
proportion /prəˈpoɚʃən/: the correct or appropriate relationship between the size, shape, and position of the different parts of something
ex) The size of the window seems out of proportion with the height of the wall.

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□ tip the balance 情勢を(優位に)変化させる = tip the scale
ex) Will the new voting laws tip the balance?
新しい 投票に関する法律は 情勢に変化をもたらすだろうか?
tip the balance /ˈtɪp/ : to change a situation so that one person, group, etc., is more able or likely to succeed
ex) Candidates are qualified, but her experience tips the scales in her favor.
ex) He prods our weak spots, hoping I’ll tip off balance and stumble in our performance.
彼は 私の弱点を突いて、私が 演技の最中に バランスを崩し、よろめくことを願っている
off balance /ˈbæləns/: not even, stable, or in correct proportions.
ex) The flexible wings on the new experimental aircraft tipped off balance.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,574
□ balancing act 綱渡り、(両立困難な状況で)バランスを取ること
ex) The government is performing a risky high-wire balancing act.
政府は 綱渡り的な バランス取りを 行なっている
balancing act /ˈbalənsiNG akt/: an action or activity that requires a delicate balance between different situations or requirements.
ex) It’s undoubtedly a hard balancing act.
ex) The balancing pole lowers the center of gravity of the tightrope walker.
バランスを取る ポールは 綱渡りをする人の 重心の中心を 下げる
tightrope walking /ˈtaɪtˌroʊp/: the skill of walking along a thin wire or rope
ex) The tightrope walker keeps its balance on its tip-toes while walking across the tightrope.

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Casual English Phrases – #826
□ lopsided バランスの取れていない、不均衡の
ex) The house has a lopsided porch.
その家のポーチ(屋根のある 玄関口)は 傾いている
lopsided /ˈlɑːpˌsaɪdəd/ : having one side that is lower or smaller than the other
ex) They won the game by a lopsided score of 25–3.

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Advanced English Expressions – #870
□ equilibrium 均衡、平衡
ex) Supply and demand were in equilibrium.
供給と需要の均衡が 取れていた
equilibrium /ˌiːkwəˈlɪbrijəm/ : a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other
ex) It took me several minutes to recover my equilibrium. [=composure]
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ex) Some school districts opt for a more balanced calendar and start dates creep toward early August.
いくつかの学区では よりバランスの取れた 学校スケジュールを 選択していて、(学期の開始が)8月初旬へと 繰り上げられている
more balanced /ˈbælənst/: being in a state of better balance
ex) Every morning she eats a balanced breakfast of toast, yogurt, and a glass of orange juice.
ex) When your work life and your personal life feel out of balance, stress is the result.
仕事と 私生活のバランスを 崩していると感じているとき、結果としてストレスが生じる
ex) If your work life and personal life are out of balance, your stress may be running high.
仕事と 私生活のバランスを 崩している時、ストレス度は 高まる
out of balance /ˈbæləns/: not well proportioned
ex) When you’re out of balance, it’s likely you’re experiencing something called role overload.